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Premier League 2017-18


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Cudo ne igra Batshuayi, kad vec Morata ne moze.

Tu je bio skoro i simpatičan u svojoj pokvarenosti. Sad djeluje kao parodija.

Gle ovog zabara, simpatican zato sto se slavi pobeda Intera¿ :)

Meni je btw, to skroz OK, samo sto Murinjo uglavnom serucka protiv svega, sto inace sam radi. Da to ne radi, ne bi bio Murinjo, jbg.

5 minutes ago, gervasius twinkleminkleson said:
3 hours ago, Majo said:

Tu je bio skoro i simpatičan u svojoj pokvarenosti. Sad djeluje kao parodija.

Што је покварен?

Што је покварен?
Dobro, pogrešna riječ, priznajem. više prkosan, mada nema sumnje da je tu provocirao Barcu
1 minute ago, porucnik vasic said:

Што је покварен?

Tako je u mogucnosti, i ti svasta pitas.

16 minutes ago, Majo said:

Cudo ne igra Batshuayi, kad vec Morata ne moze.

bilo je vec ovakvih postava sa hazardom kao napadacem kada je morata bio povredjen.

mene vise brine sredina sa samo dvojicom.


To što je murinjo trolčina je daleko najsimpatičnija stvar glede njega. 

Mnogo veći problem je ovakav neki doprinos teoriji 1 igri:

  1. The game is won by the team who commits fewer errors.
  2. Football favours whoever provokes more errors in the opposition.
  3. Away from home, instead of trying to be superior to the opposition, it’s better to encourage their mistakes.
  4. Whoever has the ball is more likely to make a mistake.
  5. Whoever renounces possession reduces the possibility of making a mistake.
  6. Whoever has the ball has fear.
  7. Whoever does not have it is thereby stronger.

Murinjo i na ppp postize ono sto zeli - za dobrim konjem se prasina dize!

Just now, Majo said:

To Simeoneov zakonik?

 Mourinho's seven-point plan for winning big games, kažu ljudi. Nije ni čudo što ga vreme pregazilo.


Valja se podsetiti jednog pionira:

Charles Hughes (born 28 July 1929) was the director of FA coaching for the Football Association. He authored the FA's official coaching manual and was an early developer of long ball tactics.

"Hughes presented his ideas in the now defunct magazine Match Analysis and concluded most goals were scored from three passes or fewer, therefore it was important to get the ball quickly forward as soon as possible. He based this analysis on over one hundred games at all levels, including games involving Liverpool F.C. and the Brazilian national team, as well as many England Youth games. His ideals were developed from those previously developed by World War II Wing Commander Charles Reep. From his statistical analysis, Hughes emphasized the importance of particular areas of the field from where goals were most often scored. He called these areas the 'POMO' - Positions Of Maximum Opportunity - and asserted that players would score if the ball was played into the 'POMO' enough times. He stressed the importance of set plays and crosses into the penalty area."

Šteta što ne postoji mogućnost da se dođe do tog časopisa, bilo bi zanimljivo čitati to danas.



Viktor Valdes je, u stvari, Murinjo pre Murinja.

Ulazimo u 49ti sat price o Murinju :Hail:

Viktor Valdes je, u stvari, Murinjo pre Murinja.

Ulazimo u 49ti sat price o Murinju :Hail:

Potpuno nevjerovatno, jedan prosečan trener, koji se drži po strani i uopšte ne pokušava da bude u centru pažnje u svakom mogućem momentu.

Ne znam zašto se o njemu priča, baš čudno

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