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Seymour Hersh za Die Welt objavio zanimljiv transkript do kojeg je došao, a na temu hemijskog slučaja iz aprila. Ima zanimljivih detalja o rusko-američkoj komunikaciji i generalnom držanju Rusa.


Ako nekog interesuje, ovde je i njegov autorski tekst na temu tog napada (objavljen prošle nedelje).



This conversation was provided to Seymour Hersh. It is between a security adviser and an active US American soldier on duty on a key operational base about the events in Khan Sheikhoun. We have made abbreviations: American soldier (AS) and Security Advisor (SA). WELT AM SONNTAG is aware of the location of the deployment. For security reasons, certain details of military operations have been omitted. 


April 6, 2017


American Soldier: We got a fuckin‘ problem


Security-Adviser: What happened? Is it the Trump ignoring the Intel and going to try to hit the Syrians? And that we’re pissing on the Russians?


AS: This is bad...Things are spooling up.


SA: You may not have seen trumps press conference yesterday. He's bought into the media story without asking to see the Intel.  We are likely to get our asses kicked by the Russians.  Fucking dangerous.  Where are the godamn adults? The failure of the chain of command to tell the President the truth, whether he wants to hear it or not, will go down in history as one of our worst moments.


AS: I don't know. None of this makes any sense. We KNOW that there was no chemical attack. The Syrians struck a weapons cache (a legitimate military target) and there was collateral damage. That's it. They did not conduct any sort of a chemical attack.


AS: And now we’re shoving a shit load of TLAMs (tomahawks) up their ass.


SA: There has been a hidden agenda all along. This is about trying to ultimately go after Iran. What the people around Trump do not understand is that the Russians are not a paper tiger and that they have more robust military capability than we do.


AS:  I don't know what the Russians are going to do. They might hang back and let the Syrians defend their own borders, or they might provide some sort of tepid support, or they might blow us the fuck out of the airspace and back into Iraq. I honestly don't know what to expect right now. I feel like anything is possible.  The russian air defense system is capable of taking out our TLAMs.  this is a big fucking deal...we are still all systems go...


SA:  You are so right. Russia is not going to take this lying down


SA: Who is pushing this? Is it coming from Votel (General Joseph L. Votel, Commander of United States Central Command, editor‘s note)?


AS: I don't know. It's from someone big though. . . . This is a big fucking deal.                       


AS: It has to be POTUS.       


AS:  They [the russians] are weighing their options.  Indications are they are going to be passive supporters of syria and not engage their systems unless their own assets are threatened..in other words, the sky is fucking blue.'                                         


April 7, 2017


SA: What are the Russians doing or saying  Am I correct that we did little real damage to Russia or Syria?


AS: We didn't hit a damn thing, thankfully. They retrograded all their aircraft and personnel. We basically gave them a very expensive fireworks display.                       


AS: They knew where ships were and watched the entire strike from launch to end game.                       


AS: The Russians are furious. Claiming we have the real Intel and know the truth about the weapons depot strike.                       


AS: They are correct.                       


AS: I guess it really didn't matter whether we elected Clinton or Trump. Fuck.                       


AS: No one is talking about the entire reason we're in Iraq and Syria in the first place. That mission is fucked now.


SA: Are any of your colleagues pissed or is everyone going along with it and saying this is OK                       


AS: It's a mad house. . . .Hell we even told the Russians an hour before impact                       


SA: But they clearly knew it was coming                       


AS: Oh of course                       


AS: Now Fox is saying we chose to hit the Syrian airfield because it is where the chemical attacks were launched from. Wow. Can't make this shit up.                       


SA: They are. I mean, making it up                       


AS: It's so fuckin evil                       


SA: Amen!!!      


April 8, 2017


AS: Russians are being extremely reasonable.  Despite what the news is reporting they are still trying to deconflict and coordinate the air campaign.


SA: I don't think the russia yet understands how crazy Trump is over this.  And i don't think we appreciate how much damage the Russians can do to us.


AS: They're showing amazing restraint and been unbelievably calm.  They seem mostly interested in de-escalating everything.  They don't want to lose our support in the help with destroying Isis.


SA: But I get the get the feeling are simply trying this approach for as long as they feel it might work.  If we keep pushing this current aggressive stance they're going to hit back.'

Edited by Redoran
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Da da svi pametni su provalili Markale, Racak pa sad i Ovo. Ko bi pomislio da diktator ubica ubija civile. Mora da je neka namestaljka.

Edited by Eraserhead
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Čekaj, ti kažeš ovde da je Die Welt lagao? Zanimljivo...


Kaži mi jedan razlog da pre verujem HRW-u, nego Die Weltu?


Sent from my Redmi Pro using Tapatalk

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Moram da priznam da meni gore citirani razgovor deluje prilično neautentično. Već od druge rečenice kreće infodump, nema praznog hoda, samo razmena (identičnog) mišljenja između dve neimenovane strane. 

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Naravno da deluje autentično taman kao da ga je pisala odabrana komisija prevladavajućeg mišljenja sa ovog foruma.


OMG, Russians will kick our asses, they are so strong..but calm and righteous and reasonable...oh!

Edited by Ivo Petović
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Već od druge rečenice kreće infodump, nema praznog hoda, samo razmena (identičnog) mišljenja između dve neimenovane strane. 


meni ne izgleda neautenticno. zvuce kao prosecni beli amerikanci, tako oni razgovaraju. to uce na onim svojim sektaskim bajbl-sesnima, to ultrairitantno back & forth slaganje

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Moram da priznam da meni gore citirani razgovor deluje prilično neautentično. Već od druge rečenice kreće infodump, nema praznog hoda, samo razmena (identičnog) mišljenja između dve neimenovane strane.


Moram se složiti sa kolezom... Moj komentar se više odnosio na komentar drugog koleze, a ne na ovaj... leak, koji zbilja djeluje weak
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Naravno da deluje autentično taman kao da ga je pisala odabrana komisija prevladavajućeg mišljenja sa ovog foruma.


Izvor od koga je transkript potekao spada u najveća svetska imena istraživačkog novinarstva. Svako ko je odgledao par minuta nekog njegovog nastupa može lako da nasluti kakvo iskustvo i kontakte taj čovek ima. Najveće svinjarije Pentagona za koje je svet imao priliku da sazna od Vijetnama do danas, otkrivene su zahvaljujući njegovom radu. Mislim da zaslužuje makar toliko kredita da ne bude nazivan tipičnim PPP idiotom. Zbog toga sam i linkovao njegov autorski tekst na istu temu, koji je napisan u akademskom tonu i pročišćen od PPP rečnika.

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Svaka čast izvoru, njegov profesionalni kredibilitet definitivno dodaje na težini ovome... ali stvarno razgovor ova dva amera zvuči u toj mjeri idiotski da je teško povjerovati u njega. Zvuči kao scena ekspozicije u GoT.

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Izvor od koga je transkript potekao spada u najveća svetska imena istraživačkog novinarstva. Svako ko je odgledao par minuta nekog njegovog nastupa može lako da nasluti kakvo iskustvo i kontakte taj čovek ima. Najveće svinjarije Pentagona za koje je svet imao priliku da sazna od Vijetnama do danas, otkrivene su zahvaljujući njegovom radu. Mislim da zaslužuje makar toliko kredita da ne bude nazivan tipičnim PPP idiotom. Zbog toga sam i linkovao njegov autorski tekst na istu temu, koji je napisan u akademskom tonu i pročišćen od PPP rečnika.


Tekst  zvuči sasvim smisleno, nimalo mi nije teško da poverujem da WH selektivno upija military intelligence i donosi odluke proizvoljno prema sopstvenim potrebama - ne bi im bio prvi put.


Dijalog koji si citirao je nešto sasvim drugo, kao da je poenta teksta sažeta u "for dummies" verziju, iskonstruisana da bude u prvom licu i da baš tabloidno odjekne: vidite li šta nam rade, ljudi moji, zlo i naopako...

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Clanak je kretenizam najobicniji kako vec i dolikuje takvim teorijama. A razloga zasto berovati HRWu pre nego nekim piskaralima je mnogo a najveci je taj sto HRW ima dokazanu istoriju pisanja po svima kada zasluze.








Ali se to ne uklapa u infantilni PPP narativ o zaverama.

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