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Jeste, ali to se više puta desilo. Kad god je prodavao neke akcije pratila ga je masa i vrednost se sroljavala. Onda bi on obećao da više neće, da totalno veruje u Teslu i njenu svetlu budućnost, pa bi se cena stabilizovala... do sledeće prilike.


Kad bi ga board poslušao i dao mu veći udeo od ovih 13%, on bi prvom sledećom prilikom i to unovčio :D 

  • +1 1
1 hour ago, Shan Jan said:

Ljudi i dalje percepiraju da on vodi Teslu i da odlucuje o svemu. Onog trenutka kada javno izadje iz price i kad prestane ta nada da ce Sveti Elon da ispuni svoje prorocanstvo, gomila korisnih idota ce poceti da prodaje akcije. 


To bi mu bio potez mudar kao i svi do sad, jer bi tog trenutka njegove 100 milijardi vredne akcije u Tesli takođe izgubile na vrednosti.

  • +1 2

Hoćete da pogađate koliko je mag marketinga uspeo da sjebe akcije Tesle ovog puta?


Koliko je firma izgubila na vrednosti u samo prve dve nedelje ove godine? Ja ne bih umeo da pogodim.




It's just funny money, vini, ti to znaš najbolje od svih



  • +1 4

Jeste, ali kako su mu se pripisivale zasluge za generisanje tog fiktivnog novca, sad bi morao da popase porugu za gubljenje tog fiktivnog novca.

  • +1 2


Pokojni Željko Mitrović (rip) gleda u neverici…

On 20. 1. 2024. at 18:37, Lezilebovich said:

Ne razumem u cemu je fora :huh:

Ej, sorry, sad sam videla.

Na srpskom Tviteru je pre par godina neko smislio da je najbolji način da iritiraju Željka Mitrovića (koji je i sam bio dosta aktivan tada) da se pravimo svi da je preminuo. I tako je on postao Pokojni Željko Mitrović. Crni humor koji Žeks nije baš najbolje prihvatio pa je počeo da plaća botove da ti se kače svaki put kad napišeš njegovo ime (pa ti onda oni objašnjavaju da nije lepo šaliti se na taj način, da je Žeks uspešan poslovni čovek a gde si ti, izješće te zavist i ljubomora… i na kraju sve kulminira njihovim insistiranjem da nisu botovi nego sledbenici). Ta fora nije skroz zamrla, i dalje ima ljudi koji kad god napišu Željko Mitrović obavezno dopišu i ćirilicom (zbog botova koji pretražuju). Da rezimiramo objašnjavanje what’s the joke koje je uvek po definiciji jadno, fora je da smo avangarda jer smo prvi neuspešno pokušavali da izludimo Mitrovića insistiranjem da se overdozirao i umro. Razlika između Elona i Željka je vrv što postoje ljudi koji bi branili Elona za dž. Das Ende.

  • Hvala 2
  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Judge voids Elon Musk's $56 billion pay package at Tesla – DW – 01/31/2024



What was the lawsuit about?

Chancellor Kathaleen McCormick's ruling comes more than five years after a shareholder lawsuit targeted Tesla CEO Musk and the company's directors.

They were accused of breaching their duties to the maker of electric vehicles and solar panels, resulting in a waste of corporate assets and unjust enrichment for Musk.

Lawyers for the shareholders argued that the compensation package should be voided because it was dictated by Musk and was the product of sham negotiations with directors who were not independent of him. 

sta sad ovaj void u praksi znaci?

edit2: evo sta kaze BingChatGPT:


Sure, I can try to explain this news article. It is about a legal dispute over the compensation plan of Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla, a company that makes electric vehicles and other products. The compensation plan was approved by Tesla’s board of directors and shareholders in 2018, and it promised to pay Musk up to $56 billion in stock options if he met certain performance goals over 10 years12

However, some Tesla investors challenged the plan in court, arguing that it was excessive, unfair, and not in the best interest of the company. They claimed that Musk had too much influence over the board, that the performance goals were too easy to achieve, and that the plan did not require Musk to work full-time at Tesla12

On Tuesday, January 30, 2024, a Delaware judge ruled in favor of the investors and voided the compensation plan. The judge said that the board failed to prove that the plan was necessary to retain Musk and achieve Tesla’s goals. She also said that the plan was “unfathomable” and “six times larger than the combined pay of the 200 highest-paid executives in 2021”12

The judge ordered the parties to work on a new compensation plan for Musk that would be more reasonable and aligned with the company’s interests. The ruling can be appealed to the Delaware Supreme Court, but it is not clear if Tesla or Musk will do so12

As for your question about whether Musk will have to return the money back, the answer is not very clear. According to some reports, Musk has already earned about $20 billion from the plan, as Tesla’s stock price has soared in the past few years3 However, he has not sold any of his shares, and he may not be able to keep them if the plan is invalidated12 It is possible that he will have to forfeit some or all of his stock options, or that he will have to pay taxes on them12 It is also possible that he will negotiate a different deal with the board and the investors, or that he will win the appeal and keep the plan12

I hope this helps you understand the news better. Do you have any other questions? 😊




edit: nemamo Elon Musk opstu ni Tesla temu a tvitovanje je by default

Edited by Lucia

MAGArizacija i posljedična rasistifikacija i nacifikacija Elona "Whitey Boi" Muska nastavlja se nesmanjenom žestinom



  • 2 weeks later...
On 16. 2. 2024. at 17:39, Roger Sanchez said:

Bio jednom Matt Taibbi



Jbt, kako je ovo je tužno. Mislim, drago mi je što je ponižen i što je na plastičan način pokazano o čemu se tu radilo, a što je pametnijima bilo jasno od starta, ali opet je nekako tužno obzirom da Taibijeve ranije radove i doprinos. Ne pamtim ovakvo javno brukanje i 100% gubljenje integriteta nekog ozbiljnijeg lika uživo.


Naravno, za sve ovo krivim ono govance od Taibijevog novinarskog drugara, koji je i uticao na njega u poslednjih par godina.

On 16. 2. 2024. at 17:42, Lezilebovich said:

Zasto je Musk fasista ? 

Možda ne zna ko je Tejlor Svift. 

  • Haha 2
  • -1 1

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