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Trump - hoće li biti impeachment ili 8 godina drugačijeg predsednikovanja?


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Fenomenalan ti je taj preachy ton, daleko ćeš dogurati tako.


Treba sad da lamentiramo nad jednočinkom u kojoj budala napadne čoveka zbog frizure? "Punch a Nazi" doktrina koja se tebi priviđa nije nekakav širok pokret koji promovišu mediji ili uticajni pojedinci, pre svega zato što je meta suviše malobrojna za tako nešto... kako treba i da ostane.


Što se potencijalne kolateralne štete tiče, evo ja kao ćelavo ošišana individua od dva metra i sto kila se hereby žrtvujem i pristajem da me se na ulici greškom zameni za neonacistu. Pa ako me pitaju "jesi ti od onih" lepo ću da im kažem "nisam", a ako me ne pitaju neka biju, nema veze, ja sam samo radio svoju dužnost -_- Potencijalne posledice tolerisanja neonacističkih performansa u neposrednom okruženju su mnogo veće od potencijalnih posledica netolerisanja.

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Jbga, mora da bude preachy ton kad ne mozete da shvatite da pravila ponasanja koja ne mogu da se racionalizuju i formalizuju ne mogu da da budu opste prihvacena.

Ja nemam problem da "punch a nazi" bude underground filozofija za sacicu antifa retarda koji ce da se kolju sa sacicom nazi retarda ali bojim se da ovo uopste nije taj slucaj.


Videh pre par dana jos jedan slucaj da su nekog prebili zato sto nije dovoljno jako "disavow" "nazi drugara" ... videcemo kako ce stvar da se razvija ali ovo jesu anegdotski dokazi da to poprima sire razmere.


Btw. pazi sta moze da se dobije ako proba da se racionalizuje ova filozofija ... sto ne bi uveli i "punch a salafist" u igru, ideologija im je u najmanju ruku fasizoidna, metodi su im cesto nasilni i za to imas X primera u zadnjih par godina ... sta to sprecava antifu da krene da bije ljude sa dugim bradama i 3/4 pantalonama ?


p.s. tvoji egocentricni primeri iz maste me totalno ne interesuju

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Tramp veceras drzi miting u Finiksu, cnn pocinje ovako: Tramp ce se obratiti svojim pristalicama ali i protestantima koji se bore sa trocifrenim temperaturama. Inace protestanata ima 30 za sad a ovi sto cekaju red satima da udju unutra na miting na hiljade.

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Tramp veceras drzi miting u Finiksu, cnn pocinje ovako: Tramp ce se obratiti svojim pristalicama ali i protestantima koji se bore sa trocifrenim temperaturama. Inace protestanata ima 30 za sad a ovi sto cekaju red satima da udju unutra na miting na hiljade.

Interesantan izbor stvari koje ti bodu oci.

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Fenomenalan ti je taj preachy ton, daleko ćeš dogurati tako.Treba sad da lamentiramo nad jednočinkom u kojoj budala napadne čoveka zbog frizure? "Punch a Nazi" doktrina koja se tebi priviđa nije nekakav širok pokret koji promovišu mediji ili uticajni pojedinci, pre svega zato što je meta suviše malobrojna za tako nešto... kako treba i da ostane.Što se potencijalne kolateralne štete tiče, evo ja kao ćelavo ošišana individua od dva metra i sto kila se hereby žrtvujem i pristajem da me se na ulici greškom zameni za neonacistu. Pa ako me pitaju "jesi ti od onih" lepo ću da im kažem "nisam", a ako me ne pitaju neka biju, nema veze, ja sam samo radio svoju dužnost -_- Potencijalne posledice tolerisanja neonacističkih performansa u neposrednom okruženju su mnogo veće od potencijalnih posledica netolerisanja.

Потенцијалне посљедице су много веће код нетолерисања. Државе желе да знају ко су они, јер их могу лакше пратити, опасније је кад такви постану илегала..

Edited by Simon
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Pa oni (neo-naci) su do sada bili u poluilegali, nego su digli glavu sad kad je Trump dosao. Imali su oni svoje svetkovine, ali su ih pravili na privatnim imanjima, daleko od javnosti, a obavestenja su slali simpatizerima putem emaila.  Cilj da se vrate otkud su dosli, to jest u poluilegalu. 

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to je mozda samo za ljude koji gledaju cnn...za nas obicne smrtnike prilicno su pokriveni kroz koledz radio i neke nezavisne novine godinama unazad. sada se neonacisti koriste u medijima samo da bi trampa upropastili. jos za vreme busha mladjeg 9/11 bila je prava pomama za belom rasom, poplava dokumentaraca o njima kako zive u americi itd. onda dosao obama pa se utihulo sa medijskom rasnom podelom dok se u RL ta podela produbljivala. tramp sa ovim nema veze


i ovakve ce podele uvek biti dok god je ekonomska moc neizvesna. a bice jos dugo kakoje krenulo..

Edited by mustang
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Ma jok, za vreme Busa starijeg nezaposlenost je bila duplo veca nego sada, pa neo-nacija nije bilo nigde. Ovaj ih je ohrabrio pricama o meksikancima koji siluju, o crncu koji je nezakonito u Beloj kuci jer je rodjen u Keniji, itd. 




Trump won the hardcore race nuts over on Day One of his campaign with his 4chan-worthy "they're rapists" speech and his accompanying Mexican-wall idea, an alt-right centerfold fantasy if there ever was one. He then spent the rest of the campaign cleverly leveraging that single tumor of intractable support all the way to the presidency. Whether it was the symbolic booting of anchorman Jorge Ramos off the lawn of his press conference ("Go back to Univision!") or his attacks on Mexican-American Judge Gonzalo Curiel, Trump specialized in using racial dynamite as a marketing tool.



At times, Blabberguts would hold his tongue or plead ignorance. The most infamous instance was after Klan leader David Duke pledged his support to Trump early in 2016, and a deadpan Trump pretended not to know what white supremacists or the KKK were.

"I don't know what you're even talking about with 'white supremacy' or 'white supremacists,' " he croaked to CNN's incredulous Jake Tapper. He promised to "do research" and get back to us.

This was despite the fact that he had gone on TV to denounce "David Duke ... a bigot, a racist" way back in 2000. Trump knew exactly who Duke and the Klan were – and knew exactly what he was doing by saying he didn't.






Trump would usually come around and push the conventional kumbaya take in subsequent media appearances, disavowing whatever horrible thing he just said 10 minutes before. It was a triple game. The initial hesitations and defiance reinforced his hero status with the outright race nuts, who caught his not-so-subtle signals of solidarity. Then, the belated denunciations and/or apologies reassured the merely closeted racist Republicans, a far more numerous group that didn't like to think of itself as openly prejudiced.



Life in the Trump era is like the president's favorite medium, Twitter: an endless scroll of half-connected little anger Chiclets rapidly spinning us all into madness and conflict, with no end in sight.

This is Trump's legacy. Because of his total inability to concentrate or lead, he will likely never do anything meaningful with the real governmental power he possesses – if he had a tenth of the managerial skills of Hitler, we'd be in impossibly deep shit right now. But as an enabler of behavior, as a stoker of arguments and hardener of resentments, he has no equal. Under Trump, racists become more racist, the woke necessarily become more woke, and areas of compromise among all quickly dwindle and disappear. He has us arguing about things that weren't even questions a few minutes ago, like, are Nazis bad?

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ne mogu da citam to, izvini. ostavlja sam jos od uclanjenja na ppp moje vidjenje neo nacista po americi dok me je tema interesovala. mozda ima neki sajko da je pratio ta besedenja i opazanja. ovo sada sta se desava u usa vise nema veze nisacim. ili sam ja digla ruke od svega ili postala zrelija ili su mi se oci otvorile ali bukvalno vidim samo biznis u svemu tome. lideri koji sebi pune dzepove i izgubljene duse i sa jedne i sa druge strane, zombije koji prate eto da bi bili deo neceg.


tramp je kolateralna steta. on je najnepostovaniji predsednik novijeg doba u jednoj demokratskoj zemlji. vodecoj po demokratiji gde se sve lepo zamaze a trulo unutra.


ima jedna serija braindead, kratko je trajala, vala sve isto ko u RL

Edited by mustang
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Pa oni (neo-naci) su do sada bili u poluilegali, nego su digli glavu sad kad je Trump dosao. Imali su oni svoje svetkovine, ali su ih pravili na privatnim imanjima, daleko od javnosti, a obavestenja su slali simpatizerima putem emaila.  Cilj da se vrate otkud su dosli, to jest u poluilegalu.


С обзиром да могу направити срање (опростите на рјечнику) сигурније је да их имамо на оку.
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ne mogu da citam to, izvini.

ma nisam ja to napisao da bi ti procitala, nego da bih pobio tvoje stavove jer pretpostavljam da ima vise ljudi koji ovo citaju a koji dele tvoje misljenje.



ostavlja sam jos od uclanjenja na ppp moje vidjenje neo nacista po americi dok me je tema interesovala. mozda ima neki sajko da je pratio ta besedenja i opazanja. ovo sada sta se desava u usa vise nema veze nisacim. ili sam ja digla ruke od svega ili postala zrelija ili su mi se oci otvorile ali bukvalno vidim samo biznis u svemu tome. lideri koji sebi pune dzepove i izgubljene duse i sa jedne i sa druge strane, zombije koji prate eto da bi bili deo neceg.


 ti verovatno nisi cula da ovaj predsednik koristi svoju poziciju da puni dzepove svojim firmama, sto nismo NIKADA do sada imali. 


The Democrats have chosen to focus on the hotel [the Trump International Hotel]  in part because Trump still owns it – a clear violation of his lease with the federal government, which owns the building – though he denies he's involved in its daily operations. He's said he'd donate any money he makes from foreign entities who stay there – seemingly his way of addressing potential constitutional violations – though the hotel has informed Congress it has no intention of doing that.

The hotel has become "the symbol of complete disregard for the lines of ethics, the boundaries of ethics, the conflicts of interest" in the Trump administration, says Democratic Rep. John Sarbanes. "I think it's something that resonates in people's minds, and frankly every day you see people trying to curry favor with the administration – booking receptions and other kinds of things at the hotel."

Unlike every other modern president, Trump has refused calls to put his assets in a blind trust. His son, Eric, has also said he plans to keep giving his father profit reports on the family's sprawling global business enterprise, which Democrats say is the very definition of a conflict of interest for a sitting president whose every tweet, proposed policy and speech can move global markets.

al nije bitno to sto on krsi sve moguce pisane eticke zakone, mnogo je bitnije to sto Obama krsi nepisane eticke zakone jer zaboga uzima puno para za nastupe/govore, sada kada vise nije predsednik, pa mu sve to dodje na isto.  :fantom: 


С обзиром да могу направити срање (опростите на рјечнику) сигурније је да их имамо на оку.

Bolje je da ih oteramo u poluilegalu, gde su i bili do pre 18 meseci. ha.

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Interesantan izbor stvari koje ti bodu oci.




evo čitam naslovnica politica posle dešavanja sinoć i sukoba mirnih protestanata sa policijom


"the chaos candidate returns to his favourite tinder box" podnaslov "given the post Charlotesville tension, the tear gas and bottle throwing that erupted after Trump's campaign rally weren't as bad as many had feared"  :lolol:  :lolol:


ali ovo je ipak totalni vrh vrhova, jebeš mi sve koji su to debili. espn je povukao azijskog komentatora sa neke koledž fudbal utakmice iz virdžinije jer se čovek zove Robert Li

Edited by theanswer
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Bas i nisu morali suzavcem na tih 30 okupljenih. Za to vreme Trampara salje trupe u Avganistan a licemeri cute.


ko je rekao da je bilo 30 okupljenih? ja sam rekao da ih je u tom trenutku bilo 30 što je rekao reporter cnn-a. to je bilo 2,3 sata pred miting.  u svakom slučaju ih je bilo dosta manje nego ljudi unutra. 

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Is Trump’s Agenda Being Eclipsed?


By Patrick J. Buchanan


“I have not become the King’s First Minister in order to preside over the liquidation of the British Empire,” said Winston Churchill to cheers at the Lord Mayor’s luncheon in London in November 1942.


True to his word, the great man did not begin the liquidation.


War is the health of the state, but the death of empires.


Is it now the turn of the Americans?


Persuaded by his generals — Mattis at Defense, McMasters on the National Security Council, Kelly as chief of staff — President Trump is sending some 4,000 more U.S. troops to Afghanistan to augment the 8,500 already there.


Like Presidents Obama and Bush, he does not intend to preside over a U.S. defeat in its longest war. Nor do his generals. Yet how can we defeat the Taliban with 13,000 troops when we failed to do so with the 100,000 Obama sent?


The new troops are to train the Afghan army to take over the war, to continue eradicating the terrorist elements like ISIS, and to prevent Kabul and other cities from falling to a Taliban now dominant in 40 percent of the country.


Yet what did the great general, whom Trump so admires, Douglas MacArthur, say of such a strategy?


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“War’s very object is victory, not prolonged indecision.”


Is not “prolonged indecision” what the Trump strategy promises? Is not “prolonged indecision” what the war policies of Obama and Bush produced in the last 17 years?


Understandably, Americans feel they cannot walk away from this war. For there is the certainty as to what will follow when we leave.


When the British left Delhi in 1947, millions of former subjects died during the partition of the territory into Pakistan and India and the mutual slaughter of Muslims and Hindus.


When the French departed Algeria in 1962, the “Harkis” they left behind paid the price of being loyal to the Mother Country.


When we abandoned our allies in South Vietnam, the result was mass murder in the streets, concentration camps and hundreds of thousands of boat people in the South China Sea, a final resting place for many. In Cambodia, it was a holocaust.


Trump, however, was elected to end America’s involvement in Middle East wars. And if he has been persuaded that he simply cannot liquidate these wars — Libya, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Afghanistan — he will likely end up sacrificing his presidency, trying to rescue the failures of those who worked hardest to keep him out of the White House.


Consider the wars, active and potential, Trump faces.


Writes Bob Merry in the fall issue of The National Interest:


“War between Russia and the West seems nearly inevitable. No self-respecting nation facing inexorable encirclement by an alliance of hostile neighbors can allow such pressures and forces to continue indefinitely. Eventually (Russia) must protect its interests through military action.”


If Pyongyang tests another atom bomb or ICBM, some national security aides to Trump are not ruling out preventive war.


Trump himself seems hell-bent on tearing up the nuclear deal with Iran. This would lead inexorably to a U.S. ultimatum, where Iran would be expected to back down or face a war that would set the Persian Gulf ablaze.


Yet the country did not vote for confrontation or war.


America voted for Trump’s promise to improve ties with Russia, to make Europe shoulder more of the cost of its defense, to annihilate ISIS and extricate us from Mideast wars, to stay out of future wars.


America voted for economic nationalism and an end to the mammoth trade deficits with the NAFTA nations, EU, Japan and China.


America voted to halt the invasion across our Southern border and to reduce legal immigration to ease the downward pressure on American wages and the competition for working-class jobs.


Yet today we hear talk of upping and extending the U.S. troop presence in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria, of confronting Iran, of sending anti-tank and anti-aircraft weapons to Ukraine to battle pro-Russia rebels in the east.


Can the new custodians of Trump’s populist-nationalist and America First agenda, the generals and the Goldman Sachs alumni association, be entrusted to carry it out?

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