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Onda neko treba da me nauči :(Znam osnove, naravno, ali ne i one male tajne lakše plovidbe torentaškim piratizmom...

Edited by Buck Naked

Pa imaš već sve što ti treba ovde na ppp-u, i ja sam sa uglavnom edukovao sa naše teme o torrentima. Samo prelistaj poslednjih 20-ak strana ostavljaji su dobri ljudi svašta pametno...ja u suštini koristim pirate bay 95% vremena jer skidam uglavnom samo filmove i serije, ali naći ćeš tu i verovatno sve sajtove koji će ti ikada trebati i svašta nešto.I naravno pre svega instaliraj odmah Utorrent pa pročačkaj malo po njemu.

Da, imam ga skinutog negde, ali mi je sam koncept potrage i sve unaokolo glupaviji i to. Ali, hoću, hvala!

  • 4 weeks later...

đe mogu da okačim fajl od 283MB for free?

Dropbox? (300MB je ogranicenje za 1 fajl).

Edited by Indy

treba da okačim taj fajl na piratski forum, da li će useri moći da dođu do tog fajla preko dropbox linka? je l moram onda to metnuti u public folder il kako već?

Jest, u public.

ok, gracias

  • 6 months later...
In the future RapidShare will use a classic hosting model which means that not only the storage space but also the traffic created will be paid solely by the owner of the file. The prices will not change. With RapidPro you automatically have unlimited traffic for your own downloads of your files and the downloads by your contacts. Additionally you have 30 GB public traffic per day. The recipients of your files have no download limitations whatsoever regardless of if they have RapidPro, a free account or no account at all!The new system will be released on 27.11. At the same time we will release the final version of RapidDrive 1.0 for Windows and we will present you with a completely revised website, which will make it even easier for you to manage your files and contacts. So, for saving backups and for daily distribution of big files, RapidShare is the best solution!

O pa oni sad mere saobracaj...Pa jos jedan ekser u taj kovceg...

mrtvi su

Evo sad sam probao nesto...."owner's traffic exhausted..."

Evo sad sam probao nesto...."owner's traffic exhausted..."
Videh i ja ovo jutros par puta.Billion Uploads FTW.
  • אַף אֶחָד locked this topic
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