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то јесте небитно, битно је што уопште тај ментално заостали ерол представља разрешење случаја, након 7 епизода о црним звездама, каркоси, жутом краљу, ритуална убиства, ритуална излагања тела, нарко кувари који цитирају ничеа, завера на нивоу државе, од гувернера, попова, школа, полиције, деца нестају, пандури бришу доказе, тензија достиже врхунац и онда решење велике мистерије - ментално заостали ерол, али оно завера је ту, гувернер је умешан, само немамо сад баш времена да објаснимо како, раст га је гледао у очи два минута и све је скапирао... мени је то безвезе, све и да је тих последњих десет минута у болници урађено боље не би ми пуно поправило утисак... а на страну и то што су провалили да су зелене уши од фарбања куће  (како?) или што раст није могао да преживи то набадање

:Hail: Ovo stavljam u potpis cim dodjem do 500 

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“Right now, we’re working with three leads. It takes place in California. Not Los Angeles, but some of the lesser known venues of California and we’re going to try to capture a certain psychosphere ambience of the place, much like we did with season one. The characters are all new, but I am deeply in love with all of them. We have the entire season broken out, and I have a couple of scripts, and we’ll probably start casting within the coming month


kakav je prodavac magle ovaj pizzolatto  :0.6:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Odgledah i ja ovo. Prethodno sam pročitao par strana ovde i gorko sam se zajebao, pošto sam očekivao ultra zajebanu, mind blowing ludoriju. Dobio sam prepakovani Twin Peaks odnosno Lost plus popcorn psihologiju.

Opsetio sam se svih teorija koje smo razvijali gledajući agenta Kupera. :)

Kraj je sumanuto glup i jeftin pa me tu tek podsetio na ove dve serije.

Nadam se da će ipak neka nit ( npr žuti kralj), ostati za drugu sezonu inače će serija biti potpuno besmislena.

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  • 4 weeks later...



Zig Zag NME Film & TV NewsHome > Film & TV > Film & TV News > Film & TV Article July 10, 2014


'The Exorcist' director in discussions to direct new season of 'True Detective'

William Friedkin confirms he has met with writer, Nic Pizzolato

William Friedkin, the director behind films such as The Exorcist and The French Connection has said that he is in discussions to direct season 2 of True Detective. 
Friedkin mainly focuses on film directing with his latest project being 2011 movie Killer Joe, featuring True Detective star Matthew McConaughey. 
However, in a new interview with IndieWire, the director says that he has held meetings with writer Nic Pizzolato about helming the eagerly anticipated second series of HBO's supernatural crime-drama. 
"I am considering it," Friedkin said. "I like this writer very much. I've met him, and he's the real deal as far as I'm concerned.
"Now, all the new seasons are different so I'm not committed - this new season has nothing to do with the last one. Except for him and his sensibility, which I think is extraordinary."
He added: "So what you can say is I'm a huge fan of his writing, I've met with him, I like him, I like the direction he's taking with this."
The first season of the HBO drama aired earlier this year (2014) with a second due next year. 
Last month (June) Matthew McConaughey hinted that he would be open to be appearing in another season of True Detective/. The Academy Award-winning actor played Detective Rust Cohle in the first season of the hit show. However, both he and co-star Woody Harrelson are not expected to return for the second series. 
It was recently confirmed that the second season of True Detective will be set in California and will feature three lead roles. 
Earlier this year it was reported that Jessica Chastain was offered a part in the show. That rumour was subsequently denied. The only other actor linked to season two of True Detective is Brad Pitt.
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  • 4 weeks later...

Nije, TD ima redeeming qualities. GOT nema, i ako budem gledao, biće to iz čistog mazohizma.

Onda mazohizam it is. Ja uopste nemam sumnju da ces gledati GoT.


S moje strane, TD je zakacio takav prezir zbog izneverenih ocekivanja. Salabajzeri.

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