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Kriza svecke levice, one prave, radničke


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38 minutes ago, Moonwalker said:

Mene su neki sljakeri :heart: bukvalno odhranil, odgajili i odskolovali (u full sljakerskoj prici). Meni ostalo da im pomognem da im zadnji deo zivota bude koliko toliko dostojanstven, jednom od njih sada.

I srpski radni vek mi bio onako dosta sljakerski. I na terenu kad radim radim sa sljakerima i to bas onako internacionalna ekipa, uporedo sa njima. 


Mene odhranili aviolimar i bibliotekarka, ne menja stvari uopšte. 


Problem je u tome da više praktično ne postoje mehanizmi za komunikaciju i saradnju između najšireg sloja radničke klase koji se najviše zlopati, i onog malo uspešnijeg sloja iste (tzv. stručno-upravljačka klasa) u kom se nalazi većina nas koja ovde nešto drvi. 


38 minutes ago, Moonwalker said:

Javite, ne bilo vam zapovedjeno, javnom pravobraniocu i advokatu "svecke" levice koji brze bolje ulece Svemira :D (opet i iznova), da diskvalifikuje da mu je profajling nacisto zabagovao.


A forumsku katedru za odbranu svetske radnicke klasa nema nameru niko da mu krade. Samo par upadica indukovanih radisin postom


Ne znam zašto misliš da te ne čitam, niko mi nije na ignore listi. 


Moja "odbrana svetske radničke klase" je hobistička, beznadna, savršeno nebitna. Više sam branio apstrakciju centralnog upravljanja od Dragančetovog tržišno-inovacionog modela nego bilo kakve radnike, nažalost.


Vaša digresija ne smeta, naprotiv, zanimljivo mi je koliko se lako skrene u tu priču - užasi karijerizma u korporativnom svetu. Svako se češe tamo gde ga svrbi.


38 minutes ago, Moonwalker said:

Fun fact, najbolje nekad i neocekivane pomake u zivotu ostvarih zahvaljujuci  pogresnim procenama mog  karaktera (citati podcenjivanju). Prosto je neverovatno koliko ljudi, cak i inteligentni mogu u percepciji da budu limitirani svojim okruzenjem.  Ja sam im, inace, beskrajno zahvalna na tome. Nesvesno i bez namere su mi pomogli.


Po običaju, sve prebacuješ na lični nivo. Sad je odjednom tema to što sam te ja podcenio, što tebi u stvari daje snage da se razmahneš i opet pobediš jer hrabrost i petlja i procena karaktera! Winning!




Verovala ili ne, nije sve na svetu o tebi, ni o meni, ni o individualnom trvenju.



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Ne znam gde da stavim pa ću ovde. Večeras u 21h u Oktobru.




Film Darka Špera
snimatelj: Petar Medić 
montažer: Predrag Novković 
produkcija: Nezavisno društvo novinara Vojvodine 
programski direktor: Dinko Gruhonjić 
producent: Vlada Šper

Dokumentarni film o vijetnamskim radnicima na gradilištu kineske fabrike guma Linglong u Zrenjaninu, "Pakao na zemlji banatskoj", priča je o nevidljivima i nedodirljivima. 

Prema svedočenjima onih koji su javnosti u Srbiji učinili vidljivim mučne događaje iz 2021. godine u krugu fabrike Linglong, “kineski investitor je prekršio osnovna ljudska prava i prava zaposlenih u Srbiji, a vijetnamske radnike učinio žrtvama trgovine ljudima”. 

U prvim kadrovima filma saznajemo da, i pored napora novinara/ki i aktivista/kinja i epiloga u kojem su se svi vijetnamski radnici vratili u svoju zemlju, “više od godinu dana od medijskih objava o nehumanim uslovima života i rada vijetnamskih radnika na gradilištu Linglonga nema dovoljno zvaničnih podataka o tome šta se zapravo događalo mesecima u industrijskoj zoni na obodu Zrenjanina”.



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Ne znam da li ste citali strip "Arapin buducnosti". Strip je autobiografija Ryada Sattouf-a, dijete mjesanog braka, otac sirijac, majka francuskinja. Otac je doktorirao u Parizu gdje upoznaje njegovu majku. Poslije studija odlazi u Libiju kao profesor na univerzitetu, kasnije se vraca u Siriju sa porodicom i to u selo u kojem je rodjen. Ima ukupno 5 tomova. Ako niste citali, preporucujem, odlican strip. 

E sada zasto pricam o ovome. Autor Ryad je rekao da je njegov otac, koji masta o ujedinjenju arapa, nacionalista i koji polako kliza u religioznog fanatika, u stvari ekstremna desnica. Da, nema razlike izmedju njega i bilo koje drugog pripadnika ekstremne desnice. I u pravu je.


Juce vidjeh ovaj tvit, Farida Tahar, poslanica zelene partije u Belgiji, prica o dogmatizmu nauke u vezi evolucije i kako u skolama treba dopustiti djacima da diskutuju o kreacionizmu.

Ona je poslanik zelene partije. Oni polako ali sigurno postaju crveni kmeri. Sjetimi se kada je DSS pokusao da uvede kreacionizam u skolu u Srbiji.




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Što se nije školovao pa vratio studentski dug i osnovao svoju partiju koja bi onda propala kako bi mogao da se kandiduje za demokratske primaries i promenio sistem iznutra :mad: klasičan desničar. 

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34 minutes ago, Weenie Pooh said:


Da, to je samo nastavak davno predvidjenog:


And it did this by “teaching Americans to recognize otherness,” as Rorty put it. Multiculturalism, as it’s now called, was about preserving otherness, preserving our differences; it doesn’t oblige us to cease to notice those differences. There’s nothing morally objectionable about that. As a political strategy, however, it’s problematic. It reinforces sectarian impulses and detracts from coalition-building.

The pivot away from politics toward culture spawned academic fields like women and gender studies, African-American studies, Hispanic-American studies, LGBTQ studies, and so on. These disciplines do serious academic work, but they don’t minister to concrete political ends. Their goal has been to make people aware of the humiliation and hate endured by these groups, and to alienate anyone invested in that hate.

Rorty doesn’t object to these aims; indeed, he (rightly) celebrated them. The cultural left succeeded in making America a better, more civilized country. The problem, though, is that that progress came at a price. “There is a dark side to the success story I have been telling about the post-sixties cultural Left,” Rorty writes. “During the same period in which socially accepted sadism diminished, economic inequality and economic insecurity have steadily increased. It’s as if the American Left could not handle more than one initiative at a time — as if it either had to ignore stigma in order to concentrate on money, or vice versa.”


The left’s focus on cultural issues created an opening for the populist right, for people like Pat Buchanan and Donald Trump, who galvanize support among the white working class by exploiting racial resentment and economic anxiety. Rorty explains:

While the Left’s back was turned, the bourgeoisification of the white proletariat which began in WWII and continued up through the Vietnam War has been halted, and the process has gone into reverse. America is now proletarianizing its bourgeoisie, and this process is likely to culminate in bottom-up revolt, of the sort [Pat] Buchanan hopes to foment.

Racial animus is baked into the founding of America; it exists regardless of what the left does. But Rorty’s point holds: By divorcing itself from class and labor issues, the left lost sight of its economic agenda and waged a culture war that empowers the right and has done little to improve the lives of the very people it seeks to defend. Rorty’s advice to the left was to pay attention to who benefits from such a strategy:

The super-rich will have to keep up the pretense that national politics might someday make a difference. Since economic decisions are their prerogative, they will encourage politicians of both the Left and the Right, to specialize in cultural issues. The aim will be to keep the minds of the proles elsewhere – to keep the bottom 75 percent of Americans and the bottom 95 percent of the world’s population busy with ethnic and religious hostilities, and with debates about sexual mores. If the proles can be distracted from their own despair by media-created pseudo-events…the super-rich will have little to fear.

Big business benefits most from the culture wars. If the left and the right are quarreling over religion or race or same-sex marriage, nothing much changes, or nothing that impacts wealth concentration changes. Rorty is particularly hard on Presidents Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton, both of whom he accuses of retreating “from any mention of redistribution” and of “moving into a sterile vacuum called the center.” The Democratic Party, under this model, has grown terrified of redistributionist economics, believing such talk would drive away the suburbanite vote. The result, he concludes, is that “the choice between the major parties has come down to a choice between cynical lies and terrified silence.”

Rorty’s concern was not that the left cared too much about race relations or discrimination (it should care about these things); rather, he warned that it stopped doing the hard work of liberal democratic politics. He worried that it’s retreat into academia, into theory and away from the concrete, would prove politically disastrous.

Immediately after the now-famous passage about a future “strongman,” Rorty offered yet another disturbing prophecy:

One thing that is very likely to happen is that the gains made in the past forty years by black and brown Americans, and by homosexuals, will be wiped out. Jocular contempt for women will come back into fashion. The words ‘nigger’ and ‘kike’ will once again be heard in the workplace. All the sadism which the academic Left has tried to make unacceptable to its students will come flooding back. All the resentment which badly educated Americans feel about having their manners dictated to them by college graduates will find an outlet.

If this were to happen, Rorty added, it would be a calamity for the country and the world. People would wonder how it happened, and why the left was unable to stop it. They wouldn’t understand why the left couldn’t “channel the mounting rage of the newly dispossessed” and speak more directly to the “consequences of globalization.” They would conclude that the left had died, or that it existed but was “no longer able to engage in national politics.”

And they would be right in at least one sense: On a purely political level, the left would have failed.


Richard Rorty’s prescient warnings for the American left - Vox

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26 minutes ago, Mos said:

Što se nije školovao pa vratio studentski dug i osnovao svoju partiju koja bi onda propala kako bi mogao da se kandiduje za demokratske primaries i promenio sistem iznutra :mad: klasičan desničar. 


Ali to im je čitav diskurs jbt, šesnaest hiljada socijalista™ koji ne rade ništa drugo osim što spočitavaju jedni drugima da navijaju za GOP i Tuckera :isuse:


Taj nemački YT filozof (Hans-Georg Moeller) voli da analizira tu smrdljivu baruštinu, obično na temu generacijskih razlika između identiteta, profila, i autentičnosti.



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@Weenie Pooh da ne znaš možda gde bih mogao da nadjem onaj klip kad Hilari kaže mladoj crnkinji na promociji da mora prvo osnovati svoju organizaciju pa polako mic po mic menjati sistem. Probao sam skoro da ga iskopam ali nije mi pošlo za rukom. 

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1 minute ago, Mos said:

@Weenie Pooh da ne znaš možda gde bih mogao da nadjem onaj klip kad Hilari kaže mladoj crnkinji na promociji da mora prvo osnovati svoju organizaciju pa polako mic po mic menjati sistem. Probao sam skoro da ga iskopam ali nije mi pošlo za rukom. 





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