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Znači ako ne znamo srediti svoje dvorište - rješenje je udruziti lokalnu "elitu" a ostatak - šta im bude?! 


Uopšte nam ne treba balkanska liga. Možda neki kup, ali i to bi bilo više zabavnog karaktera tako da ne vjerujem da bi uspjelo. Uostalom, glupa rasprava, nema šanse da se ostvari. :)

6 hours ago, levi said:



uh, zvezda/partizan - prishtina, to nema trika s navijacima da se igra

8 minutes ago, Tsai said:


uh, zvezda/partizan - prishtina, to nema trika s navijacima da se igra


Zašto nema?


Pre neku godinu igrali Partizan - Škendija i nikom ništa.


1 hour ago, red star forever said:

Uopšte nam ne treba balkanska liga. Možda neki kup, ali i to bi bilo više zabavnog karaktera tako da ne vjerujem da bi uspjelo. Uostalom, glupa rasprava, nema šanse da se ostvari. :)



Videti pod) ABA liga


pa ipak je kosovo u pitanju, nije ni makedonija ni albanija

16 minutes ago, April said:





Videti pod) ABA liga


Pa em što se košarka i fudbal prilično razlikuju (što je uostalom i bio argument ovdje kada su poredili Superligu i Evroligu), em i ne vidim da se naša domaća košarka nešto posebno usrećila.


I za vrijeme Jugoslavije Srbija je imala bar 6-7 stabilnih prvoligaša (bar tih sezona prije raspada kojih se ja sjećam), ne znam što bi bio problem sada imati 10-ak. 

Mnogo veći problemi su korupcija, infrastruktura (znam, znam - opšta mjesta 😁) itd.

4 hours ago, red star forever said:

Znači ako ne znamo srediti svoje dvorište - rješenje je udruziti lokalnu "elitu" a ostatak - šta im bude?! 


Uopšte nam ne treba balkanska liga. Možda neki kup, ali i to bi bilo više zabavnog karaktera tako da ne vjerujem da bi uspjelo. Uostalom, glupa rasprava, nema šanse da se ostvari. :)


Pa isto kao i sa ovom evropskom elitom koja je htela da se udruži,uostalom Terza ti je isto što i Perez samo na nižem nivou. Kabadahija koji teži monopolu, zatiranju konkurencije i troši kao da sutra ne postoji. Sledeći logičan korak, kao i Perezov, je težnja ka Superligi (u ovom slučaju balkanskoj) i udruživanje sa sličnom "elitom". Samo što ovde niko neće plakati za domaćim ligama, za razliku od Engleza.


The president of Uefa to the Associated Press against the Super League clubs: "If they do not renounce, they will not play the next Champions League. Everyone pays the consequences for their own decisions but clearly there is a difference between those who have admitted their mistake and those who continue despite knowing that the project is dead".




English clubs have announced their exit from the Superleague, as have Inter Milan and Atletico Madrid. Something that, at the moment, Juventus, Milan, Real Madrid and Barcelona have not yet done. And Ceferin promises sanctions against these four clubs in case they do not give up the project: "It is clear that the clubs will have to decide if they are European or from the Super League - the words of the Uefa president to the Associated Press - If they choose the Super League, then they will not play the Champions League. If they are ready to do so, they can play in their own competition."

"Everyone has to face the consequences of their decisions."

Ceferin confirms that further sanctions are being considered for all clubs involved in the organization of the Superleague, a project announced just hours before the launch of the new Champions League. "We are still waiting for legal expertise and then we will say, but everyone has to face the consequences for their decisions and they know it - Ceferin continues - For me it is a very different situation between the clubs who have admitted their mistake and announced to leave the project and the others, who obviously know that the project is dead but don't want to believe it probably".


The UEFA president also confirms that he was taken by surprise by the official announcement of the new Superleague project: "It was in the air, I did not know what was happening but I had begun to sense it. But I kept thinking that people cannot lie so much because, in that case, they would not have attended the ECA meeting on Friday. But they did it in the worst possible way. The worst day was Saturday, because then I realized that it was pure betrayal, that some people had been lying to us for years. It was kind of weird because I didn't know what exactly was going to happen the next day. It was like you knew an announcement was coming soon, but you didn't know what it was. Then I got a phone call from three or four clubs informing me of this. Then on Sunday, when I woke up, I was sure and confident that I was going to deal with this and work it out."


Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)



  • Hvala 1

Kaze zex da ce ovi klubovi koji su napustili super ligu morati da plate po 300 milki, sto njihovim vlasnicima ne pada na pamet, e tu uskace uefa koja je podigla kredit od 7 milijardi zelembaca u cilju sabotiranja sl

Tako da ce najzaduzenij klubovi real barsa i juve dobiti lep poklon od uefa :happy:

A sto se tice izbacivanja pa nije da nije pokusao juce ali avaj nadglasali su ga pa real ostaje u ucl :D


7 milijardi, uh, al će biti taljenja na sve strane. 


Kad pre od 4.5 milijarde zelje da se podigne kredit, dodje do 7 milijardi vec podignutog kredita?


Ili sto bi rekao google


According to RMC in France, UEFA is working with an English investment fund to receive a starting budget of €4.5 billion, which could go as high as €7 billion.

Kad pre od 4.5 milijarde zelje da se podigne kredit, dodje do 7 milijardi vec podignutog kredita?
Ili sto bi rekao google
According to RMC in France, UEFA is working with an English investment fund to receive a starting budget of €4.5 billion, which could go as high as €7 billion.
4,2B$ = €3,5milijardi

Moraju da "uzmu" dodatnih 300mx12 da im isplate kazne zbog raskidanja ugovora. Fudbal prešao nivo, sad je najmanje bitna osnovna stvar. Uefa postaje značajna kao rupa u vodi, za par godina će bankrotirati...

Inviato dal mio Mi 9 Lite utilizzando Tapatalk

23 minutes ago, Milosh76 said:

Kad pre od 4.5 milijarde zelje da se podigne kredit, dodje do 7 milijardi vec podignutog kredita?


Ili sto bi rekao google


According to RMC in France, UEFA is working with an English investment fund to receive a starting budget of €4.5 billion, which could go as high as €7 billion.

Logicno je ako svi odustanu od sl uefa nece morati da placa penale pa joj je dovoljna i ova manja suma :happy:


Da li je Kokeza i dalje u komisijama koje vrše alokaciju novčanih sredstava ili će mafoiozi da raspodele ovih 7 milijardi bez njega? 

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