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Poslednji film koji ste gledali Part II


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Hope Springs - Meril Strip bih mogla da gledam i kada bi samo stajala i zurila u jednu tacku. Zena ima neverovatnu harizmu i cak su i ove romanticne komedije sa njom mini remek dela. Film je uzasno simpatican.


I ja sinoć pogledao Argo, valjda je ok

Cloud-Atlas.jpegIznenadjujuce dobro, a imalo je sve preduslove za fijasko. Tezak za ekranizovanje, pretenciozan...

Probao da gledam ovo smeće od "7 dana u Havani" na FAFu. Izdržao do četvrtka i napustio salu.Juče pokušao "Iza brda" koji je već u prvih pola minuta nagovestio odličnost ali im je projektor otkazao u 31. sekundi. Idem još sutra na festival. Akoi tu bude sranja nek se nose svi. U paketu.

MV5BMTY1NDQ1MzkzNF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNjYwNzg1NA@@._V1._SY317_CR4,0,214,317_.jpgwell, bas dobar... tematika nije moj cup of tea i sad mi je drago sto nisam prvo procitala o cemu se radi jer ga u tom slucaju verovatno ne bih pogledala.moram da kopiram ovaj komentar, yoyogiju sa dusu :P :

The Japanese society is really insane. I knew this long before I saw this movie. The way the young people dress, act, live their lives in a virtual world 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in the front of their computers, the multitude of suicides for a stupid job, the sexy young Japanese girls filming themselves while they are killing little animals and then selling the videos to sick adults and so on. But this film showed me there is much more than I've ever imagined. How can we expect a normal society when we are producing movies like this? The writer, the director and everyone who is involved in this movie are contributing to the sickness of their society. They are opening the doors for more crimes to happen. I don't see art in this movie, just need for attention as the main character of the movie. What can we expect to learn from teachers who respond to violence with more violence, who have no psychology at all, who involve so much in the life of their students? Everybody there was a victim of somebody else who also was a victim and so on (like in the real life) but nobody did anything to stop this to happen (fortunately, not like in the real life), neither the teachers, nor the mothers. No lesson is learned, no meaning is find, just sickness from the start to the end of this awful movie. I recommend not seeing this, even if you are a stable, normal person and I am really scared of the huge amount of positive comments, the prizes and the ratings this movie achieved. The illness is spreading very fast all around the world. It stays in our hands to stop it.

Liz & Dick - ko da su ga snimala deca kao projekat u okviru filmske sekcije... Grozota od filma, pokenjali su se po licnostima i romansi dvoje tako velikih glumaca...
9_Rota_40194.jpg9 ротаОдушевљн сам филмом. Замало сам заплакао на крају...

tu igra onaj slatkis Chadov (Kostya vampir iz Nocniy Dozor)? znaci vredi pogledati?

MV5BMTY1NDQ1MzkzNF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNjYwNzg1NA@@._V1._SY317_CR4,0,214,317_.jpgwell, bas dobar... tematika nije moj cup of tea i sad mi je drago sto nisam prvo procitala o cemu se radi jer ga u tom slucaju verovatno ne bih pogledala.moram da kopiram ovaj komentar, yoyogiju sa dusu :P :

The Japanese society is really insane. I knew this long before I saw this movie. The way the young people dress, act, live their lives in a virtual world 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in the front of their computers, the multitude of suicides for a stupid job, the sexy young Japanese girls filming themselves while they are killing little animals and then selling the videos to sick adults and so on. But this film showed me there is much more than I've ever imagined. How can we expect a normal society when we are producing movies like this? The writer, the director and everyone who is involved in this movie are contributing to the sickness of their society. They are opening the doors for more crimes to happen. I don't see art in this movie, just need for attention as the main character of the movie. What can we expect to learn from teachers who respond to violence with more violence, who have no psychology at all, who involve so much in the life of their students? Everybody there was a victim of somebody else who also was a victim and so on (like in the real life) but nobody did anything to stop this to happen (fortunately, not like in the real life), neither the teachers, nor the mothers. No lesson is learned, no meaning is find, just sickness from the start to the end of this awful movie. I recommend not seeing this, even if you are a stable, normal person and I am really scared of the huge amount of positive comments, the prizes and the ratings this movie achieved. The illness is spreading very fast all around the world. It stays in our hands to stop it.

Koji je ovo film? Ne vidi se slika.
Koji je ovo film? Ne vidi se slika.
stvarno? ja vidim sliku :huh:ovaj Confessions (2010) Kokuhaku (original title)
Posted (edited)

Odgledah Killer Joe. Wtf? Želeo sam da mi se svidi, obožavam Fridkina, čak mi je i Bug bio okej, ali ovo je haos. Uopšte ne znam kako da priđem filmu. Čemu on služi, šta znači i zašto je snimljen? Stvarno ne razumem šta se drugima svidelo (osim Mekonahijeve glume, koja jeste super). Krajnje besmislen film.

Edited by Syme
stvarno? ja vidim sliku :huh:ovaj Confessions (2010) Kokuhaku (original title)
Gledao sam ga pre par meseci, sjajan je! Uzivam u ovim japanskim/korejskim bolesnim osvetama, mogao bih to stalno da gledam.
Gledao sam ga pre par meseci, sjajan je! Uzivam u ovim japanskim/korejskim bolesnim osvetama, mogao bih to stalno da gledam.
+1I svaki jap/kor revenge film je na neki način specifičan, pa tako i Confessions.Carnagehttp://www.imdb.com/title/tt1692486/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1Džodi Foster nestvarno iritantna.
Posted (edited)
9_Rota_40194.jpg9 ротаОдушевљн сам филмом. Замало сам заплакао на крају...
+1ko ne pusti suzu taj je robot. Edited by Takanohana

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