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VICE Srbija


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enivej, odmore, uletanje mladog bondovca u akciju sto se tice vicea nije neka stvar teska za prokljuviti, poenta je vice upravo forma definisana kroz uletanje u akciju i uostalom pravljenje egzotike i akcije i tamo gdje je nema. mislim nevoljenje je ok uvijek. whatever. 


morgana moj problem sa vice news-om nije sa stilom nego ta tipicna hipsterska dvolicnost. znaci, sa jedne strane imamo independent, mladi istrazivaci, dzems bond akcije, a sa druge strane imamo jedan u sustini potpuno konzervativan i bias-ed mainstream pristup kljucnim temama. hrabrost: nula. zelja da se nesto kaze: nula. zelim im brzu propast.

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nije vajs "dnevnik u pola osam" (jel' news postoji samo globalni ili i njega ponegde lokalizuju?), pa da je jedini izvor informacija, koje kao do sada niko nikada nije objavio. oni su samo pronasli prazan prostor u velikim/starim medijima, i uz napredak tehnologije nabili imidz modernih i za mlade.


ova velika ekspanzija ce biti izazov u izboru tema, izmedju egzoticnih i aktuelnih drustvenih/politickih (i sta su mardok i dizni nanjusili u deonicama).


za pocetak, dobro je da jednom dobijemo aktuelan medijski trend.


p.s. meni je uvek bio simpaticniji salon, ali su oni zaboravili da otkriju svet van amerike, sto je vajs uradio.

Edited by Takeshi
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slazm se sa takeshijem.


nije meni svaki ponaosob viceov tekst/film dobar, zanimljiv niti uostalom bitan - mada neki bas jesu. stvar je u tome sto nudi zanrovsku obradu teme. zanr je vrednosno neutralan a kvalitativna ljestvica postoji unutar njega kao i bilo gdje drugdje.


odmore, mogu da se slozim da je pristup ponekad konzervativan i to cak nije ni samo odlika vice nego niza 'novih' formi i medija, s tim da nisam sklona da odbacim konzervativnu formu niti po svaku cijenu trazim nekakav ideologizovan ili u bilo kom smislu inovativan sadrzaj.


pristrasan svakako jeste, i u smislu licne pristrasnosti i u ciljanju odredjenog trzista. ovo prvo je prosto odlika zanra i kao takvo je uzmi-ili-ostavi, ovo drugo je neizbjezno a vidljivije samo utoliko sto auditorijum na koji se djelimicno cilja sebe vidi kao subkulturu a u stvari je dio novog mejnstrima.


takeshi, i kinfolk se u izvjesnom smislu oslanja na vice. eto opet primjera retradicionalizacije sa specijalnim izdanjima tematski koncipiranim. mislim znam da ga volis jer si ga nedavno pominjao.


ovako kako raspravljamo o hipsterskim medijima meni se cini da bismo i o plejboju da kojim slucajem sad tek ulazi na trziste pa i nase. onda mi bude smijesno da ga branim jer je davno i napadnut i odbranjen toliko da je vec deplasirano praviti s bilo koje pozicije temu od njega.


neka cvjeta hiljadu cvjetova. ja sam prezadovoljna da mogu na svom jeziku da citam tekstove o temama mimo juznog toka i savamale. nadam se nekom uratku iz granicnog podrucja novinarstva ka knjizevnosti. bas volim tu prastaru formu koja se hipsterima prodaje kao juce rodjena. uostalom i hipsteri vole retro.

Edited by morgana
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slazm se sa takeshijem.



nekoliko tema.


mislim da bi plejboj danas imao ozbiljnih problema, niti su vesele sedamdesete, niti ta seksualizacija svega ima samo prijatne premise.

ali moze da se poredi u konceptu, da kroz navodno jednu vrstu kanala, moze da se provuce ispod povrsine gomila ozbiljnih stvari. publici koja nije ni dosla po to. tu lezi najveca vrednost vajsa, da neko ko je dosao po reportazu o navijacima, naleti na tekst o vakcinaciji. (malo karikiram).

i generalno ispada da je kanal podjednako vazan kao i informacija, vecina srpskih tekstova su "iz sobe", mogli bi da stoje na bilo cijem blogu, i niko ih ne bi procitao. ovako na trendi potralu dobijaju novo svetlo.

nisam gledao video reportaze, to ce biti posebno zanimljivo, ulaganje u ozbiljniju produkciju.


kinfolk je za 30+ publiku,vajsovcima je dosadan. organska hrana i pastelne dekoracije, ne idu uz orgije i drogu.  ^_^

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pa kinfolk jase na talasu tematskih izdanja, to ti kazem. to je posmatrajuci web viceova inovacija.

inace je hipsteraj u punom novokonzumeristickom smislu te rijeci.

Edited by morgana
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pa kinfolk jase na talasu tematskih izdanja, to ti kazem. to je posmatrajuci web viceova inovacija.


da, da... malopre gledam originalni portal, znao sam za noisey za muziku i motherboard za vesti iz tehnologije/nauke, ali tamo ima jos 5-6.  :huh:

fightland za borilacke vrstine, thump opet za muziku, creators project za video.

ima i munchies za hranu. eto taman da ne zamisljam kako bi oni odradili taj segment, umesto kinfolka. 

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Neki lik koji sebe zove "Aleks Eror" napisao je članak za Vice u kojem pljuje svakoga ko pokušava da promoviše Srbiju u pozitivnom svetlu (http://www.vice.com/…/read/ta-ne-govorimo-strancima-u-srbiji), pa i mog prijatelja Stefana Popovića, kojeg je nazvao "gastarbajterom" iako je rođen u Australiji i iz duše voli Srbiju. Umesto da gledamo šta je pozitivno kod nas i fokusiramo se na to, uvek isplivavaju isfrustrirani klinci koji imaju problem sa odrastanjem, pa im je sve drugo krivo osim njih samih. A u tom pohodu se služe i lažima, kao naš "Aleks", što sam napisao i na Twitteru: https://twitter.com/malagurski/status/544984249971920897Zabrinjavajuće je što je nekim ljudima (poput "Aleksu") jedini način da se probiju u stranim medijima taj da nas predstave što gore i da su im najveći problem oni koji nam žele sve najbolje.
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video prilog o krvnoj osveti je veoma dobar (cura je zapravo sasvim podnosljiva).... prilog joj je bio lep upliv ovog malo ozbiljnijeg, nedavno pokrenutog vice news pristupa u srpski vajs. za razliku od nje, onaj srpki Somalijac ili somalijski Srbin sa tattoo-rukavima sto je isao na grmecku koridu je totalni promašaj....


ovo ostalo od tekstova sto sam citao je teska prekopirana hipsterska masturbacija u tradicionalnom vajs stilu..... sa sve debilnim pseudonimima, btw.


ovima u srpskoj redakciji Vajsa sto 'raskrinkavaju bljestavu laznu sliku Srbije' su izgleda pokazali ovaj tekst dole od pre par godina sa americkog Vajsa i rekli "e, ovako da pisete, ali na srpskom"....





Serbia Needs Women
June 1, 2011

by Baby Balls


The breakup of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia hit Serbia a little hard. Slovenia made off with the money (fuckin’ bitch), Bosnia got most of the heavy industry, Croatia and Montenegro took the seaside, and Kosovo got something or other that Serbs seem to find important. And like your former friend who broke into his ex’s apartment after being dumped and carved up her mattress with a kitchen knife, Serbia didn’t exactly handle it well. Keep in mind this is a country where the term weekend warrior refers to men in the 90s who punched the clock on Friday afternoon then hopped on a paramilitary APC bound for the freefire rape markets of Bosnia. They also started hitting the bottle.

I’ve been in Belgrade for less than a week. Already my skin’s turned a pale, cheese-ly shade of yellow, my gut’s grown an inch of diameter, and last night I pushed the back of my teeth with my tongue and one of them went creeeeeeeeeak forward. It is the unhealthiest I have felt in my entire life, and I’m just barely keeping up with the locals.

Serbia’s only 25th in Europe in terms of per capita alcohol consumption, but according to local researchers almost half the country drinks daily and one-sixth of the population are alcoholics (and this is by Serbian standards).

You don’t see the kind of hilarious fall-down drunks here that Poland and Russia provide for the internet, just men who’ve been slowly basting themselves in brandy for the past 15 years. Which is actually worse. I’d rather watch old guys laugh and slip in each other’s barf than hang out in a nightclub while men with faces a decade older than their bodies sit and sullenly do shots until seven in the morning.

“There’s two different kinds of martyr complexes you have to understand here,” our translator Iva Prolic told me while we looked at the uncleared ruins of the Serbian army headquarters blown apart in the NATO bombing 12 years ago. “Bosnians are into sorrow, like emotional sadness, whereas Serbs really relish the idea of being hurt and showing off their wounds.”

Serbia’s history has provided them plenty to be sore about, but the past two decades have been real pay dirt. Our working days here start around 10. Which means our drinking days start around 11 (per interview subjects’ request). Which means scabs are fully peeled by noon and we’re being buttonholed about how America forced the breakup of Yugoslavia to suppress Serbian workers’ rights and how the ’92-’95 Bosnian war was a proxy conflict between American and French intelligence services and how the NATO bombing was designed to make Serbia dependent on Western corporate interests. All of which sounds like classic paranoid drunk talk until you consider that most of the left-leaning journalists we’ve met are being paid by the National Endowment for Democracy (CIA) and our fixer won’t shut up about the apple pie he was once baked by his friend from the “Company” (also CIA).

Anyway, it’s fun to blame the country’s booze blues on international politics, but demographics is the real thinking man’s game, and right now Serbia’s shooting bricks. The birth rate has been plummeting since the 60s, and the death rate is a taint hair behind Russia’s. Worst of all, they’re low on ladies.

Belgrade’s ratio of guys to girls is comparable to a college bar with a bad door policy, but once you get out in the sticks it’s a full-on sausage party. The problem in most towns is that while all kids want to get the fuck out, only the girls are able to navigate Serbia’s horrendous economy (20 percent unemployment as of April) and make it to the cities, while the dudes are left watering the cows. I visited a farming village in southern Serbia (the historical seedbed of rabid Serbian nationalism and not the kind of place you want to drive a car with Albanian plates) where the shortage of unwed women is so dire there are charities who pay Albanian women 500 euros to drive up and marry one of the locals. It’s basically animal husbandry for people.

To get more depressed by Serbia watch The VICE Guide to the Balkans, starting in August on VBS.TV.







ocigledno su im mucenicima preneli i druge svete tajne americkog Vajsa - obaveznu upotrebu kretenskih pseudonima i laznih biografija. tako je persona 'Aleks Eror' verovatno nastala ugledajuci se na gorepotpisanog anglosaksonskog kolegu, raba božijeg po imenu Baby Balls, a ne bi me cudilo ni da su biografski podaci Aleksa Erora neka paljevina, ili potpuna ili malo doradjena......


sam suosnivac i gazda Vajsa, Šejn Smit je uhvacen u milion manjih i vecih lazi u svojoj biografiji (potvrdjenih i dokazanih) - izmedju ostalog palio je svoju manje inteligentne investitore i citaoce da je 1994. i 1995. bio ratni izvestac Rojtersa u Bosni te da je izmedju odlazaka na front radio kao novinar Budapest Sun-a i hedge fond spekulant u post-komunistickoj Budimpesti - sve laz do lazi....


ovaj deo iz intervjua za Playboy iz 2007. godine je antologija, a tek još sa znanjem da je svaka reč izmišljena



Playboy.com: You wrote for Reuters in Bosnia in the 1990s. Did that experience affect how you viewed the world and the way you look at VICE?


Shane Smith: Definitely. I went down to Serbia and Croatia during the war. I covered the ethnic cleansing and did a big thing on [former Yugoslavian dictator Josip Broz] Tito, and the situation when he left power is very similar to the current situation in Iraq. Tito held all these different ethnic groups together but, at the same time, told everyone to keep a machine gun in their house in case the Soviets come rolling over in their tanks. As soon as he died and the cult of personality left, everyone with a thousand-year-old grudge went hog wild and killed each other. That’s what’s happening in Iraq and what would happen in Iran. The American government should have seen that Saddam had held all of these factions under his thumb. It’s not hard to figure out.

When I was there, you’d see the Croatian stringers go out and get the story and tell the Americans what happened, and then they would stand in front of a burning car and say this is what is going on. It was total bullshit. These huge media machines are cranking out this shit. We definitely wanted to start something that wasn’t like that, something that was free, much more interactive and easy to digest. VBS is a perfect follow-up on that. The Internet is grassroots democracy; the free movement and dissemination of information.

- See more at: http://patricksisson.com/shane-smith-playboy-comversation/#sthash.vRoXQw00.dpuf


Edited by zvonko
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ali ovaj tekst o romskim grobljima i pseudonim labud gordić hahah taman kada sam mislio da ne može jači pseudonim od aleks eror (diklejmer: provalio sam koji je forumaš u pitanju ipak ponajviše zahvaljujući drugim faktorima)

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