bigvlada Posted February 12, 2016 Share Posted February 12, 2016 Volvo says people want the option to drive driverless cars Volvo recently conducted a survey of some 10,000 respondents around the world regardingautonomous vehicle technology. And what they found is that customers still want a steering wheel – and more importantly, the ability to use it – even in a vehicle that can drive itself. According to the Swedish automaker, an overwhelming majority of 92 percent of respondents said that the driver should be able to take control of an autonomous vehicle at any given time. That means Gothenburg's self-driving cars are going to need a steering wheel and pedals if the company is going to convince a hopeful but skeptical public that it's safe to transition to autonomous transportation. The company's Concept 26 proposes a retractable steering column that withdraws out of the way when not in use and extends when needed, and a driver's seat that transitions between three positions depending on the degree of the occupant's engagement. The time it would take to put the driver back behind the wheel in case of an emergency, however, might undermine a the public's willingness to surrender control. That is, at least, in the initial phase while autonomous vehicles gain traction, so to speak. Together with Ericsson, the automaker also announced at CES this week the development of improved on-board broadband streaming technology to keep occupants entertained while not driving. Among other findings from the company's Future of Driving survey, Volvo found that 88 percent of respondents said that autonomous vehicles must "respect the love of driving," while 78 percent believe that autonomous vehicles would improve their commute. All but 10 percent of respondents said an autonomous vehicle should be able to pass the same driving test that a human driver does. And 81 percent believe that the manufacturer (not the driver/occupant) should be responsible in case an autonomous vehicle should crash. CONSUMERS SAY THEY WANT A STEERING WHEEL IN AUTONOMOUS CARS 10,000 respondents worldwide have provided their insight into Volvo's Future of Driving survey, the largest online conversation to date focused on autonomous driving. The results highlight what consumers currently want from autonomous cars and how they will embrace the technology. Based on the latest analysis of responses, Volvo has found: - 92 percent of respondents believe that people should be able to take control of autonomous cars at any moment - 81 percent of people agree that car manufacturers, not car owners, must take responsibility if an accident occurs when a car is driving autonomously - 90 percent feel that autonomous cars should be able to pass a human driving test - While 88 percent of people think that technology in autonomous cars should respect the love of driving, 78 percent also believe that technology in autonomous cars will make their time traveling more useful and worthwhile The data supports Volvo Cars' work toward a future that enables drivers to better use the time spent in their cars during daily commutes, whether that is relaxing, watching movies or enjoying the luxury of driving. "People have told us that they need to feel in control and have the choice of when to delegate driving to the car. Today, that need is ultimately fulfilled with the presence of a steering wheel," said Anders Tylman-Mikiewicz General Manager of the Volvo Monitoring & Concept Center, "Therefore, a steering wheel is necessary until those needs change." Volvo is working toward innovations and features like Sensus Connect, Intersection Auto Brake and Run Off Road Protection, and Pilot Assist all available on the all new XC90. Additionally, Volvo Concept 26, the first autonomous driving interior build on a vehicle platform available for sale today, demonstrates a new way of thinking about how autonomous vehicles will integrate into daily life and how they can offer customers the freedom to delegate driving and better utilize their travel time. "With Concept 26, we shared part of our long-term vision for fully autonomous cars. Now we're focused on future solutions and collaborations to deliver the best in car experience for people using these autonomous vehicles," continued Tylman-Mikiewicz. "Imagine a highway of autonomous cars, each filled with people relaxing, enjoying their favorite TV shows in high-definition, or catching up on work. It's exciting to think about." Today at the 2016 International Consumer Electronics Show (CES), Volvo Cars also announced it is expanding its online conversation about autonomous driving to global participants so that everyone can have a say on the Future of Driving. Link to comment
Time Crisis Posted February 12, 2016 Share Posted February 12, 2016 Kao opcija da, ali da se može isključiti. Link to comment
Peter Fan Posted February 12, 2016 Share Posted February 12, 2016 Volvo says people want the option to drive driverless cars Volvo is working toward innovations and features like Sensus Connect, Intersection Auto Brake and Run Off Road Protection, and Pilot Assist all available on the all new XC90. Additionally, Volvo Concept 26, the first autonomous driving interior build on a vehicle platform available for sale today, demonstrates a new way of thinking about how autonomous vehicles will integrate into daily life and how they can offer customers the freedom to delegate driving and better utilize their travel time. Ja sam mislio da kupim taj Volvo XC90 i uzeo sam ga bio na 24-hr test voznju. Na autoputu i u ravnoj gradskoj voznji (bez skretanja od 90 stepeni), auto se prakticno vozi sam kad ukljucis driver assist/adaptive cruise control. Auto ima sistem kamera i radara koji prate trake na asfaltu i objekte u krugu od 360 stepeni, i na taj nacin odrzava rastojanje i skrece. Sistem je veoma dobar tamo gdje je horizontalna signalizacija pristojna. Mada, neobican je osjecaj da na 120 km/h dignes ruke sa volana i pustis ga da ide sam u krivinu. A kako bi tek bilo da sjedis u autu, gdje nemas mogucnost za ljudksu intervenciju. Vjerovatno se ne bih jos usudio. Ali, kad se usavrse radari i algoritmi, ko zna. Link to comment
gone fishing Posted February 12, 2016 Share Posted February 12, 2016 da li će taj sistem znati da obiđe rupe na putu ili pregažene jazavce npr... Link to comment
Peter Fan Posted February 12, 2016 Share Posted February 12, 2016 da li će taj sistem znati da obiđe rupe na putu ili pregažene jazavce npr... Pa Volvo (i M-B, a vjerovatno i drugi) vec sad ima sistem koji do ~50km/h sam prepoznaje siluetu pjesaka ili bicikliste i koci, ako vozac vec nije. Tehnologija je uznapredovala do potrebnog nivo, pitanje je vise cijene - moze li opasti dovoljno da bi bila prihvatljiva za siroku upotrebu. Ja mislim da ce za najdalje 10 godina to biti realnost na cestama. Link to comment
nesha taxista Posted February 18, 2016 Share Posted February 18, 2016 Kao opcija da, ali da se može isključiti. E, tako! Link to comment
Prokleto Djubre Posted February 19, 2016 Share Posted February 19, 2016 Nedavno sam citao neku raspravu, nesto u fazonu "sta bi bilo zabranjeno da je izmisljeno danas" i najzanimljivija ideja je bila - voznja. Da je nekako evolucija saobracaja tekla tako da postoje samo vozovi, tramvaji i busevi i da su svi navikli da samo profesionalci voze, kad bi neko danas predlozio da svi voze to bi bilo docekano slicno kao predlog da stavimo nagazne mine po ulicama. Pricam o drustvu u kome na cackalicama pise da ne smes da ih guras u oko. Mislim da nemamo ni jednu ludju stvar koju radimo na sirokoj skali i da je uobicajena i neupitna. Sve vise tradicionalnih auto kompanija se ukrcava na voz, Apple i Google su izgleda ozbiljno zagrizli a ako Tesla zaista izbaci model koji kosta 30-40 soma dolara kao sto najavljuje, mislim da cemo svi zajedno videti poslednje dane tradicionalne voznje. U sledecoj generaciji ocekujem da ljudi pricaju o ovoj navici kao mi o heroinu u decjem sirupu za kasalj. Link to comment
Venom Posted February 19, 2016 Share Posted February 19, 2016 Prvo da dokazu da su u stanju da naprave auto koji se vozi sam, posto do sada nisu uspeli da naprave auto(mobile) kojima se ponekad ne desi da ubrzaju sami od sebe, because bugs. Do tada, no way jose. Link to comment
Prokleto Djubre Posted February 19, 2016 Share Posted February 19, 2016 Prvo da dokazu da su u stanju da naprave auto koji se vozi sam, posto do sada nisu uspeli da naprave auto(mobile) kojima se ponekad ne desi da ubrzaju sami od sebe, because bugs. Do tada, no way jose. Pa kazem ti, najjace firme sveta su u fazonu bas to da dokazu i za sada sve tece prilicno dobro. Naravno da ce dokazati tako nesto, ne postoji nikakva tehnicka prepreka za to samo treba da prodje jos nesto vremena. Kad se poklopi da je nesto moguce, da proizvodjaci zele i ulazu u to i da ljudi tako nesto zele, ne vidim sta to moze da ga zaustavi. Plus bi takva stvar resila jedan od najvecih izazivaca smrti koje moderne drzave imaju. Tesla inace vec ima prilicno dobre rezultate na ovom planu i poneki zivot su vec spasili, kad naprave automobil siroke potrosnje ovo ce se eksponencionalno ubrzati. Razlog za to je briljantan softverski pristup gde automobili salju podatke nazad i svaki sledeci apdejt je rezultat algoritama unapredjenih na osnovu realnih situacija sa terena. Link to comment
Venom Posted February 19, 2016 Share Posted February 19, 2016 Can't prove a negative. Mogu da dokazu tako sto ce se koristiti, pa ce reci, evo vidite da radi. Sto je ok, nemamo bolji nacin danas. Ali ja sigurno necu biti pokusni kunic. Link to comment
Prokleto Djubre Posted February 19, 2016 Share Posted February 19, 2016 Ma dobro, to stoji, naravno. Nista ne postoji dok ne postoji. Naslov i tema ovog topika se bavi stvarima koje mislimo/nadamo se da ce postojati, pa spekulisemo. Link to comment
JozoMujica Posted February 19, 2016 Share Posted February 19, 2016 Ja bih pristao, ali pod uslovom da nijedan drugi auto ne vozi čovek, već da sve automobile voze kompovi. Link to comment
Prokleto Djubre Posted February 19, 2016 Share Posted February 19, 2016 Pravi pionir :D Link to comment
gone fishing Posted February 19, 2016 Share Posted February 19, 2016 meh, može kada komp nauči da obilazi udarne rupe, pregažene životinje na putu, kada bude mogao da donosi procene šta uraditi kada vidi kuče koje se šeta na ivici puta, pijanog biciklistu, čobana koji planira da prevede ovčice ili još gore krave preko puta, to su sve potencijalno opasne situacije da se dozvoli kompu da bezbrižno vozi sto na sat, da bi u slučaju opasnosti reagovao u stotom delu sekunde ali avaj šta to vredi kada vozilo ima inerciju pa se nesreća neće moći izbeći - zamislite vozi vas tako auto, vi čitate forum, udubili ste se u raspravu na njemu, srčete kafu ili crnu đavolsku tečnost iz pakla izašlu i odjednom pređete preko neke rupe, kafa ili kola se prosipa po vama pa ćete tako flekavi (i ispečeni) na neku svadbu ^_^ Link to comment
Prokleto Djubre Posted February 19, 2016 Share Posted February 19, 2016 Da li stvarno mislis da su se neki medju najpametnijim ljudima sveta skupili da prave autopilota i da im rupe na putu nisu pale na pamet??? Firme koje rade ovo nisu zalile troskova za krem inzenjerstva, naucnika svih povezanih oblasti, opreme i uslova. Pazi sad, ne kazem da je to sve upicanjeno i do jaja, ali ideja da si se ti setio rupe na putu a oni ne trazi bas dosta arogancije. Link to comment
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