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Roger Sanchez

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As Mr. Holbrooke was sedated for surgery, family members said, his final words were to his Pakistani surgeon: "You've got to stop this war in Afghanistan."
Evo suza mi je krenula... :(
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moment of zen :lolol:http://www.thedailyshow.com/watch/wed-december-15-2010/moment-of-zen---the-pope-watches-male-acrobats-perform

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Оу, јеа...

WASHINGTON (AP) — The CIA agreed to cover at least $5 million in legal fees for two contractors who were the architects of the agency's interrogation program and personally conducted dozens of waterboarding sessions on terror detainees, former U.S. officials said.The secret agreement means taxpayers are paying to defend the men in a federal investigation over an interrogation tactic the U.S. now says is torture. The deal is even more generous than the protections the agency typically provides its own officers, giving the two men access to more money to finance their defense.It has long been known that psychologists Jim Mitchell and Bruce Jessen created the CIA's interrogation program. But former U.S. intelligence officials said Mitchell and Jessen also repeatedly subjected terror suspects inside CIA-run secret prisons to waterboarding, a simulated drowning tactic.The revelation of the contractors' involvement is the first known confirmation of any individuals who conducted waterboarding at the so-called black sites, underscoring just how much the agency relied on outside help in its most sensitive interrogations.Normally, CIA officers buy insurance to cover possible legal bills. It costs about $300 a year for $1 million in coverage. Today, the CIA pays the premiums for most officers, but at the height of the war on terrorism, officers had to pay half.The Mitchell and Jessen arrangement, known as an "indemnity promise," was structured differently. Unlike CIA officers, whose identities are classified, Mitchell and Jessen were public citizens who received some of the earliest scrutiny by reporters and lawmakers. The two wanted more protection.The agency agreed to pay the legal bills for the psychologists' firm, Mitchell, Jessen & Associates, directly from CIA accounts, according to several interviews with the former officials, who insisted on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the matter.The company has been embroiled in at least two high-profile Justice Department investigations, tapping the CIA to pay its legal bills. Neither Jamie Gorelick, who originally represented the company, nor Henry Schuelke, the current lawyer, returned messages seeking comment. Mitchell and Jessen also didn't return calls for comment.The CIA would not comment on any indemnity agreement."It's been nearly eight years since waterboarding — an interrogation method used on three detainees — was last used as part of a terrorist detention program that no longer exists," CIA spokesman George Little said.After the terrorism attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, Mitchell and Jessen sold the government on an interrogation program for high-value al-Qaida members. The two psychologists had spent years training military officials to resist interrogations and, in doing so, had subjected U.S. troops to techniques such as forced nudity, painful stress positions, sleep deprivation and waterboarding.But those interrogations had always been training sessions at the military's school known as SERE — Survival, Evasion, Resistance, Escape. They had never conducted any actual interrogations.That changed in 2002 with the capture of suspected al-Qaida facilitator Abu Zubaydah (ah-BOO' zoo-BY'-dah). The agency believed tougher-than-usual tactics were necessary to squeeze information from him, so Mitchell and Jessen flew to a secret CIA prison in Thailand to oversee Zubaydah's interrogation.The pair waterboarded Zubaydah 83 times, according to previously released records and former intelligence officials. Mitchell and Jessen did the bulk of the work, claiming they were the only ones who knew how to apply the techniques properly, the former officials said.The waterboarding technique involved "binding the detainee to a bench with his feet elevated above his head," formerly top-secret documents explain. "The detainee's head is immobilized and an interrogator places a cloth over the detainee's mouth and nose while pouring water onto the cloth in a controlled manner."The documents add that "airflow is restricted for 20 to 40 seconds and the technique produces the sensation of drowning and suffocation." The session was not supposed to last more than 20 minutes.The psychologists also waterboarded USS Cole bombing plotter Abd al-Nashiri (ahbd al-nuh-SHEE'-ree) twice in Thailand, according to former intelligence officials.The role of Mitchell and Jessen in the interrogation of confessed Sept. 11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed is a bit murkier.At least one other interrogator was involved in those sessions, with the company providing support, a former official said. Mohammed was waterboarded 183 times in Poland in 2003, according to documents and former intelligence officials.

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istrazivanje o gledalastvu papa bera i drugara ima i pdf da se skine, ali ukratko, sta misle gledaoci foxa
91 percent believed the stimulus legislation lost jobs;72 percent believed the health reform law will increase the deficit;72 percent believed the economy is getting worse;60 percent believed climate change is not occurring;49 percent believed income taxes have gone up;63 percent believed the stimulus legislation did not include any tax cuts;56 percent believed Obama initiated the GM/Chrysler bailout;38 percent believed that most Republicans opposed TARP;63 percent believed Obama was not born in the U.S. (or that it is unclear).
ah, da, zaboravih da, u duhu istrazivackog novinarstva, dam i drugoj strani rec. i to kakvu, u duhu krste bjelica i tanje lenard.
Asked for comment on the study, Fox News seemingly dismissed the findings. In a statement, Michael Clemente, who is the senior vice president of news editorial for the network, said: “The latest Princeton Review ranked the University of Maryland among the top schools for having ‘Students Who Study The Least’ and being the ‘Best Party School’ – given these fine academic distinctions, we’ll regard the study with the same level of veracity it was ‘researched’ with.”Mr. Clemente oversees every hour of objective news programming on Fox News, which is by far the nation’s most popular cable news channel.
Edited by luba
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ovo bi sad trebalo da ide kao po bajatom loju, valjda.

The US Senate on Saturday backed President Barack Obama's drive to let gays serve openly in the US military for the first time in history, clearing the last major congressional obstacle to the policy. Lawmakers voted 63-33 to end debate on legislation to repeal the "Don't Ask Don't Tell" policy of 1993 that requires gay troops to keep quiet about their sexual orientation or face dismissal, setting up final passage this weekend. That vote, expected Saturday or Sunday, was essentially a formality after six Republicans sided with all but one of Obama's Democratic allies in the make-or-break procedural test.
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DADT repeal, The DREAM Act, i 9/11 First Responders Relief su 3 zakona koji je stoka blokirala dok nisu top 2% dobili tax cut. Sad ce valjda da to prodje, naravno oni ce da kenjaju da su ih zbrzali i "sabili im to u grlo", ali jebi ga tako je i prosao i 1 Patriot Act. Sem toga sva 3 zakona su u opticaju vec duze vreme, (neki cak i vise godina), ko ih nije procitao ko ga jebe.

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Dream act je blokiran u senatu.

WASHINGTON (AP) — Senate Republicans have blocked a bill to grant hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants brought to the United States as children a chance to gain legal status if they enroll in college or join the military.Sponsors of what they call the Dream Act needed 60 Senate votes for it, but fell five short. The House passed the bill last week. It was a last-ditch effort to enact it before it Republicans take control of the House from Democrats in January.Immigrant advocates viewed the measure as a step toward providing a path to legal status for up to 12 million illegal immigrants by focusing on the most sympathetic among them first. Critics called it a back-door grant of amnesty that would encourage more illegal immigration.
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Meni je svake godine u proseku sve hladnije :cry:
Zivot je pun paradoksa.

Tako led na granama vocki moze da spase pupoljke od smrzavanja.2775236.jpg

Ne skroz bez veze, ovaj rad kaze da smanjena povrsina Arktika pod ledom moze dovesti do ostrijih zima na Sev. hemisferi. Odnos globalnog klimata i vremenskih uslova u odredjenom podrucju nije uopste direktan (niti se prvim moze uspesno objasnjavati/predvidjati drugo... frogs, grandmothers, meso, kupus, sarma, etc.)

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Ma, jasno je da efekat zagrevanja dovodi do reakcije i promena klime u kombinaciji sa oštrim zimama tamo gde ih nije bilo, i da mikro i makro klima nisu u direktnoj vezi tog tipa. Ali bilo je jače od mene da se oglasim povodom teme :D

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