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šbbkbb da su Amerikanci zapadni Afrikanci ozbiljno zagrejani za rukomet.





But it was the basketball parallels that I really enjoyed. Particularly the slash-and-kick game (drawing multiple defenders over with penetration, then feeding an open teammate) and the concept of spreading the floor by sticking “shooters” in both corners. In basketball, those corner players (hopefully) shoot open 3s. In handball, those corner players (hopefully) gain space after a teammate draws the defense away from them, then they slash toward the goal, haul in a pass, take two giant Dwyane Wade steps, leap in the air and rip off a fastball (sometimes, a double-clutcher) that almost always goes in.5 There’s a real art to those shots, by the way. They might fire them as hard as they can, unleash a skip shot (a hard bounce pass, basically) or even pull the goalie out and lob a tennis-like shot right over the goalie’s head.6 If the LeBrons and Griffins ever played handball, they’d probably be corner scorers. Oh, and they’d be ridiculously awesome. That too.





I asked Didier Dinart, a two-time Olympic champion called "The Rock" for his defensive prowess. He is now an assistant coach for the French.

"Basketball," he said through an interpreter. "But there's a lot of contact … a light version of American football."

A sport that combines basketball and football is one America needs to dominate. Yet our handball team has not qualified for the Olympics since 1988. (It got tossed a bone, as the host country, in 1996.)

In the 2016 Pan American Championships, the team finished eighth out of 12 teams. Greenland beat us.


"There is a lot of potential when you see the players in the NBA," Dinart said. "But unfortunately there are a lot of sports in the USA."


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