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Premier League 2016-17


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  • Weenie Pooh


  • Jeremija


  • Pokojni Ruxin


  • MancMellow


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Manchester City v Fulham (28 April 2006) Laid George Samaras not to score first goal £5 (Bet won – £10)*


Manchester City v Fulham (28 April 2006) Backed Joey Barton to score first goal £3 (Bet lost)*


Manchester City v Fulham (28 April 2006) Backed Manchester City to win £600 (Bet lost)*


Newcastle v Tottenham (24 September 2008) Newcastle to win £25 (Bet lost)


Newcastle v Sunderland (1 February 2009) Newcastle to win £5 (Bet lost)


Newcastle v Sunderland (1 February 2009) Newcastle to win 2-1 £2 (Bet lost)


Hull v Newcastle (14 March 2009) Newcastle to win £5 (Bet lost)


Hull v Newcastle (14 March 2009) Newcastle to win (as part of a bet involving other matches) £5 (Bet lost)


Forest v Newcastle (17 October 2009) Newcastle to win £22 (Bet lost)


Newcastle v Derby (28 December 2009) Newcastle to win (as part of a bet involving other matches) £50 (Bet lost)


Stevenage v Newcastle (8 January 2011) Newcastle to win £497.50 (Bet lost)*


Stevenage v Newcastle (8 January 2011) Newcastle to lead at HT and FT £250 (Bet lost)*


QPR v Rochdale (23 August 2011) QPR to win £25 (Bet lost)


QPR v Leeds United (1 March 2014) QPR to win as part of multiple bet £25 (Bet lost)


QPR v Leeds United (1 March 2014) QPR to win £250 (Bet lost)


West Ham v Manchester City (15 April 2006) West Ham to win (Bet won – returns £53.60)


Newcastle v PSV (6 August 2008) Draw at HT and PSV lead at FT £30 (Bet lost)


Newcastle v PSV (6 August 2008) PSV to lead at HT and FT £5.65 (Bet lost)


Newcastle v PSV (6 August 2008) PSV to lead at HT and FT £24.35 (Bet lost)


Newcastle v PSV (6 August 2008) PSV to win £40 (Bet lost)


Newcastle v PSV (6 August 2008) PSV to win 1-0 £10 (Bet lost)


Newcastle v PSV (6 August 2008) PSV to win 2-0 £10 (Bet lost)


Newcastle v PSV (6 August 2008) PSV to win 3-0 £10 (Bet lost)


Newcastle v PSV (6 August 2008) PSV to win £81.67 (Bet lost)


Newcastle v PSV (6 August 2008) PSV to win £158.33 (Bet lost)


Manchester United v Newcastle (17 August 2008) Man Utd to win £300 (Bet lost)


Chelsea v Newcastle (22 November 2008) Chelsea to win £48 (Bet lost)


Newcastle v Chelsea (28 November 2010) Chelsea to win £500 (Bet lost)


Newcastle v Chelsea (28 November 2010) Chelsea to win (as part of multiple bet which includes singles and doubles) £350 (Bet lost on Newcastle but other part of bet paid as a win – returns £435)


Newcastle Reserves v Arsenal Reserves (9 March 2011) Arsenal to win £100 (Bet lost)


* Denotes matches in which Barton played.




Ovo je gore nego ja na PPPogađalici :unsure:

Edited by Weenie Pooh
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Niko ne brani ubacivacu da ostane na razdaljini od linije i ubaci tako loptu.



Znaci Alexis dobio žuti zbog flopa ajde sa to tako nazovemo, a ovaj idiot da je to učinio posle npr faula bio bi minimalno žuti.


Sudija je žešće loš bio sinoć tokom cele tekme

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Misliš pozajmice.



je, zaboravio sam navodnike da stavim.... al ono, već je debeli izjavio da želi da ga zadrži

teško da bi oni mogli da nadju bolje rešenje od njega, ono jbg ima igrača naravno ali kontam da bi tu išli na sigurno, para imaju, nije im problema da iskeširaju kolko Liverpul traži


sad je pitanje, šta sam igrač misli o tome i to pominjem iz razloga zato što sam čitao da bi ga neki navijači poslali Sautemptonu u zamenu za njegovo visočanstvo Virdzila :D 

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para imaju, nije im problema da iskeširaju kolko Liverpul traži


sad je pitanje, šta sam igrač misli o tome

Ne znam, svesni su da ga Klopp neće nazad a pritom je čovek upravo sjebao ligamente, možda ne budu previše velikodušni sa ponudom.


Sakho je zvučao zadovoljno u nedavnom intervjuu, sumnjam da mu Palace ne odgovara. Southampton za Vergilija sigurno hoće ozbiljne pare, a ne pola u naturi.

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Ponovicu - izludjuje me sa Shawom. Apsolutno je trebalo on umesto Darmiana. 


Mnogo im je brz napad za nasu odbranu. Mislim da cemo se braniti od pocetka. 

Edited by MancMellow
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