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1 hour ago, borris_ said:

A koliko kosta to osiguranje godisnje? Vjerujem da firma placa najveci dio.

Moja firma ima dva razlicita osiguranje u ponudi, a ovo koje je imam kosta oko $900 mjesecno, a ja placam 1/4 od toga. To je za cijelu familiju, dok su opcije za individualne polise nesto nize. Poredjenja radi, osiguranje na auto je ~$70 a za kucu ~$100 mjesecno. Moj limit za tzv. "out of pocket" troskove je negdje oko $5k godisnje na nivou familije, ako se dobro sjecam.

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Zavisi od firme, meni je godišnji maksimum za celu porodicu oko $6k, ali ne plaćam ništa mesečno... Plus se tih 6k pokriva iz Health Savings Account štednje, koja je oslobođena poreza, pa je to efektivno svega oko $4k para manje u džepu.

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Republikanci se raspadaju po savovima...


Paul Ryan to enter GOP's civil war by criticizing Trump's hold on party



Washington (CNN)Former House Speaker Paul Ryan is set to criticize former President Donald Trump and his hold on the Republican Party during a speech Thursday night, according to excerpts obtained by CNN.


Ryan, a critic of the former President in the past, is expected to say at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, California, that Republicans must move away from the "populist appeal of one personality" because "then we're not going anywhere."


Rajan ima i lepih reci za predsednika Bajdena:



"In 2020, the country wanted a nice guy who would move to the center and depolarize our politics. Instead, we got a nice guy pursuing an agenda more leftist than any president in my lifetime. These policies might have the full approval of his progressive supporters, but they break faith with the middle-of-the-road folks who made the difference for him on Election Day," he is expected to say.




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A gle onu mukicu sto hoce da izgine ispod znaka... Slabi zivci nesto :D


 A i pun stadion vidim :inn:

Oce to kad se kleci... 



Edited by mustang
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Imali smo u martu raspravu na temu TX napajanja strujom,  a sad izlaze novi detalji:


Ercot engineers said they think they could have gotten emergency generators running at all or most sites, but the close call exposed vulnerabilities in a vital resource.

Extreme weather isn’t the only threat to the system. Some energy companies said they have little incentive to offer black start services to grid operators because it isn’t a major source of revenue. Black start units, although they often are tiny, are required by federal regulators to meet the same cybersecurity and physical-security requirements as big plants.

“We’d love to offer more to the markets,” said Neal Simmons, president and CEO of Eagle Creek Renewable Energy, which owns 86 hydropower facilities in 18 states. But he said his company is down to just one black start facility, and it questions whether even that makes financial sense.

He said the Lake Lynn power station in West Virginia, which furnishes black start service to PJM Interconnection LLC, a big grid operator in the mid-Atlantic and Midwestern regions, earns roughly $51,000 a year in payments for its capabilities but spends about $65,000 a year on regulatory compliance



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Senate Republicans block January 6 commission



Blokirana istraga ocigledng pokusaja drzavnog udara u kome je oginulo 5 ljudi i nikom nista? Falilo 10 senatoa iz GOP da se izglasa ali ono medjutim.


Moze li Biden da naredi istragu nekim dekretom? I ako se sprovede istraga i nadju su neki/mnogi iz GOP-a kao kospiratori, da li postoje neki mehanizmi da se ti ljudi na neki nacin sankcionisu?


Djeluje kao da GOP, iako sada u manjini (kakvoj-takvoj) i dalje ima sve poluge moci kao da su u vecini i da rade sta im volja. Od voter suppression do zabrane abortusa, napeti da Ameriku vrate makar 50 godina nazad.

Edited by catfish
slova, typos, nepismenost
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11 hours ago, Peter Fan said:

Imali smo u martu raspravu na temu TX napajanja strujom,  a sad izlaze novi detalji:


Ercot engineers said they think they could have gotten emergency generators running at all or most sites, but the close call exposed vulnerabilities in a vital resource.

Extreme weather isn’t the only threat to the system. Some energy companies said they have little incentive to offer black start services to grid operators because it isn’t a major source of revenue. Black start units, although they often are tiny, are required by federal regulators to meet the same cybersecurity and physical-security requirements as big plants.

“We’d love to offer more to the markets,” said Neal Simmons, president and CEO of Eagle Creek Renewable Energy, which owns 86 hydropower facilities in 18 states. But he said his company is down to just one black start facility, and it questions whether even that makes financial sense.

He said the Lake Lynn power station in West Virginia, which furnishes black start service to PJM Interconnection LLC, a big grid operator in the mid-Atlantic and Midwestern regions, earns roughly $51,000 a year in payments for its capabilities but spends about $65,000 a year on regulatory compliance




Dakle kriva regulacija, a ne deregulacija, imali su black start jedinice, ali se jbg slabo placa.

Preko onih smrznutih i poharanih dzepova zbog spot cena usled havarija, ako mogu da iskukaju cene.


Regulisane operacije postoje za to da se ogranici piratsko ponasanje (prirodnih) monopolista kod isporuke esencijalnih usluga. Cene (regulisane) pokrivaju odrzavanje i regulisani profit. 

Good luck with that!

jbo wsj


Edited by Moonwalker
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BLM Marxisti


"Last month the New York Post reported that Ms Cullors - a self-described Marxist - had bought a $1.4m luxury home in Topanga Canyon, near Malibu, and owned three other homes, including a custom ranch in Georgia."


Definitivno sam prelomio, prelazim u tabor Marxista a ako treba i Lenjinista. Fata je Fata al dva put je dvaput četiri nekretnine su četiri nekretnine.

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I ono sto je dodatno problematicno


Facebook banned users from sharing the story, citing privacy concerns, and a black journalist said he was locked out of his Twitter account after he posted the article.

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