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Mislim da smo sad svi odgledali epizodu, pa možemo malo da prodiskutujemo.



Briljantna zavšnica epizode, sve sa Hopkinsom u svojoj omiljenoj ulozi. Mislim da je najupečatljiviji momenat (sem monologa) onaj kada Bernard stoji pored vrata, a ne vidi ih.



Inače, ovo otvara pitanja ranijih scena sa Bernardom i Doloresom, jer ostavlja mogućnost da to i nije bio Bernard, nego neko po kome su kreirali Bernarda (npr. famozni Arnold). Naravno, onda bi se otvorilo i pitanje timelinea.




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Zanima me kako ce sad voditi Bernardov lik? Da li ce ga Ford resetovati, ili ce ostati samosvestan i, ako ostane, kako ce se ponasati? Prosto mi deluje kao da ga je Ford spremao u prethodnim epizodama za to da ce da ga probudi jednoga dana i da je taj dan dosao. Ili gresim? Svakako bi resetovanje bilo logicnije i lakse. 


Ovo sa Bernardom baca dodatno svetlo na siru pricu o kojoj smo nesto malo culi u ovoj epizodi, borba za vlasnistvo nad naprednom vestackom inteligencijom. Bernard je izgleda prilicno napredna (skoro pa SNS) verzija, ako ne i najnaprednija (Vucic levl). Gde li se tu uklapa Ed Harisov lik? Pa i Willov mozda?


Zanimljivo je bilo i Fordovo ponasanje tokom sastanka kad menadzment otpusta Bernarda. Osim, naravno, sto je sluzilo da nas zajebe da pomislimo kako je i Ford mozda robot (adams bi rekao da jeste i on sigurno). Da li sprema svilen gajtan i za ovu seficu crnkinju?


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U previewu Bernard kaže, "Why did you make me kill her"? A i pravi besne grimase, definitivno nije resetovan...





Inače, a ovo je veliki spoiler za seriju, Ford mu na to odgovora (ako sam dobro razumeo):





"One man's life or death were but a small price to pay for the dominion I should acquire" - što je i trolovanje, ali i citat iz... Frankensteina.


Edited by Jeremija
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Znači vraćamo se na sam početak , kada je neko pitao da li postoje pored svih ovih robota za zabavu i roboti za rat, pa onda "the dominion I should acquire", ne zvuči samo kao puki citat.

Možda su došli do faze gde roboti prave robote za razne svrhe.

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Fordovo ponašanje tokom sastanka je jednom rečju iskusno. Šefica crnkinja će umreti nekom najbizarnijom smrću, kao veštica.

Možda pozove u sobu onog crnca od pre par epizoda.


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Možda se ovo objasni u nastavku serije, ali trenutno mi baš nije najjasnije, Ford kao nešto tvikuje hostove u parku da bi bili realniji ("reveries" i slično), a Bernard je čini se za par klasa napredniji od svega toga, čemu onda? :)

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Dobre vesti, nedeljni rejtinzi rastu, a potvrdjena je i druga sezona. Gledanost je na nivou prve sezone True Detective-a, i bolja od ekvivalenta Igre Tronova.





The recently renewed "Westworld" posts another live+same-day ratings gain.

For the second straight week, HBO’s “Westworld” posted a gain in the live+same-day ratings.

According to data posted by Showbuzz, Sunday’s episode drew a 0.78 adults 18-49 rating and 1.75 million total viewers. The numbers top the 0.71 rating and 1.64 million viewer mark drawn by last week’s episode.

The gain comes despite a marked increase in competition from Sunday Night Football.

Solid, the live+same-day ratings do not at all tell the whole story regarding “Westworld.” In a press release confirming the show’s season two renewal, the network noted that the episodes are reaching 11 million total multi-platform viewers each week.





“Westworld” in particular had a lot riding on its success as HBO looks to restock its drama series bench with its tentpole original “Game of Thrones” now heading into its final two seasons, starting next summer.

“It’s fantastic to have a broad-based cultural and ratings hit to build from,” Bloys said of “Westworld.” “That’s a great, great luxury.”


“Westworld” has quickly developed a fanatical following among viewers who parse every detail of the show described as a puzzle-within-a-puzzle set in a resort where humanized robots cater to the out-there whims of high-end patrons. Bloys said the fan obsession that “Westworld” has generated organically through social media and podcasts has been a pleasant surprise. He makes a point of scrolling through Twitter when the show airs live on Sunday nights. Bloys admits he’s gained insights about the show’s many mysteries by following the real-time detective work of fans.

“The level of detail that people devote to thinking about it is impressive,” he said, citing the intricate mythology crafted by “Westworld” creators/showrunners Jonathan Nolan and Lisa Joy.

For all three shows, Bloys said the HBO creative team is gratified that the new offerings have found their niche with fans and critics. “Westworld” has been an unqualified success, averaging 11.7 million viewers per episode to date when reruns, VOD and streaming airings are factored in.
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moze li neko da preprica zadnju epizodu u spojler da ne gubim vreme gledajuci, malo sam bizi ... jeremija ajd ti posto si pravi PR ove serije

Edited by mustang
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Ako sama hoćes sebi da kvariš (što ne bih preporučio), imaš siže na Wikipediji:




It is revealed that Theresa and Charlotte are both secretly plotting to overthrow Dr. Ford and Arnold's research team for the board so that they can oust Dr. Ford from the park. They engineer an event to demonstrate that Dr. Ford's updates make the hosts violent and uncontrollable in their narratives. Bernard is blamed for the update of untested faulty code and is fired as result. William and Dolores grow closer; he finds that the park is not meant to cater to a person's base desires, but to reveal their true character. The train is then attacked by the Confederados, forcing William, Dolores, and Lawrence to flee. They are saved when the Confederados are ambushed by Native Americans. They reach a canyon and part ways with Lawrence. Meanwhile super-intelligent Maeve finds Clementine retired by the staff. Maeve decides to use the two technicians and escape the park. Bernard takes Theresa to Sector 17; inside a hidden lab she finds design plans that reveal Bernard is a host. Dr. Ford appears and asks Bernard to murder Theresa.


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hm, sad vidim je planirano da se ubivena tereza pojavljuje u jos najmanje 2 epizode.

el to znaci da ce hopkins napraviti za nju robotsku zamenu? da nije onda i camuga nekad bio pravi?

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