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House MD

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То значи да је крај онога што је снимљено пре штрајка, а шта ће даље бити, зависи од много фактора.

ne kao ona posle super bowla, ali odlichna epizoda po meni.

"you do it both ways, right?""what?!?" :Hail:

malo kasnim, ali post-superbowl epizoda :lol: odavno me neka nije ovako odusevila! Wilson: So, why am I here?House: 'Cause I wanna hear about your girlfriend. What's her name?Wilson: She doesn't have a name. Some sort of birth defect ... House: That' should be a hint as to what you're supposed to say...Dr. Taub: We're sorry?!House: Wrong.Dr. Kutner: I love you! :lol: and yes, I wanna see Mira Sorvino again :wub:

FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAK!no13 :wub: :wub: :wub: a epizoda je jednako dobra kao i prosla, zaista brljantan zavrsetak(kapiram da je zavrsetak) sezone :Hail:

dupli post

Edited by eye of the beholder

što sam tražio to sam i dobioHvala Zeko!!

Edited by eye of the beholder

I još jedna dobra duša koja ima link za 11.epizodu. Đuture skinula 1-9, potom 12. pa 10. ali na torrent search enginima ne nalazim 11. :(

I još jedna dobra duša koja ima link za 11.epizodu. Đuture skinula 1-9, potom 12. pa 10. ali na torrent search enginima ne nalazim 11. :(
Evo. :)
Evo. :)
Thnx a million :wink:
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Thnx a million :wink:
nije valjda da gledas House-a u 15 do 5 ujutru :P
nije valjda da gledas House-a u 15 do 5 ujutru :P
He he... taman posla. House mi je za laku noć. Sad naštimovala da skinem i tu jednu jedinu epozodu koja mi fali... pa da imam čemu da se nadam danas :P
WGA ends strikeHouseLatest news: 2/12: "Fox plans to extend the regular TV season in order to take advantage of late-delivered episodes from shows including House." [Variety]Episodes remaining in 2007?2008 season: TBD.Next episode airs: This spring, but possibly as late as June.
  • 2 weeks later...

Samo da pozdravim sve ljubitelje 1 genija. Pricacemo o njemu, ima vremena, situacija je trenutno napeta! :D

Ovde moze da se poslusa intervju sa autorom serije, David-om Shore-om. Pocinje negde na trecini. http://www.cbc.ca/podcasting/pastpodcasts.html?42#ref42Naravno, posto ce i vas verovatno mrzeti da slusate, kao sto je mrzelo mene :D , evo sazeteo sta je rekao o nastavku sezone:

1. The strike didn't change the direction of the show. Shore said he hasn't changed his mind about what how the season will play out. 2. Because of the strike, they are trying to condense 12 episodes into 4 (I think he said). 3. They are getting only 3 weeks (instead of the normal 6) to plan the rest of the season so the writing may suffer. 4. One of the upcoming patients will be a genuinely good man. He naturally puzzles House. 5. The amount of screentime that Chase and Cameron have been getting will not really change. Shore says he finds both of the characters stronger now that they are peripheral. 6. There will be a lot of focus on the Wilson/Amber relationship and how House reacts to it. 7. They are going ahead with the two-parter that was originally supposed to air after the Super Bowl. It will air in May.
(Napomena: preuzeto sa imdb-ovog foruma, tako da ne garantujem za tacnost ovog tekstica -_- )

Edited by Sludge Factory

nista novo... znali smo vec ranije da ce biti mnogo toga fokusirano na Wilsona i cutthroat bitch... a na moju veliku zalost Sonics mi je takodje javio vec da ce biti samo 4 epizode :( govna jedna, ko da ne mogu makar 6 da izvuku!EDIT: ma dobro, bolje i 4 nego nista. treba se nagledati no13 kolko je moguce :D

Edited by freakns

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