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spiegel online:US-Amerikaner landet mit Pumpgun im Gep?ckEin Koffer voller Waffen: Ein US-B?rger ist ausger?stet mit Pumpgun, Revolvern und Kampfmessern auf dem D?sseldorfer Flughafen angekommen - und wurde prompt festgehalten. Dabei wollte der Amerikaner nur zu seiner Liebsten.Mit einem Koffer mit scharfen Waffen hat sich ein 38-j?hriger Amerikaner auf den Weg nach Europa gemacht. Das Gep?ckst?ck wurde beim Umladen auf dem Flughafen D?sseldorf entdeckt, wie die Bundespolizei am Freitag berichtete. Es enthielt eine Pumpgun vom Kaliber 12, einen schweren Revolver vom Kaliber 357 Magnum, eine Smith Wesson "Long Rifle" und ein Kampfmesser. So bewaffnet wollte der Amerikaner zu seiner Liebsten nach Z?rich weiterreisen. In seiner Vernehmung gab der Reisende an, dass er in die Schweiz umsiedeln wolle. Seine Frau habe sich wegen des Waffentransportes in der Schweiz erkundigt. Dabei sei ihr mitgeteilt worden, dass keine besonderen Formalit?ten notwendig seien. Auch in den USA habe es keine Probleme gegeben. :lol: :o

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The reptile has not been found.Drago mi je da ne zivim u Melburnu. :huh:
Ti si naivan krajnje... :lol: Pa u Sidneju je jos gore. Obrati paznju kad idesh na South Head i to - tamo imas endemske - SydneySandStone - jedna od top 10.
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Ti si naivan krajnje... :lol: Pa u Sidneju je jos gore. Obrati paznju kad idesh na South Head i to - tamo imas endemske - SydneySandStone - jedna od top 10.
Ne znam prikane, ovde sam ima godinu dana, video sam od zivotinja samo jako mnogo ptica, pacove, dzinovske bubasvabe, dosadne muve koje ne odustaju, pauke i slepe miseve u Botanical garden blizu opere. Kengure i koale jos nisam video jer je najdalje sto sam isao Hunter valley na severu i Bundanoon i Wolongong na jugu. Protivnik sam zoo vrtova tako da to otpada. Nema pasa ni macaka na ulici, ili ih ne izbacuju ili su sinteri revnosni.Posto se ne krecem priobaljem mnogo niti zalazim u ruralne krajeve mislim da je ipak verovatnoca susreta sa zmijom samo na teoretskom nivou.
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  • 3 weeks later...

USA warnen vor Reisen nach Garmisch-PartenkirchenVon Barbara Hans (der Spiegel)Der Appell des US-Konsulats ist eindringlich: US-Bürger sollen Garmisch-Partenkirchen an diesem Wochenende meiden - im Interesse ihrer eigenen Sicherheit. Hintergrund der Warnung ist eine Schlägerei vor einer Kneipe, bei der böse Worte gefallen waren. Deutsche Behörden sind verärgert. :Hail:

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  • 2 weeks later...
Energy efficiency tips by Peter Garrett, Minister for Environment, Heritage and the Arts, inace dobitnik ordena French Order of Arts and Letters...A kome to ne bude dovoljno neka se pripremi za nucular, jer nam ministar brine i o tome: THE approval of a new uranium mine in South Australia proves Environment Minister Peter Garrett is a phoney, federal Opposition Leader Malcolm Turnbull says.Mr Garrett gave the go-ahead for the Four Mile Mine, 550km north of Adelaide. As the lead singer of rock band Midnight Oil, Mr Garrett railed against the uranium industry. A da se zna da je stvar u "sigurnim rukama":THE new uranium mine approved by Environment Minister Peter Garrett will be owned by a subsidiary of one of the world's biggest arms dealers.A colourful but reclusive billionaire named James Neal Blue, who helped devise the Predator unmanned aircraft being used in the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, is a director of Quasar Resources, the company that will control the Four Mile mine.Quasar Resources is an affiliate of General Atomics, a US weapons and nuclear energy corporation that is chaired by Mr Blue, and reportedly holds $US700 million ($A877 million) in Pentagon contracts. Mr Blue first came to prominence during the 1980s as a self-described "enthusiastic supporter" of US involvement in a covert war against the left-wing government in Nicaragua.So much so od tipa koji je "widely known as a passionate advocate and campaigner on a range of contemporary Australian and global issues, he was the former president Australian Conservation Foundation, an activist, and former member of Australian band Midnight Oil".
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Facebook Violates Canadian Privacy Law

Jim Bronskill, The Canadian Press OTTAWA - Canada's privacy watchdog says Internet phenomenon Facebook breaches the law by keeping users' personal information indefinitely - even after members close their accounts. Privacy Commissioner Jennifer Stoddart says the popular social networking site should hang on to the data only for as long as truly necessary. In a report Thursday, Stoddart also raised concerns about the sharing of users' personal information with the almost one million third-party developers around the globe who create Facebook applications such as games and quizzes. She urged the site to remedy the privacy shortfalls, raising the possibility of legal action if it doesn't comply. Facebook, which has nearly 12 million Canadian users, allows people to keep in touch with friends and family by updating their personal pages with fresh messages and photos. "Canadians live more and more in a virtual world," Stoddart said at a news conference. "It brings many advantages." Her investigation found that although Facebook provides information about its privacy practices, it is often confusing or incomplete. "It's clear that privacy issues are top of mind for Facebook, and yet we found serious privacy gaps in the way the site operates." For example, the "account settings" page describes how to deactivate accounts but not how to delete them, which actually removes personal data from Facebook's computer servers. Stoddart wants Facebook to wipe the information in deactivated accounts after a reasonable length of time. Facebook agreed to add information about account deletion to its privacy policy, but refused to come up with a policy on retention of old accounts. Facebook lacks proper safeguards to prevent independent developers of games and other applications from seeing users' profile information, along with details about their online "friends," the investigation found. The report recommends technological measures to ensure developers have access only to the user information actually required to run a specific application. It also says Facebook should prevent disclosure of personal information of any of the user's friends who are not themselves signing up for the application, unless they consent. Facebook hasn't agreed to the recommendations on third-party access. However, Facebook agreed to more fully explain the advertising used to generate revenue and to inform members that their profile information is used to decide which ads to feature. In general, Stoddart calls for more transparency to ensure the site's Canadian users have knowledge they need to make meaningful decisions about how widely they share personal information. The privacy commissioner will review Facebook's actions after 30 days to gauge progress. She can take the case to the Federal Court of Canada to have her recommendations enforced. "It's discretionary. We're very hopeful that things can be solved," she said. "But we can go to Federal Court on a variety of things." She launched the probe in response to a complaint last year from the Canadian Internet Policy and Public Interest Clinic. The clinic, based at the University of Ottawa's law faculty, alleged numerous violations by Facebook. Stoddart found four of 12 aspects of the complaint were well-founded. Four were well-founded but resolved after Facebook agreed to make changes. The final four issues were dismissed.

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nakon samo dva meseca od prethodnog slucaja, osoblje u Royal Victoria bolnici u Montrealu je uspelo da zanemari jos jednu trudnicu. zena pod kontrakcijama u 15 nedelji trudnoce je ostavljena samo sa svojim muzem u bolnickoj sobi gde je rodila mrtav fetus. royal2nd.jpg

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