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Large Hadron Collider


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večeras je ponovo počelo sa cirkulisanjem snopova čestica u LHC-iju!detektori ATLAS i CMS su up and running!nadamo se uskoro i prvim sudaranjima, ako sve bude teklo po planu :) .malo slikica veselih LHC-ijevaca ovde

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Jupi!Evo, i domaća štampa prenosi tu vest:

Posle godinu dana osbosobljena najveća mašina na svetuLHC ponovo radiAutor: Beta | Foto:AP | 21.11.2009. - 18:51Naučnici u Evropskom centru za nuklearna istraživanja (CERN) u Švajcarskoj uspeli su da potpuno osposobe najveći akcelerator subatomskih čestica na svetu, Veliki hadronski sudarač (LHC), čiji je rad obustavljen zbog kvara u septembru 2008."Snop čestica od kasno sinoć ponovo se kreće hadronskim sudaračem u pravcu kazaljke na satu, što je važna etapa na putu ka značajnim eksperimentima koji se očekuju 2010. godine", saopštio je CERN.Snop čestica aktiviran je u hadronskom sudaraču 10. septembra 2008,ali je svega devet dana kasnije uredjaj ozbiljno oštećen prilikom kvara na jednom električnom spoju i naučnicima je bilo potrebno više od godinu dana da ga osposobe."LHC je sada mašina koju mnogo bolje razumemo nego pre godinu dana.Učili smo na našem iskustvu i stvorili tehnologiju koja će nam omogućiti da napredujemo. Tako se stvara progres", izjavio je direktor CERN-a za akceleratore Stiv Majers.Ponovno stavljanje uredjaja u pogon počelo je prošlog leta i od tada su neprestano pravljeni pomaci. LHC je radnu temperaturu od minus 271stepena dostigao 8. oktobra, a čestice su ubrizgane 23. oktobra, ali tada nisu pokrenute da cirkulišu.Sledeći veliki pomak trebalo bi da bude za oko nedelju dana, kada seplanira izvodjenje nisko-energetskih sudara čestica, što će naučnicima pružiti važne podatke za kalibraciju LHC za buduće eksperimente.LHC je smešten u ogromnom kružnom podzemnom tunelu, obima 27kilometara i u njemu se nalaze superprovodljivi magneti koji bi, kakose nadaju naučnici, trebalo da stvore uslove kakvi su vladalinekoliko milisekundi posle takozvanog "velikog praska" u kome jenastao svemir, pre oko 15 milijardi godina.Naučnici u CERNU se nadaju i da će pomoću LHC-a otkriti takozvaniHigsov bozon, česticu koja postoji samo u teoriji i koja se naziva i "božijom česticom" pošto bi mogla da objasni suštinski sastav svemira.Na eksperimentima u CERN-u radi gotovo 8.000 naučnika i inženjera iz80 zemalja.Betina vest u Blicu

e mashala, krenuli da sudaraju.korak smo blize Kraju. A Blast at Last at Huge Particle Collider articleLarge.jpg Fabrice Coffrini/Agence France-Presse — Getty ImagesBy DENNIS OVERBYE Published: November 23, 2009 The Large Hadron Collider, the world’s biggest and most expensive science experiment, produced its first collisions Monday, said scientists at CERN, the European Center for Nuclear Research outside Geneva.Seemingly making up for lost time after years of disasters and delays, the collisions came only three days after engineers had begun shooting the subatomic particles known as protons around their 17-mile underground racetrack. The physicists announced that they had succeeded in making the beams collide, producing what they called “candidate collision events” in the giant particle detectors in the collider.The collider has been built at a cost of $9 billion and 15 years to accelerate protons to energies of 7 trillion electron volts apiece and then slam them together in an attempt to recreate forces and particles that reigned during the first moments of the Big Bang. But for much of that time, the only things that have gone bang in the collider were magnets and other components, most notably in September 2008 after the first time protons circled the collider.When the beams began circulating at last again on Friday, CERN officials said they expected the first collisions to happen in early December.“It’s a great achievement to have come this far in so short a time,” CERN’s director general, Rolf Heuer, said in a news release from CERN. “But we need to keep a sense of perspective — there’s still much to do before we can start the LHC physics program.”In the control rooms of the collider and of the four giant particle detectors, built and staffed by thousands of physicists who have the job of interpreting the data from the beginning of time, there were cheers and champagne. “It’s going much faster than anticipated,” Pauline Gagnon, a physicist at the University of Wisconsin who works at CERN, said in an e-mail message.Michael Tuts of Columbia University said he and his colleagues were “ecstatic at the news!” But the most important scientific results from the collider are still far in the future, scientists said.Today’s collisions were basically a test of the collider systems’ ability to synchronize the beams, in which bunches of protons travel along at nearly the speed of light, and make them collide at the right points. The protons were at their so-called injection energies of 450 billion electron volts, a far cry from the energies the machine will eventually achieve.In the next weeks before a holiday break CERN hopes to increase the proton energies to 1.2 trillion electron volts apiece, which would make the hadron collider officially the most powerful in the world, eclipsing the Tevatron (900 billion electron volts) at Fermilab in Illinois. Early next year the first runs devoted to physics research will start at 3.5 trillion electron volts — half the original design energy. In order to get near 7 trillion electron volts, the engineers say, the machine will have shut down a year from now for a lengthy period of repairs and other work.


malo šale na kraju jednog predavanja od teoretičara (čija knjiga iz kvantne teorije polja domaće zadatke spašava ;-)) M. Peskina:Top Ten Reasons not to run the LHC:10. Quarks and gluons are so last century.9. To make room for the data, I’ll have to throw away my ABBA CD’s.8. “When you’re a Jet, you’re a Jet all the way ... ”7. Exclusion of supersymmetry will put 2,000 theorists out of work.6. The entire population of Switzerland will have squeaky voices.5. Attack of the killer b’s !4. My pet top quark Alphonse won’t feel special anymore. 3. No # 3; writer’s Root analysis crashed in ATHENA.2. Black holes in your underwear -- too itchy ! :lol: 1. Those physicists will just want another 10 billion dollar toy...

  • 3 months later...
Ponovo radi akcelerator u CERN-u28. februar 2010. | 17:39 | Izvor: BetaŽeneva -- Naučnici koji rade u Velikom hadronskom sudaraču rekli su da je ponovo počeo da radi taj najmoćniji nuklerani akcelarator na svetu.Portparolka Evropskog centra za nuklearna istraživanja (CERN) Kristin Saton je rekla da su snopovi protona niske energije poslati u oba pravca 27 kilometara tunela u Velikom hadronskom sudaraču.Ona je rekla da CERN u periodu od dve do četiri nedelje, planira obazrive probe akcelaratora koji se nalazi ispod pogranične oblasti Švajcarske i Francuske.Potom će biti povećana energija snopova protona na do sada nezabeležene nivo, a krajem marta će početi i sudaranja protona.Tokom zimske pauze naučnici su napravili poboljšanja na akelaratoru i proverili mogućnosti Velikog hadronskog sudarača da radi na visokim energetskim nivoima.Tamošnji stručnjaci demantuju tvrdnje kritičara da je eksperiment opasan jer bi mogao izazvati nastanak "crne rupe".Izvor
8-prof-heuer-625x425.jpgDeco, evo vam za sladoled, ali da trčite po varoši i vičete: PONOVO RADI LHC! PONOVO RADI LHC!

kako su krenuli taj cunak ce brzo zavrsiti u starom gvozdju

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Edited by Indy

LHC će raditi na 7 TeV verovatno do jeseni 2011. godine (a možda i pune dve godine: link). nakon toga će uslediti još jedna (duža) pauza, tokom koje će se izvoditi pripreme za sudaranje na 14 TeV, koje željno očekujemo. ali i ova sudaranja na 7 TeV mogu da donesu puno nove fizike, pa neće biti dosadno :).

8-prof-heuer-625x425.jpgDeco, evo vam za sladoled, ali da trčite po varoši i vičete: PONOVO RADI LHC! PONOVO RADI LHC!
Rano je za sladoled, ali samo da znamo: LHC je ovo levo? Ili ovo desno?

dva delića LHC-a i levo i desno. tj. to su dva od oko 1500 superprovodnih magneta koji grade prsten obima 27 km kada se sklope.

dva delića LHC-a i levo i desno. tj. to su dva od oko 1500 superprovodnih magneta koji grade prsten obima 27 km kada se sklope.
Mei, imas li ti dugmence za zezanje? Ukljuci ga, molim te :P Naljutice se Herr Professor (onaj levo).

Kreni... stani... kreni... stani... dokle?!

LHC to shut down for a year to address design faults The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) must close at the end of 2011 for up to a year to address design issues, according to an LHC director.Izvor

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