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Religious fundamentalists are more prejudiced because their faith demands that they hate.True or False?
zasto bas u tom smeru, a ne da su religiozni fundamentalisti zato sto su prejudiced?
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wow, ovo mi je najveci wtf do sada. postavili su ukupno sedam pitanja: jedno o tome da li su lezbigej seksualni odnosi ok, jedno o gej braku, jedno o tome da li ispitanici misle da su ispravno i pogresno jasne kategorije ili ima i nijansi sive izmedju, dva o politickim stavovima na relaciji liberal-conservative, i dva pitanja o religijskom fundamentalizmu. lezbigej pitanja i politicka pitanja su uprosecena, tako da imamo:- stav o lezbigejcima- stav o sivilu moralnih kategorija (closed-mindedness)- politicku ideologiju- stepen fundamentalizmawtf je bio sto im je denominacija bila jedan od indikatora fundamentalizma, i to bas onako kako pise ovde u odgovoru, bez nekog daljeg objasnjenja. iz uzorka, koji uglavnom cine katolici, protestanti i ateisti, pretpostavljam da su protestanti teski fundamentalisti, katolici blagi a ateisti nikakvi, ali ne pise nigde eksplicitno ni u clanku.pitanje koje se postavlja u clanku je sta od ovih merenih stvari (closed-mindedness, politicka ideologija ili stepen fundamentalizma) najbolje predvidja stav o lezbigejcima. odnosno, pitanje je da li stepen fundamentalizma ima primat nad ostatkom. u odgovoru ovde se spominju jos neke mere, njih nisam videla kad sam bacila pogled na clanak ali mozda nisam pogledala dovoljno temeljno.

Religious fundamentalists are more prejudiced because their faith demands that they hate.
FALSE!Let's tell you why!In fact, a study by Brandt and Reyna found that a religious fundamentalist participant's closed mindedness was the primary predictor of her prejudice towards lesbians and gays and towards people who violate his or her values in general. A closed-minded participant tends to be disinterested in and resistant to information or opinions that would challenge his already established views. Religious fundamentalism was measured by two questions asking about "the infallibility of religious scriptures" and about the participant's denomination. Denominations were coded as fundamentalist, moderate or liberal. As you might expect, there was a correlation between religious fundamentalism and closed-mindedness. Other related traits were also measured, such as a preference for predictability, discomfort with ambiguity, and decisiveness. Closed mindedness, however was the strongest, and in some cases only, predictor of prejudice. In other words, for a fundamentalist participant, other people are disliked as much for what they think as for what they do.Brandt, M. J., & Reyna, C. (2010). The role of prejudice and the need for closure in religious fundamentalism. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 36(5), 715-725.podvukla ja, dodatni wtf.tvrdnja dana:If one's religion claims that the world should have ended last night, instead of losing faith one might keep recruiting!True or False?prevod: Sta se desava sa verom clanova sekte koja veruje u apokalipsu, nakon sto se apokalipsa ne dogodi? Pojaca se!
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If one's religion claims that the world should have ended last night, instead of losing faith one might keep recruiting!
TRUE!apokalipsa_zpsb5bfe427.jpgfestinger je inace moj all-time favorite socijalni psiholog. imao je i elegantne ideje za laboratorijske eksperimente, i iskustvo u radu na terenu, i teorijsku kreativnost u uklapanju podataka u siru sliku. jedva se izvukao iz ove sekte nakon ove studije :D to su bili dani.nausprot tome, jedna (nagadjam) savremena tvrdnja dana:Americans tend to punish transgressors more than the Chinese.True or False?
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Americans tend to punish transgressors more than the Chinese.
FALSE! (ukoliko prihvatimo unekoliko izmenjeno znacenje reci 'more')kinezeri_zps26871501.jpgnemam komentar.umesto danasnje tvrdnje dana, jedan pravi dragulj: clanak u novom izdanju psych science!The Fluctuating Female Vote: Politics, Religion, and the Ovulatory Cycletvrdi da zene vodjene uticajem ovulacije vise glasaju za obamu ako su single (a postaju i manje religiozne!) a vise za romnija s verom u boga ako su udate. -_-i ja sam primetila da na svake dve nedelje menjam misljenje o tome ko je najbolji politicar (bota kad dobijem, toma kad ovuliram) a sad znam i zasto!
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