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  On 21. 1. 2017. at 18:08, Dagmar said:

on će jebati deset kurvi na Obaminom krevetu dok one pišaju.

da li je to uopšte fizički izvodivo  :fantom:

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  On 21. 1. 2017. at 23:03, MNE said:

da li je to uopšte fizički izvodivo  :fantom:


Ne sa tim stavom.

Posted (edited)

The old expression, “to the victor belong the spoils” — you remember. I always used to say, keep the oil. I wasn’t a fan of Iraq. I didn’t want to go into Iraq. But I will tell you, when we were in, we got out wrong. And I always said, in addition to that, keep the oil. Now, I said it for economic reasons. But if you think about it, Mike, if we kept the oil you probably wouldn’t have ISIS because that’s where they made their money in the first place. So we should have kept the oil. But okay. (Laughter.) Maybe you’ll have another chance. But the fact is, should have kept the oil.


Edited by Roger Sanchez

realan tekst:



Was Obama a Transformational President?

His most ardent supporters like to think he fundamentally changed the country. But his record shows otherwise.


To this day, the very fact of getting elected remains Barack Obama’s greatest achievement.


Jel' njih sve i dalje sramota da mu objasne razliku između naftnih polja i tri bureta nafte koje natovariš na kamionet? :unsure:


Spicer je išao na neku Vučićevu radionicu. Srbija je, možda peti put u svojoj istoriji, ahead of the curve. GOP=SNS!





CNN will never get 2 ask a question again :cry:


Posted (edited)

Edited by slow
  On 21. 1. 2017. at 23:52, Takeshi said:

realan tekst:


Lepo se cita, ima smisla, ali je patetican promasaj oko spoljne politike uz neizbezno spominjanje Putina, koje postaje nova dogma demokrata, jos malo kao Izrael (Politico jeste manje-vise demokratsko glasilo).


Autor je zaboravio aktivisticku spoljnu politiku Obame u prvom mandatu, govor na kairskom univerzitetu, arapsko prolece koje je usledilo. Povlacenje je usledilo nakon toga.


Ovde malo vise o tome.





Obama Leaves Mixed Legacy in Middle East 8 Years After Cairo Speech Gave Region Hope
  On 22. 1. 2017. at 0:18, Roger Sanchez said:

CNN will never get 2 ask a question again :cry:



The Democrats haven't been this upset since a republican president freed their slaves.

Rob Schneider


Najbolji trenutak ova dva dana je onaj nabod u glavu onog naciste.




"We're going to hold the press accountable."



Posted (edited)
  On 22. 1. 2017. at 8:21, MancMellow said:



Ima administraciju, partiju, vojsku, Senat, Kongres i sud u saci. Ostali su mu ne-Murdoch mediji i to je to. Ali, vec smo culi, sve je to isto - od ubica Obame i Hilari ne moze da bude gori. Samo cekaj kad se Vucic okurazi i sutne EU/Merkel. Bice super zurka...ali, sve to isto.

Edited by Anduril
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