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ubili govnari movie2k. samo što se još ne zna da li privremeno ili skroz

Movie2K Disappears Without WarningMovie2K, one of the world’s most popular movie streaming portals, disappeared without trace this afternoon.Following action by the Motion Picture Association, earlier this month the UK High Court ordered local ISPs to block subscriber access to Movie2K.The censorship effort was quickly circumvented, with existing Pirate Bay proxy services stepping up to unblock the site.Earlier today, however, all Movie2K proxy services broke down when the Movie2K site itself disappeared from the Internet without warning.For a while the site began redirecting to Google but now fails to respond in any way.TorrentFreak contacted the site’s operators hours ago but we have yet to hear back, which is unusual since they are normally quite responsive.Twitter is alive with rumors that the site has been shut down in a raid, but at this stage there are no credible sources for those claims.As soon as we hear anything more we’ll post an update here or if the situation is more serious, on our main page in the hours to come.
od juče popodne radi redirect na google. Edited by Joshua
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“How Should Artists Get Paid?” Isn’t a Question, it’s an InsultRick FalkvingeAugust 18, 2013Throughout the debate on sharing culture and knowledge in violation of the copyright monopoly, one question keeps popping up. But it’s not a question as much as an insult to all artists.We’ve all heard the objection to sharing culture and knowledge many times – “How will the artists get paid, if you manufacture copies of their creations without paying them?”This question is delusional on so many levels I’ve lost count.First, artists that are copied do get paid, only not by a per-copy sale but in other ways. I encourage copying of my leadership handbook Swarmwise, for example, because I know the book promotes other avenues of income. The average income for musicians has risen 114% since people started sharing culture online on a large-scale, according to a Norwegian study. Other studies agree with this observation.Second, even if they didn’t get paid, people who share still don’t carry any kind of responsibility for the business models of other entrepreneurs. Because that’s what artists are once they go plinking their guitar in a kitchen looking for sales: entrepreneurs. Same rules apply to those entrepreneurs as to every other entrepreneur on the planet: nobody owes an entrepreneur a sale, you have to offer something which somebody else wants to buy. Wants. To. Buy. No excuses, nothing deserved, just business.Third, we don’t live in a planned economy. Nobody is held accountable to the question of where somebody’s next paycheck is going to come from except that very person. In Soviet Russia, you could tell Vladimir Sklyarov that his guitar plinking was highly artistic (meaning nobody liked it) and that his next paycheck would therefore come from the Bureau of Incomprehensible Arts. But we don’t live in a planned economy, we live in a market economy. Everybody is responsible for their own paycheck – of finding a way to make money by providing value that somebody else wants to pay for. Wants. To. Pay. For. No excuses, nothing deserved.Fourth, even if this set of entrepreneurs magically deserved money despite not making any sales, control of what people share between them can still not be achieved without dismantling the secrecy of correspondence, monitoring every word communicated – and fundamental liberties always go before anybody’s profits. We never determined what civil liberties we have based on who can profit and who can’t.But let’s go to the root of the question. It’s not a question, it’s an insult. One that has stuck around for as long as artistry itself, for it implies that artists need or even deserve to get paid. No artist thinks in these terms. The ones who do are the parasitic business people middlemen that you find defending the copyright monopoly and then robbing artists and their fans dry, laughing all the way to the bank while exploiting a legal monopoly system ruthlessly: the copyright monopoly.Meanwhile, among artists, there is one insult that has remained consistent throughout artistry in history. An insult between artists that rips somebody’s artistry apart, that tells somebody they’re not even worthy of calling themselves an artist. That insult is “You’re in it for the money”.“How shall the artists get paid?”, implying artists won’t play or create otherwise, that they’re doing it for the money, is a very serious insult.There’s a reason “sellout” is a sharply negative word in artistry. The large majority of artists aren’t happy at all when you’re asking them if they’re playing to make money; it’s a grave insult. The frequently heard notion that you don’t create culture if you’re not paid for it comes from those who exploit artists, and never from artists themselves.After all, we create not because we can make money off it as individuals, but because of who we are – how we are wired. We have created since we learned to put red paint on the inside of cave walls. We are cultural animals. Culture has always been part of our civilization, rewarded or not.If an artist wants to sell their goods or services and become an entrepreneur, I wish them all the luck and success in the world. But business is business, and there is nothing that entitles an entrepreneur to sales.http://torrentfreak.com/how-shall-the-artists-get-paid-isnt-a-question-its-an-insult-130818/

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Ovaj članak potpuno pogrešno postavlja stvari. Kao da su umetnici nekakvi (potencijalni) krivci, a ne muzička i druga izdavačka industrija koja se skoro uopste ne pominje.

Edited by MancMellow
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IRON MAIDEN BASNOSLOVNO ZARAĐUJU OD PIRATA Umjesto da proganjaju tinejdžere, napravili uslugu i sebi i njimaČini se da se muzička industrija prestala ljutiti na pirate i počela ih koristiti da bi zarađivali više novaca nego ikada prije. Najbolji primjer toga je popularni sastav Iron Maiden koji je ovaj tjedan otkrio da su godinama prikupljali podatke o ljudima koji piratiziraju njihovu muziku.Umjesto da potroše ogromne količine novaca i vremena na odvjetnike koji proganjaju tinejdžere po cijelom svijetu, odlučili su ih doći posjetiti osobno.Naime, koristeći analitiku kompanije Musicmetric, Iron Maiden je pronašao mjesta na kojima se njihova muzika najviše krade. Koristeći te podatke, isplanirali su cijelu turneju. Musicmetric koristi društvene medije, promet preko javnog BitTorrent protokola i podatke sa piratskih websiteova kako bi stvorio mapu koja će pokazati gdje se najviše krade. Maideni su zaključili da ako netko uloži trud da poskida cijeli repertoar jednog benda, da to vjerojatno znači da uživa u toj muzici i da bi platio da ih čuje uživo.Ispalo je da su u pravu. Maideni su otkrili kako im je baza online fanova narasla za više od tri milijuna ljudi otkako su počeli s ovom taktikom, a koncerti na turneji su svi redom bili masovno rasprodani. Samo u Brazilu, gdje ih najviše piratiziraju, su zaradili preko dva milijuna dolara po koncertu.
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Zapanjujuce je koliko je mentalnog napora iziskivalo da menadzeri bendova shvate nesto sto vec 10+ godina zna i najtuplji i najznojaviji mjetalac: da ljudi vise ne placaju za studijski snimak, vec za dodatne sadrzaje koji se ne mogu piratovati.

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ima li neko ideju kojim trikovima ovo da downloadujem? Imam Mozillu Firefox, skinuo sam dva adds-ina ('ant' & 'FVD') uredno sljakaju za YouTube ali za ovaj stream ni pod razno

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