Heaviside Posted December 15, 2021 Posted December 15, 2021 56 minutes ago, Filozof manijak said: A operatori/teledrajveri će upravljati tim automobilima kao npr.dronovima? Voleo bih da vidim kako bi izgledalo to upravljačko mesto. Imaš skicu na njihovom sajtu. Tri ekrana, sedište, volan, papučice. Liči na simulatore na kojima treniraju profi trkači i na simulatore za testiranje pogona. Imaš toga na YT ako te zanima. Znam da AVL pravi dobar simulator za testiranje trkačkih automobila, trebalo bi da izgleda slično kao ovo. 1
Peter Fan Posted November 3, 2022 Posted November 3, 2022 Vec sam to pisao (zapravo linkova), ali driverless tehnologija ce biti naprije biti upotrebljena tamo gdje je profit najveci, a to su prevoznici tereta. Konkretno: KEY QUOTES FROM ABIDI: “When you’re talking about autonomous trucking, the secret sauce is finding a very limited use case in which you deploy it so that it’s relatively easy to develop the technology.” “Right now there’s a regimen for how a driver conducts a pre-inspection for a regular Class 8 truck. That same regimen for an autonomous truck looks quite different. You’ve got your base truck of course, but you also have your sensors and computer. That’s a little more intricate, and one of the things we’ve worked with DHL on is, how long does that process take.” “I think in the next five years, you’re going to see [autonomous trucking] deploy on meaningful lanes in the U.S. And if you’re a carrier or a shipper, it matters a lot for certain parts of your network. It will really come down to specific lanes — there will be some lanes where it will not be a factor.” KEY QUOTES FROM COX: “The stuff that’s not as sexy is what’s going to make autonomous trucking successful, such as how do we pre-certify the loads so that we can bypass the weigh station. And to also have contingency plans in place so if something does go wrong — Embark is working on all this stuff, and it gives us a lot of comfort as their partners.” “I think where this makes most economic sense is in long-haul trucking — that’s also where it has been difficult to hire drivers, and that’s where the Class 8 challenges have been most acute the last few years, and quite frankly there’s a lot of volume to be met there.” Beyond testing: Scaling autonomous trucks for commercial operations - FreightWaves
Tpojka Posted September 15, 2023 Posted September 15, 2023 https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12483487/Two-Cruise-driverless-taxis-BLOCKED-ambulance-carrying-car-crash-victim-San-Francisco-later-died-hospital.html San Francisco Fire Department records have said that two automated Cruise taxis caused an ambulance carrying a car crash victim to be delayed The victim, who remains unknown, passed away from 'significant lower extremity injuries' shortly after arriving at hospital The company fired back at the fire department saying that their vehicles had made a path for emergency teams
bios Posted September 19, 2023 Posted September 19, 2023 @Tpojka Eh da je prvi put da se ovo isto desi, nego otprilike deseti put slična stvar. Ima na wiki lista incidenata koga zanima. A baš razmišljam gde da napišem moj pomalo bizarni susret sa jednim od ovih Cruise uređaja. Amblendovao sam robotu Vozio sam kroz usku ulicu sa parkiranim autima sa obe strane, i u nekom monentu blicnem i sklonim se sa strane da propustim auto koji mi je dolazio u susret. Kako je bio sumrak nije izgledalo ništa čudno, osim što je vozilo imalo antene i kamere na sebi. Ali pomislih da radi mapiranje za Google ili tako nešto. Par minuta kasnije drugi isti takav stane pored mene na semaforu i ja se okrenem da vidim ko vozi- kad imam šta da vidim. Naslon za glavu je tu, ali glave nema Nisam pojma imao da su dobili dozvolu da rade u mom gradu. Za sad samo za kretanje, ne i za prevoz putnika. Cruise je inače kompanija koju je kupio General Morors tako da za njih rade razvoj ove tehnologije. Jedan od ciljeva im je da unaprede način kretanja u smislu da ne skreću pažnju drugim vozačima, ali upadljivo je da se kreću nekako robotski i neprirodno.
Weenie Pooh Posted January 19, 2024 Posted January 19, 2024 Da ne trolujem više Twitter temu ovim, dosta sadržajan video jednog vlasnika Tesle. Ako kojim slučajem zlotvori nisu banovali @mustang, dobro bi joj došlo da pogleda.
bios Posted March 1 Posted March 1 https://www.axios.com/local/austin/2025/02/05/austinites-can-opt-in-to-waymo-rides-on-uber Živ nisam da vidim hoće li ovo da se realizuje. Downtown i okolina ih viđam svaki dan kako treniraju, ali na autoputevima ih nikad nisam video. Osim što je na autoputu velika brzina uz zgusnut saobraćaj, problem je i što se konstantno otvaraju gradilišta, menjaju paterni, zatvaraju i otvaraju rampe itd.
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