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tvrdnja dana


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za danas, tvrdnja dana gde ne znam sta da odgovorim:If one avoids a tedious task and another does not, then one may feel morally superior to that person.True or False?
phhh... onaj koji izbegava dosadan zadatak može se osećati moralno superiornim u odnosu na nekog drugog, ko taj isti zadatak ne izbegava?jest malo blesavo, al vuče da je tačno.edit. aaa, uletele vas dve dok sam ja mislila i pisala. idem sad gore da čitam šta je tačno.edit edita. bah, uopšte nisam razumela pitanje, tj ko je "one"...editovog edita edit. sad vidim da su i beti i gagorder na isti način shvatile pitanje. meni bilo logično da je tačno ono što sam pogrešno razumela (da onaj koji ima petlje-snage-volje da odbaci dosadan task i kaže ja to neću da radim jeste superioran u svojoj glavi), samo me bunilo to kakve veze ima sve to sa moralom... mislim da sam šampion na temi u davanju tačnih odgovora iz pogrešnih razloga... Edited by PointTaken
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a ovo drugo - u osnovi, ako nekome osporiš neki identitet, uvućiće rogove kao puž i odustati od njega? ako sam dobro razumela pitanje, onda true. mislim, kad te zajednica neće po nekom osnovu, teško je insistirati na tome da joj pripadaš.

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šta znam, ja nekako pošla od sebe :)
uh, ja pošla od nekih ex-yu primera, pa napravila analogiju. da sam pošla od sebe, stigla bih gde i ti u odgovoru...
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When faced with a challenge to their American identity, Asian Americans are less likely to report preferring and eating prototypically American foods (e.g. hamburgers, pizza).
FALSE!burger_zpsc74b4c48.jpg:nomnom:tvrdnja dana #nerazumempitanje:People are less tolerant of people who disagree with them on a moral issue mainly because the other person upsets or offends them.True or False?
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tvrdnja dana #nerazumempitanje:People are less tolerant of people who disagree with them on a moral issue mainly because the other person upsets or offends them.True or False?
ako tvrdnja kaže da ljudi pre izgube živce kad raspravljaju o nekim pitanjima morala uglavnom zato što se osete uznemirenima ili napadnutima (njihovi moralni nazori = oni), onda je true.inače, na TOEFL eseju davno imala trojku :D :D :D (na samom testu 633), dakle taman da razumem
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ako tvrdnja kaže da ljudi pre izgube živce kad raspravljaju o nekim pitanjima morala uglavnom zato što se osete uznemirenima ili napadnutima (njihovi moralni nazori = oni), onda je true.
ovo skroz ima smisla!
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Ni ja nisam siguran da sam razumeo. U principu - moralna pitanja su emotionally charged i zbog toga neslaganje povlači sa sobom i netoleranciju, na način na koji neslaganja u čisto teorijskim ili faktičkim pitanjima ne nose. Prosto je priroda moralnih stavova takva da sa sobom nosi osudu onih koji ih ne slede ili ne prihvataju. U tom smislu stvarno jesmo upset and offended moralnim neslaganjem. Ali ne znam da li je to zapravo smisao pitanja.

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tvrdnja dana #nerazumempitanje:People are less tolerant of people who disagree with them on a moral issue mainly because the other person upsets or offends them.True or False?
ako sam ljudski razumela sta se uopste pita, onda: true. zato sto im (people in question) je teze da sagledaju problem iz perspektive sagovornika (a sto je, po meni bar, neki minimum uslova za gajenje ikakve tolerancije). Edited by Patty Lee
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People are less tolerant of people who disagree with them on a moral issue mainly because the other person upsets or offends them.
FALSE!Let's tell you why!According to one study by Wright and colleagues, emotion is a secondary influence on the intolerance that people express when interacting with morelly divergent others. Feeling intensely emotional about a moral issue did predict intolerance, but the main predictor was a participant's belief that their moral stance was objectively correct; correct, in other words, for everyone. Tolerance was measured in three ways: anticipated willingness to interact with someone, biased allocation of funds in a resource sharing task, and physical distance and eye contact in a debate task. Emotion had no direct effect on these measures. Emotion only had an effect in combination with whether a particpant believed that his/her stance was objective or subjective. As you might expect, passion and a belief in one's objectivity predicted intolerance.Wright, J. C., Cullum, J., & Schwab, N. (2008). The cognitive and affective dimensions of moral conviction: Implications for attitudinal and behavioral measures of interpersonal tolerance. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 34(11), 1461-1476.tvrdnja dana:Religious fundamentalists are more prejudiced because their faith demands that they hate.True or False?
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