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30 minutes ago, dillinger said:

Pa Rusi prosto u američkom javnom prostoru dobiju tretman Japanaca u vreme WW2.


Inače se radi o poluistini, pobijeni su Rusi ali ne u tom broju, verovatno se meri desetinama..

Iole suvisla poredjenja sa WW2 su van dometa danasnji elita i njihovih predvodnika, stvari su kudikamo jednostavnije: na jednoj strani su Orci, a na drugoj lepi, plavi, demokrate i pametni...

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9 hours ago, Anonymous said:

Možda bi Rusi sebi mogli  malo da pomognu da promene nadrkani rečnik u ovakvoj situaciji:



Mada sumnjam da su za tako nešto sposobni.


pojasni ovo molim te

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A evo ga i Lavrov:



Rusija ima neosporive podatke da su hemijski napad na Dumu inscenirale specijalne službe strane države, izjavio ministar spoljnih poslova Rusije Sergej Lavrov.


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4 hours ago, dillinger said:

Inače se radi o poluistini, pobijeni su Rusi ali ne u tom broju, verovatno se meri desetinama..


To su bili neki ruski placenici a ne regularna vojska. Izjava je potpuno misleading

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28 minutes ago, Eraserhead said:


To su bili neki ruski placenici a ne regularna vojska. Izjava je potpuno misleading


Vidiš, za US je to gotovo ista stvar, zna se kako su reagovali u Faludži kad su izmasakrirana ona četvorica Blekvoterovaca

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2 hours ago, Eraserhead said:

Na temu simpatija rasista, neonacista i ostalih ekstremnih desnicara za Asada Putina, teorijama zavera i krivljenju jevreja za sve i konzervativnoj tradiciji antiitervencionizma koja ide sve do Drugog svetskog rata i poziva da “evropa treba da resi svoje probleme”



Why is the far right so against US intervention in Syria?

ono, kad teoreticar zavere optuzuje nekog drugog za teoriju zavere. odlican™ clanak...

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Prilicno dobar clanak ali je samo identifikovao trend nije bas zasao dublje u to sta to kod Putina i Asada privlaci neonaciste, rasiste i slican olos da ih podrzava

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Isto ono sto privlaci ostalu bagru da navijaju za njihov pad kao za ultimativni smisao postojanja. Egzistencijalni huligani. Srecom da (po)stoje...

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Cisto da se ne zaboravi sa drugog topica i da se podsetimo "objektivnosti".



Fierce clashes continue at Gaza-Israel border fence



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US says it has 'proof' Syria's Assad used chemical weapons

The United States has proof that Syrian leader Bashar Assad’s regime launched a chemical weapons strike last weekend on the then rebel-held city of Douma, the State Department said Friday.

“I’m not going to say which day we absolutely knew that there was proof. The attack took place on Saturday, we know for a fact that it was a chemical weapon,” spokeswoman Heather Nauert said.

“We know that there are only certain countries like Syria that have delivery mechanisms and have those types of weapons.”

Asked whether she could say that the United States has proof that Assad’s regime was behind the strike, Nauert said: “Yes.”

International experts from the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons were due in Syria over the weekend to inspect the site where dozens of civilians reportedly died in a gas attack.

But the OPCW is not mandated to ascribe blame to any party, simply to establish facts like the kind of agent that was used, how it was delivered and how many people it killed or wounded.

Nauert said that the US administration was not relying on the OPCW findings but had sources of its own.

She acknowledged that some commentators have asked why the United States has not made its “intelligence information” public if it has any, but said “a lot of this stuff is classified right now.”

The Russian Defense Ministry on Friday accused Britain of staging a fake chemical attack in Douma. Ministry spokesman Maj. Gen. Igor Konashenkov said that images of victims of the purported attack were fakes staged with “Britain’s direct involvement,” without providing evidence


big surprise there

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