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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, borris_ said:

Bivsi prvi ministar malezije (treba citav niz procitati).


Bogami poprilična civilizacijska razlika, suštinsko nerazumevanje ili tačnije nedostatak želje i potrebe da se razumeju i prihvate sekularni (ljudski) zakoni. 


:sad: 12. deo je ...

Edited by TdEII

Erdogan ce biti ozbiljan problem u buducnosti. Psihopata 

  • +1 3
1 hour ago, Roger Sanchez said:

Burka je distrakcija i desničarska opsesija. Ono što je sine qua non je da u europskom društvu više ne postoji "blasfemija" protiv bilo koje vjere, i da onaj koji/koja ne može otrpiti da njegov sugrađanin bogohuli protiv svojeg, njegovog ili trećeg boga nema što tražiti u europskom društvu.

Samo ostro, beskompromisno i antidesnicarski levicarski!!! 








10 minutes ago, Tsai said:

Erdogan ce biti ozbiljan problem u buducnosti. Psihopata 

Naravno da će biti... Kao i svaki diktator, izvozi krizu napolje da mu ne bu untra pravila problem... A može jako puno sranja da napravi...


Šta će uraditi vođe "Slobodnog sveta"? Još više mu se uvlačiti? Hoće Jermenije biti nova Češka? Gde će biti novi Minhenski sporazum?

  • +1 1
9 minutes ago, namenski said:

Samo ostro, beskompromisno i antidesnicarski levicarski!!! 




Ne važi se ovo. :dry: Već smo rekli da je socijaldemokratija ustvari centar-desno :sleep: Mislim, kapiram, i razumem sentiment. Te gospođe gore su tada popile ozbiljnu kritiku sa desnice, i odbrana im i nije bila nešto - važan partner za S industriju. A za krpu na glavi nisu uspele da smisle ništa bolje do - poštovanja domaćina. Domaćin nije tražio ništa, skoro sasvim sigurno. Ima veze sa integritetom, znanjem i umenjem. Sve im to fali(lo).


Dodatak, prošlo vreme za dopisivanje i ispravljanje: popile su kritiku i sa levice, nečega što kao liči na to.


I, vidim da je tweet 12. deo obrisan, pa evo cp da ne ispadne da se pozivam na ništa

12. Muslims have a right to be angry and to kill millions of French people for the massacres of the past.


9 hours ago, SNARC said:




Francuzi, kakva je rakcija na ovo, i kakva bi bila da isto ovako "traže" Jevreje npr.?

3 hours ago, zorglub said:


Treba im šapnuti da takva društva već postoje, te da su slobodni k'o konji na livadi da tamo pobegnu iz opresivnih društava poput francuskog.


To je kao kad kažeš Francuzima da demokratska društva postoje (kod kuće) i nema potrebe da prelaze Sredozemlje i bombarduju Sirt i Tripoli.

  • Hvala 1
To je kao kad kažeš Francuzima da demokratska društva postoje (kod kuće) i nema potrebe da prelaze Sredozemlje i bombarduju Sirt i Tripoli.
Emirati bombarduju Libiju ove cijele godine i posljednje četiri, zanimljivo kako u Abu Dhabiju još nije nikome pala glava s ramena

I Jemen. A francuzi su bomabardovali Asada kojeg ovi islamisti mrze. 

10 minutes ago, Roger Sanchez said:
14 minutes ago, mackenzie said:
To je kao kad kažeš Francuzima da demokratska društva postoje (kod kuće) i nema potrebe da prelaze Sredozemlje i bombarduju Sirt i Tripoli.

Emirati bombarduju Libiju ove cijele godine i posljednje četiri, zanimljivo kako u Abu Dhabiju još nije nikome pala glava s ramena


Možda zato što ne možeš da sjedneš u neki čamac i da se zaputiš prema UAE i da te na sred puta pokupi neka NGO sa svojim brodom i istovari pred sama vrata Abu Dabija i da te tamo dočeka gomila oduševljenih koji se računaju u neke progresivne muslimane/emiraćane/štagod. U to računaj i pokušaj ilegalnog prelaska kopnene granice. Ili da dođeš tamo sa nekakvom svojom religijom i slobodno misionariš ili prozelitišeš. Ili da uvodiš u škole nekakve predmete koji odudaraju od zvaničnog stava. Ili da se zalažeš za nekakva prava nedomicilnog stanovništva ili da si sam došljak nekakav i da ideš okolo i talasaš. Sloboda govora? Da. Ako želiš da te legalno kamenuju. Apostazija? Da. Ako želiš da te dekapitiraju. Itd. eto ukratko.

  • +1 1

Otprilike "Dobili ste šta ste tražili" umetnuto u masu teksta, bedno i sramno, a pošto prosto ne znam šta pre da istaknem :blink: :frust: evo teksta saopštenja u celosti. 


A Call for Mutual Respect


Statement Attributable to
the Spokesperson of the High Representative for
the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC) 


A Call for Mutual Respect 


New York – 28 October, 2020 


The High Representative is following with deep concern the growing tensions and instances of intolerance triggered by the publication of the satirical caricatures depicting Prophet Muhammed, which Muslims consider insulting and deeply offensive. The inflammatory caricatures have also provoked acts of violence against innocent civilians who were attacked for their sheer religion, belief or ethnicity. The High Representative stresses that insulting religions and sacred religious symbols provokes hatred and violent extremism leading to polarization and fragmentation of the society. He calls for mutual respect of all religions and beliefs and for fostering a culture of fraternity and peace. 


The High Representative stresses that the freedom of religion or belief and the freedom of expression are interdependent, interrelated and mutually re-enforcing rights rooted in the articles 18 and 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Upholding and protecting these fundamental rights is the primary responsibility of member states. At the same time, freedom of expression should be exercised in a way that fully respects the religious beliefs and tenets of all religions. He re-affirms that acts of violence cannot and should not be associated with any religion, nationality, civilization or ethnic group. At the same time, violence can and should never be justifiable or acceptable response to acts of intolerance on the basis of religion or belief. 


The High Representative recalls the UN Plan of Action and Strategy on Hate Speech which provides guidance on fighting hate speech, racism and discrimination. He stresses that addressing hate speech does not mean limiting or prohibiting freedom of speech. It means keeping hate speech from escalating into something more dangerous, particularly incitement to discrimination, hostility and violence, which is prohibited under international law. The High Representative also recalls the UN Plan of Action to Safeguard Religious Sites that is anchored in a set of principles including mutual respect for all peoples, regardless of their faith, culture of history; responsibility to build bridges of mutual understanding and cooperation; diversity to accept and respect the differences among human beings. 


The High Representative notes that all major world religions espouse tolerance and peaceful coexistence in a spirit of shared humanity. He emphasizes that we should reject and stand-up against those who falsely and maliciously invoke religion to score political gains, create misconceptions, fuel division and spread fear and hatred. 


The High Representative strongly encourages interfaith and intercultural dialogue and the debate of ideas at the local, national and international levels which can be a powerful tool against religious intolerance, prejudices and stereotyping. 


The High Representative re-iterates the readiness of UNAOC to support any efforts that promote continued dialogue and foster mutual respect and understanding. 


The United Nations Alliance of Civilizations was created fifteen years ago to serve as a soft power tool for conflict prevention through the promotion of intercultural and interreligious dialogue and building bridges of understanding between different cultures and religions. 








Je li im ovo pisao onaj što je pisao i saopštenja našeg Ministarstva kulture?


Ovo je vrhunac licemerija, francuske gradjane ubijaju na tlu Francuske, i Francuzi se proglašavaju za zle i anticivilizacijske jer crtaju našto...


Jbt, sramote bez...

  • +1 1

pitam se sta bi bilo kad bi francuska insistirala da je sekularna drzava...permanentno 


i da treba istrijebit nevjernike

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