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Svemir Zeka

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birdself meni skroz ok. kako cemo na srpskom? :hihi:

7 minutes ago, gospa buba said:

birdself meni skroz ok. kako cemo na srpskom? :hihi:


Identifikujem se kao ptička™.


Ali u srpskom nemaju samo zamenice rod, nemoguće je izvesti ove apsurdne reformatorske zahvate sa samo dve reči. Šta da radiš sa "Ptička je otišla/otišao/otišlo do prodavnice"?



Čemu služi u svakodnevnom govoru birdself?


6 minutes ago, Arkadija said:

Čemu služi u svakodnevnom govoru birdself?


Pa da budeš drugačija/e/i/o/u, naravno.


Lepo umesto "me" kažeš "bird", umesto "myself" "birdself", itd. Osetiš se, onako, skoro kao da možeš da poletiš!


Bezbroj načina da se izrazi svaka tanana nijansa sopstvenog doživljaja svog bića. Navelgazing 101, realnosti odjebi.


  • +1 1
  • Haha 1
On 4. 9. 2023. at 18:04, gospa buba said:

(2) kako to zene koje postanu mushkarci ne idu okolo i vitlaju penistima™ na narod nego si gledaju posla zive zivot, a mushkarci koji su postali zene izgiboshe da ne samo da imaju menstruaciju, ajde ok, probaj drugarice, nego i da mi objasne kako je to imati menstruaciju, mislim razumem te sestro jebemumater skini mi se znam sve to tome.


direktma perverzija patrijarhata, imash menstruaciju gledaj shmizlo kako cu to sad da ti uzmem i radim shta hocu s tim, a ti morash da poshtujesh.



On 4. 9. 2023. at 18:08, Leia said:

Samo potvrdjuje da je mensplejning genetski determinisan, mosh rokati hormona koliko ‘oces to se ne da zatuci :fantom:


Objektifikacija i komodifikacija su tu determinante, ne mansplaining. 


Žene su na tom polju daleko odmakle, objektifikujemo ih već dugo. Sise, dupe, garderoba, frizura, šminka, manir, pa i ta menstruacija, sve se to može zamisliti kao attainable object. Jednostavno dođem na kasu, kažem "daj trista grama ženstvenosti", platim ugradnju i odmah vozim, boli me uvo. Gledajte kakva sam riba, imam sve što mi treba, ko misli drugačije taj je bigot! 


U suprotnom smeru ostvarenje fantazije ide mnogo teže. Postoji onaj jedan jasno definisan objekt, istina ali njegova veštačka verzija nažalost ne radi posao - tehnologija nije ni blizu da mu pruži funkcionalnost. Sve ostalo je mnogo apstraktnije, ne može se lagano premeriti. Šta, ošišala si se kratko i počela da nosiš pantalone, da te ne čini to možda muškarcem? Naravno da ne jer su muškarci manje objektifikovani; muževnost nije u dovoljnoj meri komodifikovana - neke stvari je moguće simulirati ali onaj neki je ne sais quoi neizbežno fali.


Zato Elliot Page na svim snimcima izgleda kao posran golub, intuitivno kapira da ima the worst of both worlds.


  • +1 3
On 5.9.2023. at 19:57, Weenie Pooh said:

Sise, dupe, garderoba, frizura, šminka, manir, pa i ta menstruacija, sve se to može zamisliti kao attainable object

ovo gore može da se pazari.

ovo dole ne može:

On 5.9.2023. at 19:57, Weenie Pooh said:

Jednostavno dođem na kasu, kažem "daj trista grama ženstvenosti", platim ugradnju i odmah vozim, boli me uvo.


  • Hvala 1
1 hour ago, pt 2.0 said:

ovo gore može da se pazari.

ovo dole ne može:


Ti bi sad da dekomodifikuješ markere svog pola ali ne može to tek tako, preko noći :) Generacije su učene da ženu definišu nabudžene sise, raspuštena kosa, i suknja umesto pantalona, to se sve može pazariti pa MTF trandžama danas radi posao na koliko-toliko zadovoljavajući način.


U suprotnom smeru toga jednostavno nema. Šta da radi FTM trans osoba, da odseče sise i skrati kosu? To je samo odricanje postojećih markera, gde su novi? Može da se pumpa hormonima, dlačice će tu i tamo nići ali za razvoj muskulature prošao voz u pubertetu. Može da iskasapi genitalije da liče na penis, ali ko to vidi i čemu to uopšte služi? 


Ženu je jednostavno lakše simulirati na onom najpovršnijem nivou jer smo industrijski utrenirani da tu vrednujemo površnost. Mogle bi se možda i površne karakteristike muževnosti objektifikovati ali taj posao jednostavno nije bio odrađen u isto vreme, i jebiga sad, trans muškarci ne nailaze na yaaasss queen odobravanje kakvo sleduje trans ženama. Možda su neki mislili da će im sva vrata biti otvorena kad budu postali ćosavi slabići mlohavoga kurca, ali... greška u koracima.


27 minutes ago, Krampa said:


Žena već sto godina drvi kako performance reshapes reality, i još nije umrla od blama :sad:


Svesno meša individualnu percepciju stvarnosti i neporecivu materijalnu realnost u kojoj svi živimo, pravi se da tu razlike ne postoje. Solipsizam na steroidima.


Da samo malo prizemnije ume da priča, slao bih je ljudima kad treba ilustrovati osnovni problem idpola. Zamena kolektivne politike individualnom fikcijom, ego na pijedestalu.



Kaže Miranda u S&G: “I have enough trouble figuring out how to be a woman in a man's world without trying to be a woman pretending to be a man in a man's world.” Jeste ovo gay point of view (kao i ceo S&G zbog Darrena Stara) i jeste serija užas middle class puritanizma (epizoda kad Carrie outuje političara koji ima golden shower kink je neverica za nešto što se smatralo napredno u to vreme), ali ovo je zanimljiv line kad se gleda iz današnje perspektive.

  • 4 weeks later...

Ovo je više na temu cancelovanja generalno, ali hteo sam da podelim boldovan biser.





Eliza Mondegreen


For years, I got away with expressing polite but wide-ranging skepticism about the new roster of ‘progressive’ orthodoxies. I avoided a few known landmines but I didn’t falsify my beliefs, just softened them a bit. I asked questions I should not have asked, questions that strongly suggested I still knew things I ought to have forgotten overcome.


Yet I didn’t fall out with anyone during that time. Instead, I was repeatedly “called in.”



“Napalm came from Harvard [and so did this handy guide!]. Veritas!” — Kurt Vonnegut


I was never called in for my serious crimes, only for misdemeanors. But I was definitely a repeat offender. Once I made the mistake of laughing too hard at a joke about Trump’s small hands. Laughing at jokes about men with small hands having small penises and therefore being less manly apparently offends women who identify as men who have small hands and no penises. This all seemed rather byzantine to me but I digress. I made the mistake of looking forward to spending Thanksgiving with my family (pernicious settler-colonialism in action!). I suggested we drop the land acknowledgement from a presentation that was running over time (the substance got sacrificed instead). I said I didn’t have any inner feeling that made me a woman and that I was just female (and that that didn’t make me agender). I criticized Islam (and I’d do it again!). I questioned the claim that valuing the “written word” was a manifestation of white supremacy (I even did it in writing). I said things like “OK, but we can agree everybody who has ever gotten pregnant is female, right?” (Wrong.) In other words: I was your standard liberal c. 2010. But it was 2015.


As a result, I experienced a lot of one-on-one interventions where I could tell that my friend or colleague had anxiously plotted out talking points in advance—or at least skimmed a Buzzfeed listicle. And I would say things like, “I understand where you’re coming from but I don’t see it that way.” As a reeducation subject, I was lacking.


These friends of mine showed me the kind of tolerance one might show an aging relative who’s losing her marbles one by one. Or perhaps ‘indulgence’ is a better word than tolerance: You know how she is.


I was a little problematic, sure, but that was about it. I was still one of the Good People. I just had stick-in-the-mud tendencies. When I lodged verboten objections, I was surely only playing Devil’s advocate—not yet a capital offense.


But at a certain point, I seem to have crossed over from being seen as a Good Person Who Is A Little Off-Script to a Bad Person Who Really Meant What She Was Saying All Along. And not only had I meant every ‘problematic’ thing I’d ever said, but those problematic comments were suddenly reinterpreted mere dogwhistles for all of the truly heinous things I had never dared to say out loud and would vociferously deny if asked but no doubt believed deep down.


That was the point of no return. Nothing I could say—even if I had been able to print off every thought that had ever run through my head—could have cleared my name.


This is the thing it’s impossible to understand until you find yourself on the wrong side of it. You always think you’ll be able to explain yourself and be understood. That any cancellation attempts leveled against you will be misunderstandings and so of course you will be able to convince your cancellers they picked the wrong target. (The revolution leaps and sometimes overleaps!—or something.)


But once you’ve been marked, it’s over. Your every word will be twisted, your motives impugned, your clearest speech declared a mere cover for bigotry. There will be nothing you can do about it.


The consolation is that, over time, more and more people will find themselves on the wrong side of the line, for lesser and lesser ideological crimes. It’s getting less lonely over here all the time.



Zar se dotle išlo, zar su nesrećnim liberalima zabranjivalli da se šale o Trampovim malim šakama? Pa to je kao hleb i vodu da im oduzmeš!



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