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People who believe that their government is unstable will be more likely to believe that God (or a nonhuman entity) controls the universe.True or False?
Zavisi naravno na koje "people" misle. Sudeci prema iskustvu, "people" su najverovatnije studenti njihovog koledza koje su uspeli da savataju po hodnicima.
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meni zvuci kao false. ako si verujuci, onda mislis da je i stabilna vlada od boga data, ne?da ne pominjem redneckove po amerikama.a zanimljivo mi ono dal ljudi traze autoritet il postoje oni koji su skepticni bas prema svemu. ja, recimo, verujem u nauku. ne kao u nesto sto je u kamen uklesano, ali kao u nesto sto najbolje opisuje svet. medjutim, imam koleginice koje su verujuce i ne veruju, recimo, u evoluciju, a koje imaju obicaj da mi kazu - ne mozes da verujes svemu sto ti naucnici kazu.

Edited by palchica
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zajebo me app opet :rolf:i to kauzalno-hidraulicki! mislim objasnjenje, koje daje.

People who believe that their government is unstable will be more likely to believe that God (or a nonhuman entity) controls the universe.
TRUE!Let's tell you why!Perhaps surprisingly, in a series of cross-cultural experiments, Kay and colleagues found that exposing participants to information that their government was unstable lead their participants to believe more strongly that God or a nonhuman entity exercised control over the universe. Exposing participants to information that indicated that the latest research demonstrated that God or a nonhuman entity could not be controlling the physical world lead participants to increase their support for their government.Kay, A. C., Shepherd, S., Blatz, C. W., Chua, S. N., & Galinsky, A. D. (2010). For God (or) country: The hydraulic relation between government instability and belief in religious sources of control. Journal of personality and social psychology, 99(5), 725-739.
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Sve je true, da vam ustedim vreme...

  • Students who are offered a reward for producing creative work are less likely to return to that work when no reward is offered
  • Artists tend to produce more creative work when they are not making commissioned work, as they are free from constraints and expectations
  • Presenting teachers with financial rewards for raising test scores had no corresponding result in teacher effectiveness

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mislim da se jedna bira nasumicno svaki dan iz pocetnog skupa od 365. starije reference mi se cine smislenije, mozda jer se neko opste teorijsko znacenje iskristalisalo do sada. a danasnjae pita da li su roditeljima pelene sopstvene dece podjednako gadne (offensive) kao tudje O:-)

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pelene sopstvene dece su manje gadne! ladno su dali mamama da mirisu govanca. ali, ali! sakrili su govanca u kantice tako da ne moze da dodje do vizuelne identifikacije! pa su probusili rupice na vrhu, i onda su majke njuskale i rangirale. istrazivaci nude dva objasnjenja: da su se majke navikle na miris pa im je zato manje gadno (razumno objasnjenje), ili da su mogle da detektuju srodnost ('relatedness') putem mirisa (wtf objasnjenje).Case, T. I., Repacholi, B. M., & Stevenson, R. J. (2006). My baby doesn't smell as bad as yours: The plasticity of disgust. Evolution and Human Behavior, 27(5), 357-365.

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Evo kacim ovde 1 tvrdnju dana da betty ne propusti (posto znam koliko je istrazivanja srece ispunjavaju srecom & veseljem). Dakle, istrazivaci su otkrili sta treba za srecu:three key ingredients for better wellbeing:

  1. a meaningful relationship
  2. an annual income of $100,000
  3. a rewarding hobby

Btw. tvrdnja br. 2 je da kucni ljubimci nisu od koristi za licnu srecu. This just made 1 kitten cry.5044117113_f8f3158032.jpg

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  • 3 months later...
igra se sastoji u sledecem: postavicu tvrdnju iz psihologije koja je tacna ili netacna, a onda mozemo da diskutujemo o tome sta je od ta dva.tvrdnje ne smisljam ja, nego imam app po imenu socialk, svaki dan dobijem novu, a iduceg dana mogu da vidim odgovor, kao i kratak opis nekih studija. ne mogu da obecam apdejtovanje svaki dan, ali nekoliko puta nedeljno svakako. kvalitet pitanja i odgovora me uglavnom frustrira, a ovo je dobro mesto za ispoljavanje frusta :Ddanasnja tvrdnja je:People who are well qualified and physically attractive are less likely to be hired for a job when the interviewer is of the same-sex as them rather than the opposite sex.true or false?
rekla bih pretežno.... istina Edited by gogilly
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Evo kacim ovde 1 tvrdnju dana da betty ne propusti (posto znam koliko je istrazivanja srece ispunjavaju srecom & veseljem). Dakle, istrazivaci su otkrili sta treba za srecu:three key ingredients for better wellbeing:
  1. a meaningful relationship
  2. an annual income of $100,000
  3. a rewarding hobby

Btw. tvrdnja br. 2 je da kucni ljubimci nisu od koristi za licnu srecu. This just made 1 kitten cry.5044117113_f8f3158032.jpg

ako radis za 100 iljada nemas vremena za hobi i vezu :(no, ja biram kintu i kucnog ljubimca.Sent from Bender's iPad using Tapatalk
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