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Ko Je Ubio Metal?


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dosao sam na ideju za ovaj topik citajuci biljanin topik dole na pzd, gde je spomenut nekakav degenerik koji istovremeno slusa motorhead, metallicu, scorpionse i extreme... wtf? kako je to moguce?ovo je topik koji istrazuje sunovrat metala, momenat kada se sa 666 rock'n'rolla preslo na nasminkane pedercine koji pokusavaju da naloze trinaestogodisnjakinje, ukratko za kacenje metal djubreta.za pocetak:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xCChxBSRo1Yhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1UUYjd2rjsEhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UrIiLvg58SYhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NvR60Wg9R7Qhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GOJk0HW_hJw

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Žene su upropastile mjetal, eto ko. Što je Joko Ono za "Bitlse", to su žene za mjetal. Dopadao im se stajling mjetalaca, ali nisu mogle da svare muziku, pa su iskusni producenti osmislili hitove i za trebe.Sve je počelo, po mom mišljenju, još u doba hard roka, tada su počele da se pojavljuju te nepodnošljive kombinacije distorzije i plačnog zapomaganja uz koje se upaljači dižu u vis.

Kada je stvar dospela i u metal, već je bilo kasno.
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Znači, Milerame, kol'ko ti nemaš pojma, to nije normalno.Jedna od prvih metal ploča koje sam kupio:tnMetalMania.jpgProsto mešati klasike žanra poput Scorpionsa i Whitesnake sa Poisonom, pa mislim, brate...

Edited by Syme
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Scorpions su klasik žanra koji se može nazvati vomit-metal. ima i poznavalaca koji bi ga nazvali cuddly metal.

Edited by Marko M. Dabovic
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Dakle, da sumiram - ljubavno-ljigavi stihovi, balade, itd bile su deo metala još od njegovih Led Zepp Black Sabb početaka, a glam metal je sasvim lepo koegzistirao sa težim formama metal na zajedničkoj sceni. A bilo je i zanimljivih prelaza i preliva, recimo npr:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MMdu8uDaN_cRealno, sunovrat metala dolazi tek sa fakin nu-metalom.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RYnFIRc0k6E

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Ja i dalje tvrdim da su žene krive. Još kada sam počinjao da slušam metal, primetio sam da mnoge od njih imaju tendenciju da vole i objektivno dobre metal stvari (rana Metalika) i njanjave balade.

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Metal muzika treba da izazove osećaj oduševljenja, zanosa i moći, a ne da stimuliše nezdravi sentimentalizam. Onaj ko u metalu traži balade je kao žena kojoj je kupovina sladoleda vrhunac posete vojnom muzeju na otvorenom.

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Znači, Milerame, kol'ko ti nemaš pojma, to nije normalno.Jedna od prvih metal ploča koje sam kupio:tnMetalMania.jpgProsto mešati klasike žanra poput Scorpionsa i Whitesnake sa Poisonom, pa mislim, brate...
bog ti ocigledno nije dao ukus, ali oci jeste- stoga pogledaj pevaca scorpionsa sa gay sm koznom kapom, lezerno zabacenom losa plavi orkestar style. to nije i ne moze biti metal.
Dakle, da sumiram - ljubavno-ljigavi stihovi, balade, itd bile su deo metala još od njegovih Led Zepp Black Sabb početaka
sad jos da mi navedes po 1 ljigavu baladu od sabbatha i zeppelina i u pravu si.
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Scorpions su klasik žanra koji se može nazvati vomit-metal. ima i poznavalaca koji bi ga nazvali cuddly metal.
Ma, hau jes nou.
Scorpions Tribute VARIOUS ARTISTSNB_0424_1167839467_large.jpg?x=330&y=330Released on: 2000-10-16There's probably no Hardrock-band on this planet which is even so well-known outside of its genre than these guys from Hannover, Germany. It doesn't matter where you go, everybody knows them, THE SCORPIONS. Also, there's obviously no band which succeeded in dividing Hardrock- and Metalfans to such a big extent as Klaus Meine & Co did during the years. Either you like them or you hate them. But no one can forget about the fact how influential their work has been on the scene. Without any exaggeration you can say that the Scorpions made Hardrock and Heavy Metal big in the eighties. They made this sound accessible to an audience that was formerly specialized on the typical mainstream which is played day by day on the radio. If one makes itself the trouble to ask some Hardrock or Heavy Metal musician in the USA about their biggest influence, with a probability of 99%, you'll always get the same answer: "Hell yeah, it's THE SCORPIONS!" Can there be a larger acknowledgment for a band? Yes, of course. Especially when the big names of the recent Metal scene admit how they have been influenced by the Scorpions, and pay their respect with an excellent tribute album. Of course no band is so presumptuous to try to make their cover-version even better, that's why the artists more or less tried to capture the spirit of the original song. Anyway, it's not the aim of this compilation to gain profit from their creation, it's rather to show respect to the probably biggest Hardrock band of all times.Of course it has been hard to choose the most interesting songs out of the giant repertoire the Scorpions meanwhile own, but all the bands who are featured here did make a good choice between newer and older material. Check it out! Therefore, thumbs up for the Scorpions, 'cause they will always rock us like a hurricane! Track list 1 - Helloween-He's a woman, She's a man 2 - Sinergy-Rock you like a hurricane 3 - Paradox-Dynamite 4 - Sonata Arctica-Still loving you 5 - Stratovarius-Blackout 6 - Children Of Bodom-Don't stop at the top 7 - Agent Steel-Dark lady 8 - Steel Prophet-Top of the bill 9 - Prolopower-Dampflokführer 10 - Tankard-Coming home 11 - Disbelief-Coast to coast 12 - To/Die/For-Passion rules the game 13 - Breaker-Pictured life 14 - Therion-Polar nights 15 - Rough Silk-Is there anybody there 16 - Metalium-Another piece of meat 17 - Seven Witches-Alien nation 18 - Custard-Send me an angel 19 - S.O.D.-Rock you like a hurricane
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Mjetal je prs'o kad je postao popularan. Tad je postao kodifikovan, definisan, odredjen i jasan. Od tada je konzument mogao da ode u samoposlugu da kupi mjetal, kompletno sa pripadajućim outfit-om u vidu odeće, frizure i kodeksa ponašanja.Doduše, još se Dee Snider zgražavao nad Bon Jovi-em i sličnima: What's this? Happy metal?Tada je mjetal poželeo popularnost. Kada je ostvario želju, umro je.

Edited by Bujodrag
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bog ti ocigledno nije dao ukus, ali oci jeste- stoga pogledaj pevaca scorpionsa sa gay sm koznom kapom, lezerno zabacenom losa plavi orkestar style. to nije i ne moze biti metal.
Ma jok.600full-rob-halford.jpgA inače naravno da je ljigavština ugrađena u same temelje modernog metala. Koji je bio omiljeni bend svim, ali svim savremenim metal bendovima kad su bili mali?http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AXyzOEAJVB4
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