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Sinovi kineskog zmaja

Lord Protector

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Jedino što to nisu prve tvrdnje tog tipa za Kinu.



Ethan Gutmann, an investigative journalist and author specializing in China, initiated his own investigation into the allegations of organ harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners in 2006. Over the span of several years, he conducted interviews with over 100 refugees from China's labor camp and prison system, as well as with Chinese law enforcement personnel and medical professionals.[55] Based on his research, Gutmann concluded that organ harvesting from prisoners of conscience became prevalent in the northwestern province of Xinjiang during the 1990s, when members of the Uyghur ethnic group were targeted in security crackdowns and “strike hard campaigns.”[56][57]

By 1999, Gutmann says that organ harvesting in Xinjiang began to decline precipitously, just as overall rates of organ transplantation nationwide were rising. The same year, the Chinese government launched a nationwide suppression of the Falun Gong spiritual group. Gutmann suggests that the new Falun Gong prisoner population overtook Uyghurs as a major source of organs.[2] He estimated that approximately 65,000 Falun Gong practitioners had been killed for their organs between 2000 and 2008, and notes that this figure is similar to that produced by Kilgour and Matas when adjusted to cover the same time period.[2][58]


In a February 2008 report, UN Special Rapporteur on Torture Manfred Nowak noted that in China "there are many more organ transplants than identifiable sources of organs ... It is alleged that the discrepancy between available organs and numbers from identifiable sources is explained by organs harvested from Falun Gong practitioners, and that the rise in transplants from 2000 coincides and correlates with the beginning of the persecution of these persons".


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Zanimljivo je da su kineski botovi na američkom Amazonu dodelili deset najnižih ocena (od ukupno 12 dobijenih) Gatmanovoj knjizi o vađenju organa u svega 2 dana, 3. i 4. oktobra 2018. Knjiga inače ima prilično dobre recenzije i dostupna je na Libgenu.






Dakle, ne izgleda baš verovatno da su u pitanju potpuno nedokumentovane gluposti u koje niko živ ne veruje. Da je tako, jednostavno se ne bi cimali.

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Inače, rezolucije o kineskom vađenju organa političkih protivnika usvajali su američki Senat, Evropski parlament i italijanski Senat:


Američki Senat:


Expressing concern regarding persistent and credible reports of systematic, state-sanctioned organ harvesting from non-consenting prisoners of conscience in the People's Republic of China, including from large numbers of Falun Gong practitioners and members of other religious and ethnic minority groups.



Evropski parlament:


European Parliament resolution of 12 December 2013 on organ harvesting in China



Italijanski Senat:

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Sve institucije od poverenja. Ne kažem ja ni da jeste ni da nije, ne znam ništa o tome, ali ovima koje si nabrojao ne verujem ni kad kažu da je danas petak, pogotovo kad pričaju o Kini bilo šta. Čuj US senat i evropski parlament. I italijanski. 

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7 minutes ago, palikaris said:

Sve institucije od poverenja. Ne kažem ja ni da jeste ni da nije, ne znam ništa o tome, ali ovima koje si nabrojao ne verujem ni kad kažu da je danas petak, pogotovo kad pričaju o Kini bilo šta. Čuj US senat i evropski parlament. I italijanski. 


A inače su kineske vlasti institucije od još većeg poverenja. Američki senat kakav god da je (a visoko mišljenje o njemu nemam), za bilo kakvo slično kinesko telo je avion

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5 minutes ago, hazard said:


A inače su kineske vlasti institucije od još većeg poverenja. Američki senat kakav god da je (a visoko mišljenje o njemu nemam), za bilo kakvo slično kinesko telo je avion

Pa da, al ovde niko nije navodio tvrdnje bilo kog kineskog tela da potkrepi bilo kakvu tvrdnju, a s druge strane se tvrdnje dokazanih lažova apriori uzimaju kao tačne. Iste te institucije su se u otprilike isto vreme kad su ove rezolucije donete, smejale tvrdnjama o žutoj kući na Kosovu. 


Evo, propaganda s kontra strane je još 2014. objavila da se s tim prestalo:


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Nisu objavili da se prestalo, već su najavili da će prestati, i to nakon što su godinama tvrdili da je sve izmišljotina i da to uopšte ne rade. Bravo za njih. Sve čestitke.


Inače, najavljivali da će prestati nekoliko puta - evo jedne vesti o tome iz daleke 2009:



Malo više detalja o skupu u UN gde se o tome govorilo:



China is accused of harvesting tens of thousands of organs to serve a thriving global market


Olivia Goldhill

4 hours ago

Barely two months after Han Junqing, from Beijing, was imprisoned for practicing the spiritual discipline of Falun Gong, he died in captivity. When his family was briefly allowed to see his body, more than a month after he died, his daughter says they discovered it had been sliced open.

“There were stitches at the throat area, using very thick black threads. The incision extended down until covered by the clothes,” said his daughter, Han Yu, at a United Nations event on forced organ harvesting on Wednesday. Her uncle and other relatives managed to unbutton her father’s clothes. “They found that the incision was all the way from throat to the abdomen,” said Han. “When they pressed the abdomen, they found that his abdomen was stuffed with hard ice.” Her father’s organs, she said, had been harvested.

China has repeatedly denied all accusations of organ harvesting and claimed it would stop using organs from executed prisoners in 2015. But, though Han Junqing died in 2004, evidence suggests the practice is ongoing. There are far more organ transplants  needed than official organ donors, and the readily available supply of harvested organs is the basis of a massive market.

Official organ donations may come from people who voluntarily choose to donate their organs after death, or people who sell organs such as kidneys. But in June, the China Tribunal, an independent organization created to investigate the alleged crimes, found that some prisoners have their organs forcefully harvested—sometimes while they’re still alive. Human rights lawyers estimate 65,000 Falun Gong practitioners have been killed for their organs since 2001, and members of other religious and ethnic minorities, including Uyghurs, Tibetans, and some Christian sects, have suffered the same fate.

This week, a senior lawyer from the China Tribunal called on the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHCR) to investigate and take action. “Victim for victim and death for death, cutting out the hearts and other organs from living, blameless, harmless, peaceable people constitutes one of the worst mass atrocities of this century,” Hamid Sabi, counsel to the China Tribunal, told UNHCR.

The organ harvesting contributes to a $1 billion organ market in China, according to the China Tribunal, which attracts both Chinese nationals and people traveling from overseas. A liver can reportedly be sold for $160,000. The large supply of harvested donor organs in China means that there are far shorter waiting times for patients who need donors. In most countries, the limited supply of organ donations means that patients typically wait months or years for a transplant. In China, patients can get an organ in weeks or even days, and so people travel from overseas to take advantage of the market.

“What can legislators and governments do about this?” asked David Kilgour, former Canadian secretary of state for Asia-Pacific and co-author of a 2016 report on organ harvesting in China, at the UN event. Belgium, Italy, Israel, Norway, Spain, and Taiwan have banned organ tourism, making it illegal for their citizens to travel to China for organ donations; Kilgour suggested other countries should follow suit. “If Americans, Canadians, and others showed more commitment to our own values, the dreadful commerce might end quickly,” he said.

Partial legislation from a few key states is not enough, Kilgour added: “The adoption of more comprehensive national legislation against transplant tourism is essential.”

Speaking at the same event, Jiang Li, from Jiangjin district in Chongqing city, shared how her family was persecuted for practicing Falun Gong. Her father, Jiang Xiqing, was put in a labor camp in 2008. “My father was put into a freezer while he was still alive, and his organs were harvested, without the consent of our family,” she said.

The family were permitted to see his body seven hours after his purported death. But when they arrived, said Jiang, they were shocked to discover that his body, which was in a refrigerator, was still warm. They tried to do CPR, she added, but were dragged out of the building and weren’t allowed to see Jiang Xiqing again. Later, they were able to get an autopsy report, which showed his ribs were broken and his organs harvested.





A evo malo i iz Naturea o naučnim radovima kineskih autora u kojima se sve to spominje:


Some journals took action following the publication in BMJ Open in February of a paper1, co-authored by Rogers, that analysed almost 450 studies of transplants — representing more than 85,000 organs — that took place in China. The studies were published between 2000 and 2017. The analysis found that 86% of the papers failed to follow ethical standards by stating the provenance of the organs or giving a statement about the cause of death of the donors. Only 1% of the papers reported whether consent was sought or granted for the donations and only 7% of papers included a statement that no organs from prisoners were used.


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