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Jasno je da je isis svoje odsvirao i sada je bukvalno u toku trka ko će više da zagrabi od njih, trebaće za pregovore. Ne verujem da će se Kurdi previše zaletati sa svojim projektom jer bi trebalo da im je jasno da će Amerika između njih i Turske uvek izabrati Tursku, čak i ukoliko joj se turska elita™ otme kontroli. Postoji, doduše, mogućnost da Kurde malkice previše ponese momenat pa odluče da krenu jako i do samog kraja ali dajem veće šanse da će i oni na kraju sesti za sto i pregovarati.


Što se tiče Mosula, ja bih rekao da SAD ne samo da ne žele da se iračka vojska (i prikačene joj šiitske milicije) iz Mosula sjuri u Siriju već da na terenu čine apsolutno sve što mogu da to preduprede. Njihovi igrači su sada Kurdi a glavna uloga im je da zabiju klin u šiitsku transferzalu™ koju Iran pokušava da sastavi. Tako da, ima tu dosta i do visoke politike a ne samo do vojnog stanja u tim poslednjim kvartovima koje isis drži.

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How F-22 Is Deconflicting U.S.-Russia Operations Over Syria


“Shell” was just days into his first deployment to U.S. Central Command (Centcom) when U.S. Navy destroyers launched a surprise strike against the Syrian regime, pummeling Shayrat Airfield with dozens of Tomahawk cruise missiles.


In the tense wake of the attack, Shell, a U.S. Air Force lieutenant colonel and Raptor squadron commander who spoke on the condition that Aviation Week identify him only by his call sign, and his squadron of stealth F-22 Lockheed Martin Raptors had a critical job to do: deconflict coalition operations over Syria with an irate Russia.


The U.S.-led campaign against the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria has leaned heavily on the air-superiority fighter since its debut there in 2014. The F-22, originally designed as an air-to-air platform, has become crucial to the fight, regularly striking ground targets, providing close air support (CAS) for soldiers in battle, and protecting legacy strike fighters from surface and air threats.


- After the April 6 Tomahawk strikes on Shayrat, the Raptor provided a crucial communications node between U.S. and Russian air forces;
- Shell and his squadron of F-22s talked to noncoalition players over an an internationally recognized frequency often used for aircraft emergencies
- The stealth aircraft had a unique advantage in getting noncoalition forces to cooperate
- The F-22 also regularly provides CAS, defensive counter-air, and ground strikes in the area of responsibility




But one of the most critical missions the F-22 conducts in the skies over Syria, particularly in the weeks following the April 6 Tomahawk strike, is deconfliction between coalition and noncoalition aircraft, says Shell.


Of course, the F-22 is not the only asset deconflicting the crowded skies over Centcom. The Air Force’s airborne command-and-control aircraft and high-altitude intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance platforms, as well as ground-based command-and-control forces, are also helping clear the area. But the stealth F-22’s ability to evade detection gives it a unique advantage in getting noncoalition players to cooperate, says Shell.


“It is easier to bring air dominance to bear if you know where the other aircraft are that you are trying to influence, and they don’t know where you are,” says Shell. “When other airplanes don’t know where you are, their sense of comfort goes down, so they have a tendency to comply more.”


But one of the most critical missions the F-22 conducts in the skies over Syria, particularly in the weeks following the April 6 Tomahawk strike, is deconfliction between coalition and noncoalition aircraft, says Shell.


Of course, the F-22 is not the only asset deconflicting the crowded skies over Centcom. The Air Force’s airborne command-and-control aircraft and high-altitude intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance platforms, as well as ground-based command-and-control forces, are also helping clear the area. But the stealth F-22’s ability to evade detection gives it a unique advantage in getting noncoalition players to cooperate, says Shell.


“It is easier to bring air dominance to bear if you know where the other aircraft are that you are trying to influence, and they don’t know where you are,” says Shell. “When other airplanes don’t know where you are, their sense of comfort goes down, so they have a tendency to comply more.”


The F-22 provided a crucial communications node when tensions between the U.S. and Russia were running high. Following the Tomahawk strikes, Moscow condemned the attack and suspended the so-called “deconfliction line” the two countries used to coordinate air operations over Syria. U.S. President Donald Trump said relations with Russia were at an “all-time low.”


But U.S. and noncoalition aircraft were still communicating directly, over an internationally recognized, unsecure frequency often used for emergencies known as “Guard,”  says Shell. His F-22s acted as a kind of quarterback, using high-fidelity sensors to determine the positions of all the actors on the battlefield, directing noncoalition aircraft where to fly and asking them over the Guard frequency to move out of the way.


The Raptors were able to fly in contested areas, in range of surface-to-air missile systems and fighters, without the noncoalition players knowing their exact positions, Shell says. This allowed them to establish air superiority—giving noncoalition forces freedom of movement in the air and on the ground—and a credible deterrent.


“If we need to let them know that we are there for any reason, then we will let them know that we are there—usually to deter something that they are trying to do that we don’t want them to do,” he explains.


During those weeks after April 6, Shell and his squadron temporarily moved all of their operations into Syria. In addition to helping deconflict and deter noncoalition actors, the F-22s also provided defensive counter-air for allied forces on the ground and in the air, and occasionally conducted ground strikes and CAS, Shell says.


He stresses that the interactions with noncoalition aircraft were always “professional,” adding that his squadron experienced “nothing that raises any eyebrows.”


Two months after the strikes, Shell’s squadron is back to splitting its time between Iraq and Syria. The aircraft is performing “immaculately,” even in  mission sets it was not built for, such as CAS, Shell says. As of May 28, the Raptor had conducted 1,150 sorties, including 497 CAS sorties, and employed 1,572 weapons since the beginning of Operation Inherent Resolve in 2014, according to the Air Force.


In the CAS role, the F-22 augments the platforms already conducting that mission in the region, such as the F-15E, the B-52 bomber and the A-10, Shell says. While the A-10 is renowned for the roar of its 30-mm Gatling gun and its long loiter time, the F-22 brings precision-guided munitions (PGM) such as the GBU-32 and Small-Diameter Bomb. PGMs significantly reduce civilian casualties and potential damage to buildings and other structures in the area, Shell points out.


Although the F-22 can perform CAS well, it is not built for that role as is the A-10— it is just another tool combatant commanders can use to complete the mission, Shell stresses.


Overall, the most important thing the Raptor brings to the OIR fight is air superiority, Shell says.


“Our ground troops have not been attacked from the air since April 15, 1953, and that is because of the U.S. Air Force providing air dominance,” he adds. “The F-22 is the primary provider of air superiority in Operation Inherent Resolve.”




AWST, 14.07.2017.

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Zakuvava se. Sijisko ministarstvo odbrane kaže da je izgubilo SU-22 kod Tabke i da su ga oborili Amerikanci. Na drugoj strani Iran je lansirao rakete srednjeg dometa iz Irana na pozicije ISIS oko DEZ u znak odmazde za napad u Teheranu.

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Jebi ga nema vise Obame i njegovog ustrucavanja da se mesa i pregovaranja. Trazili ste gledajte.


EDIT: Ameri rekli da su Sirijske snage napalr SDF i da je obaranje aviona bila reakcija.

Edited by Eraserhead
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Bez zezanja, znamo tvoj stav po pitanju Obame, Trampa i Klintonke jel ima smisla da ga ponavljaš u svakom jebenom postu koji napišeš na taj glupi i told you so fazon, mnooooogo je retardirano. Na stranu što nisi u pravu za gomilu stvari koje napišeš a i da jesi smorio si za medalju.


Elem, Američka komanda je potvrdila da je F18 srušio Suhoja samo što im je izjava prilično smešna, to mesto koje spominju da je bilo pod kontrolom SDF-a nijedan kurdski izvor nije objavio da ga kontrolišu. Do nekog sukoba na zemlji je sigurno došlo, ali čak i u američkoj izjavi piše da je SU 22 dejstvovao BLIZU SDF pozicija.


Mogao bi neki ruski projektil da malo pogreši kod Al Tanfa pa baš da vidim šta će da urade.

Edited by theanswer
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Naravno, ugrožene i malobrojne američke snage su se samo branile od daleko nadmoćnijeg neprijatelja, kako bi drugačije moglo da bude...


Doduše za vreme ustručanog™ Obame su pružali direktnu vazdušnu podršku ofanzivama isisa u Deir Ez Zoru tako da nema ničeg čudnog u tome da im malkice pruže i zaštitu od vazdušnih napada.


Na drugoj strani, ovaj iranski potez je prilično interesantan i rekao bih da najavljuje neki oblik šiitskog džihada kada se ovaj sunitski bude izduvao.

Edited by Redoran
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Bez zezanja, znamo tvoj stav po pitanju Obame, Trampa i Klintonke jel ima smisla da ga ponavljaš u svakom jebenom postu koji napišeš na taj glupi i told you so fazon, mnooooogo je retardirano.

Razmislio sam, odgovor je da. Ostalo je jos samo 3 godine i 6 meseci a ja imam motivaciju i za punih 8 ako bude trebalo. :fantom:

Edited by Eraserhead
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Razmislio sam, odgovor je da. Ostalo je jos samo 3 godine i 6 meseci a ja imam motivaciju i za punih 8 ako bude trebalo. :fantom:


A da se malo odmakneš od podjebavanja forumaša i u skladu sa svojim svetonazorima prigrliš Trampov odlučan stav koji je zamenio mekušca Obamu za čijeg vakta su Asad Putin i mule teheranske činili šta im volja?

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Ma pusti to dilindzere, nego nam reci sta radi taj S400 sto su Rusi onomad dovukli u Siriju? Sto ne skida te avione sto bez dozvole UN lete nad sirijskim nebom i cine zulum legalnim vojnim snagama drzave Sirije? 

Edited by ObiW
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Moskva -- Rusko ministarstvo odbrane je suspendovalo sporazum sa SAD o bezbednosti na nebu iznad Sirije i objavilo da će tretirati letelice koalicije kao mete.


Послато са D6503 уз помоћ Тапатока

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A da se malo odmakneš od podjebavanja forumaša i u skladu sa svojim svetonazorima prigrliš Trampov odlučan stav koji je zamenio mekušca Obamu za čijeg vakta su Asad Putin i mule teheranske činili šta im volja?

Mislim da su (odredjeni) forumasi zasluzili sve sto im se servira. Glupost ne moze proci nekaznjeno. Sto se Trampa tice, ja nemam problem s obaranjem ove letelice imam problem sa nedostatkom koherentne politike. Nju je Obama imao cak i kada se nisam slagao s njom kao u slucaju Sirije.


Moskva -- Rusko ministarstvo odbrane je suspendovalo sporazum sa SAD o bezbednosti na nebu iznad Sirije i objavilo da će tretirati letelice koalicije kao mete.


Послато са D6503 уз помоћ Тапатока

Dzaba onoliko slavlje zbog pobede Trampa. Izgleda da dva ludaka na celu dve sile ne ponistavaju jedan drugog. Edited by Eraserhead
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Rusija je jedno 5x ponistavala ovaj sporazum i nijednom ga zaista nije ponistila nego se nastavila saradnja on the ground.. Sa druge strane Amerikanci su porazeni u Siriji i sto pre to shvate bolje. Ovo sad sto rade je opet bez nekog strateskog cilja, potreba da bar zauzimanjem Rake sacuvaju obraz. Salju dodatnih 15k u Avganistan btw.

Edited by theanswer
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