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At the speed of one white cloudAt the end of one big soundThat?s how we run over the groundAnd we talk without a soundWhen we fall we were already downDownYou?re the only fun I haveYou?re the everyone everyone hasAnd so we run over the groundAnd we talk without a soundWhen we fall we were already downDownOh I always knew there?d be someone like youOh I always knew there?d be someone like youThat?s how we run over the groundAnd we talk without a soundWhen we fall we were already downDown

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Do you like our owl?It's artificial?Of course it is.Must be expensive.Very. I'm Rachael.Deckard.It seems you feel our work isnot a benefit to the public.Replicants are like any other machine:They're either a benefit or a hazard.If they're a benefit, it's not my problem.May I ask you a personal question?Sure.Have you ever retired a human by mistake?No.But in your position, that is a risk.Is this to be an empathy test?Capillary dilation of theso-called blush response?Fluctuation of the pupil.Involuntary dilation of the iris.We call it Voight-Kampff for short.Mr. Deckard, Dr. Eldon Tyrell.Demonstrate it. I wanna see it work.Where's the subject?I wanna see it work on a person.I wanna see a negative beforeI provide you with a positive.What's that gonna prove?Indulge me.On you?Try her.

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"2. Januara 2007. na Menhetnu gradjevinski radnik Vesli Otri cekao je metro kada je video coveka po imenu Kameron Holopeter kako u napadu padavice pada na sine. Uprkos cinjenici da se tutnjava voza vec cula u stanici Otri je uskocio na sine i svojim telom pokrioHolopetera zaklonivsi ga od opasnosti dok je voz progrmeo iznad. Voz je prosao tako blizu Otrija da su na njegovoj pletenoj kapi ostali masni tragovi.Otri je imao 50 godina, Holopeter je imao 20. Otri je bio crnac, Holopeter belac. Nikada pre nisu se sreli."

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...My whole world stands in front of meBy the look in your eyesBy the look in your eyesMy whole life stretches in front of meReaching up like a flowerLeading my life back to the soil ...

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Patrick Marber - CloserLarry: Is he a good fuck?Anna: Don't do this.Larry: Just answer the question. Is he good?Anna: Yes.Larry: Better than me?Anna: Different.Larry: Better?Anna: Gentler.Larry: What does that mean?Anna: You know what it means.Larry: Tell me.Anna: No.Larry: I treat you like a whore?Anna: Sometimes.Larry: Why would that be?Anna: I'm sorry, you're...Larry: Don't say it. Don't you fucking say:"You're too good for me."I am, but don't say it.You're making the mistake of your life.You're leaving me because you believe that you don't deserve happiness...but you do, Anna. Did you have a bath because you had sex with him? So you wouldn't smell of him? So you'd feel less guilty? How do you feel?Anna: Guilty.Larry: Did you ever love me?Anna: Yes.Larry: Did you do it here?Anna: No.Larry: Why not?Anna: Do you wish we did?Larry: Just tell me the truth.Anna: Yes, we did it here.Larry: Where?Anna: There.Larry: On this? We had our first fuck on this. Did you think of me? When? When did you do it here? Answer the question!Anna: This evening.Larry: Did you come?Anna: Why are you doing this?Larry: 'Cause I want to know.Anna: Yes, I came.Larry: How many times?Anna: Twice.Larry: How?Anna: First he went down on me, then we fucked.Larry: Who was where?Anna: I was on top, then he fucked me from behind.Larry: That's when you came the second time? God.Anna: Why is the sex so important?Larry: Because I'm a fucking caveman! Did you touch yourself while he fucked you? You wank for him?Anna: Sometimes.Anna: We do everything that people who have sex do! Larry: Do you enjoy sucking him off? Anna: Yes! Larry: You like his cock? Anna: I love it! Larry: You like him coming in your face? Anna: Yes! Larry: What does it taste like? Anna: It tastes like you but sweeter! Larry: That's the spirit. Thank you. Thank you for your honesty. Now fuck off and die, you fucked up slag!:lol:A good fight is never clean.

Edited by Allegra
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sex-and-the-city-main.jpgSex And The CityRated MAReview by Margaret PomeranzThis Movie has generated record excitement in just about every woman of my acquaintance. And the trouble with reviewing it is that you don?t want to give too much away.For the four Manhattanites, Carrie, (SARAH JESSICA PARKER), Samantha, (KIM CATTRALL), Charlotte, (KRISTIN DAVIS) and Miranda, (CYNTHIA NIXON), life has moved on since the mega successful television series ended in 2004?Big, (CHRIS NOTH), has finally succumbed to a committed relationship. Charlotte is the proud mother of a child adopted from China, Miranda?s living in Brooklyn with husband Steve, (DAVID EIGENBERG) and baby Brady and notoriously fickle Samantha is on the West Coast to be with and to promote the career of Smith, (JASON LEWIS) but heads back East whenever she can.What this film carries with it is a whole load of female friendship, demonstrated so strongly within the film itself.We know these women and we care less about the labels than we do about them. But trust me, there are labels. Sarah Jessica Parker has no fewer than 80 costumes.But that?s the superficial nature of the series and the film, which aims slightly less than the series at some sort of truth about the dilemma of the single woman.The award winning producer/director and screenwriter of the series, Michael, (PATRICK KING), ventures into feature film for the first time and while he delivers on a lot of levels, he?s extended his welcome slightly with a film that runs nearly 2 ?hours.But what the hell, I wallowed in every minute of it.Further commentsMARGARET: David?DAVID: I didn't. But I think maybe this is...MARGARET: Why didn't I know that you were not going to enjoy it?DAVID: Well, I think maybe this a sex thing, plus I've never seen the television series, but I've heard a lot about it and I assumed from what I'd heard about it that this was going to be sharp and witty and tart and all those things, and it isn't at all. At least the film isn't at all.I mean the first thing that struck me is how witless most of the dialogue was, and the second thing that struck me is how badly acted most of it is. I mean the actor who plays "Big" is like a hunk of wood.MARGARET: Yes, I must admit that I did not actually believe in the sexy nature of their relationship.DAVID: No, not at all. I mean I thought this was a very drab affair and, as you say, it's endlessly long. And I thought it was a big mistake to evoke memories of a really great film about female friendship, sibling female friendship, MEET ME IN ST LOUIS, and show a little scene from that, which just shows how great cinema can be and how ungreat this is.MARGARET: Oh, David, please! Look...DAVID: No, no. I mean, the film makes the mistake of doing it and inviting you to compare it.MARGARET: Look, do you know, I mean, I don't think it's badly acted. These women are what they are. You know, they've created these characters over six years and they carry that with them. I mean for me they are, you know...DAVID: Okay, but if you haven't seen the six years...MARGARET: Well, I mean, I think this film is for that audience and believe me...DAVID: So you're saying nobody should see the film if they haven't seen the television series?MARGARET: I actually think that it will have less significance if you are not familiar with these women, because I think it is riding on that familiarity.DAVID: Okay. Well, then, here's the message: if you haven't seen the television series, don't bother with the film because it won't give you anything.MARGARET: I actually don't imagine that people who haven't seen the series are hanging out for the film, because the series was on for six years. You had your chance to catch up with it and if you couldn't be bothered then, why would you go out and see the movie now.DAVID: But you see, I...MARGARET: But there's this whole world of people that are going, "Sex and the City! Sex and the City!"DAVID: Yeah, look, and fine. Good for them. But, you know, I thought this was going to be something - maybe something as good as THE WOMEN was in its day...MARGARET: Oh, David, please! Please!DAVID: All right, well, let me ask you this, then: why is it that the only time there's sort of a real - people really laugh in the film, is at the indignities of other people? You know, when someone is ill and after drinking some Mexican water, and that's funny?MARGARET: Oh! Oh! Oh!DAVID: I mean, honestly, I...MARGARET: Oh, no, no. I'm sorry, I think THE WOMEN it is a totally different story. It's a great film.DAVID: Of course, it's a different story. But it's witty and it's well acted.MARGARET: I don't know that this is a great film but I really loved it, and I'm giving it four stars.DAVID: I thought it was truly dreadful. I'm giving it one.
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