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Златко о Блиском истоку, Сирији и масмедијском дез/информисању. Старо четри године али актуелно како онда тако и данас. Вриједи преслушати.



Ja sam zbog balansa preneo šta sam pročitao. Naravno nisam ni očekivao ništa drugo do podriskivanje od sreće pojedinih.


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Ja mislim da bi tako trebalo da pocnemo da razgovaramo o Jemenu, Iraku. Uostalom mozda su ove metode nesto sto bi vucic trebalo da primeni pa da onda neki mudoseri po forumima u recimo Finskoj pisu o belim zekama.

Ja mislim da bi tako trebalo da pocnemo da razgovaramo o Jemenu, Iraku. Uostalom mozda su ove metode nesto sto bi vucic trebalo da primeni pa da onda neki mudoseri po forumima u recimo Finskoj pisu o belim zekama.

Naravno. Biće puni razumevanja za akcije legalnih vlasti u Jemenu.


O Srbiji da ne pričam. Već viđeno. Dobar broj je rušio Miloševića zato što je bio neuspešan u paklenim igrama.


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Amnesti Internešenel.


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Не спрдај се. Најозбиљније.

Ja sam zbog balansa preneo šta sam pročitao. Naravno nisam ni očekivao ništa drugo do podriskivanje od sreće pojedinih.


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niko ne podvriskuje od srece, nego se jednostavno podsmevamo tebi i tvom izvoru.

Lepo je što se podsmevate. Svakako nezavisna komisija Rusije, Irana i Asada će potvrditi ili opovrgnuti ove navode.


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Naravno. Biće puni razumevanja za akcije legalnih vlasti u Jemenu.


O Srbiji da ne pričam. Već viđeno. Dobar broj je rušio Miloševića zato što je bio neuspešan u paklenim igrama.


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Kao i za akciju legalnih vlasti u Ukrajini koju pokusavaju da sruse teroristi podrzani od strane regionalne sile.  -_-

Lepo je što se podsmevate. Svakako nezavisna komisija Rusije, Irana i Asada će potvrditi ili opovrgnuti ove navode.


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kakav izvor, takva i komisija.

ISIS je sada potpuno okružena u Al Babu i okruženju, zatvorila ih je SAA sa juga, bilo bi zapanjujuće da zapravo ovi uzmu grad umesto Turaka pošto su Turci pošteno iskrvarili.

Lepo je što se podsmevate. Svakako nezavisna komisija Rusije, Irana i Asada će potvrditi ili opovrgnuti ove navode.


Da si makar pročitao tekst, umesto što si samo preneo naslov jer zvuči dovoljno dobro, možda bi uvideo jedan mali problem. Naime, cifra od 13 hiljada nije dobijena nekim temeljnim istraživanjem i dokumentovanjem već se radi o individualnoj proceni koja "ide do 13 hiljada" a počinje od pet hiljada, pri čemu je tih pet hiljada dobijeno tako što je odvaljeno onako napamet. Pa se iz tako napamet odvaljene procene ušlo u pijačarsko pogađanje između 5 i 13, kao da su u pitanju krompiri a ne životi za koje neko treba da odgovara.

Da si makar pročitao tekst, umesto što si samo preneo naslov jer zvuči dovoljno dobro, možda bi uvideo jedan mali problem. Naime, cifra od 13 hiljada nije dobijena nekim temeljnim istraživanjem i dokumentovanjem već se radi o individualnoj proceni koja "ide do 13 hiljada" a počinje od pet hiljada, pri čemu je tih pet hiljada dobijeno tako što je odvaljeno onako napamet. Pa se iz tako napamet odvaljene procene ušlo u pijačarsko pogađanje između 5 i 13, kao da su u pitanju krompiri a ne životi za koje neko treba da odgovara.

Ма будалаштина најобичнија.

Ма будалаштина најобичнија.


Budalastina. Svi znamo da ljudi poput Asada ne ubijaju a da se Sirijci koji su protiv legitimne vlasti sami nestaju da bi joj napakostili.

Najjači napad do sad Turaka na Al Bab, napredovanje sa zapada i na Kabasin severoistočno, videćemo sutra ujutru ko kontroliše grad.

Da si makar pročitao tekst, umesto što si samo preneo naslov jer zvuči dovoljno dobro, možda bi uvideo jedan mali problem. Naime, cifra od 13 hiljada nije dobijena nekim temeljnim istraživanjem i dokumentovanjem već se radi o individualnoj proceni koja "ide do 13 hiljada" a počinje od pet hiljada, pri čemu je tih pet hiljada dobijeno tako što je odvaljeno onako napamet. Pa se iz tako napamet odvaljene procene ušlo u pijačarsko pogađanje između 5 i 13, kao da su u pitanju krompiri a ne životi za koje neko treba da odgovara.


Mogao bi malo da objasnis sta je tacno odvaljeno napamet? Imas neke alternativne, Asadove izvore i podatke mozda?






The research for this report took place between December 2015 and December 2016. Amnesty International interviewed 31 men who were detained at Saydnaya (also spelt Sednaya) between 2011 and 2015.1 Of these, 20 were detained in the prison’s “red building”: five who were part of the Syrian military at the time of their arrest and 15 who were civilians. The remaining 11 were detained in the prison’s “white building”, including nine who were part of the Syrian military at the time of arrest and two who were civilians. As explained below, the majority of those detained in the red building of Saydnaya since 2011 are civilians, and the majority of those detained in the white building are soldiers or officers in the Syrian military.2

Amnesty International also interviewed four prison officials or guards who previously worked at Saydnaya; three former judges, one of whom served in the Military Court in the al-Mezzeh neighbourhood of Damascus;3 three doctors who worked at Tishreen Military Hospital; four Syrian lawyers; 17 international and national experts on detention in Syria, such as investigators, analysts and monitors; and 22 family members of people who were or still are believed to be detained at Saydnaya. The majority of these interviews took place in person in southern Turkey. The remaining interviews were conducted by telephone or through other remote means with interviewees still in Syria, or with individuals based in Lebanon, Jordan, European countries and the USA.

In total, Amnesty International interviewed 84 people for this report. In many cases, two or more interviews were conducted with key witnesses to evaluate the consistency and veracity of the information they provided. In all but two cases, interviews with witnesses were conducted separately. Several interviewees shared their testimonies with Amnesty International at significant personal risk.

For this report, Amnesty International reviewed reports from UN agencies, international NGOs, local monitoring groups and the media. Amnesty International also co-operated with individual activists and Syrian monitoring groups to establish contact with former detainees as well as with the families of persons who have been detained by the Syrian authorities. These groups include Urnammu for Justice and Human Rights, the Syrian Network for Human Rights, and the Syrian Institute for Justice and Accountability. Finally, Amnesty International liaised with the Commission for International Justice and Accountability to corroborate some of the identities of detainees at Saydnaya and several relevant Syrian officials.

Most of the interviewees in this report are referred to by their first name only, following requests by the interviewees. Several asked for their names to be withheld completely, either to protect their own safety or the safety of family members living in Syria. In these cases, Amnesty International has included their testimonies but their names have been changed. These names appear in quotation marks.

Despite repeated requests by Amnesty International for access to Syria, and specifically for access to detention facilities operated by the Syrian authorities, Amnesty International has been barred by the Syrian authorities from carrying out research in the country and consequently has not had access to areas controlled by the Syrian government since the crisis began in 2011. Other independent human rights monitoring groups have faced similar obstacles.

Amnesty International has attempted to engage with the Syrian authorities on human rights concerns, including torture and other ill-treatment, enforced disappearances and deaths in custody, though various


means since 2011, in particular by submitting to them cases via communications from its Urgent Action network and by sending letters in advance of the release of public reports. On 6 January 2017, Amnesty International sent a letter to the Syrian authorities requesting clarifications regarding the allegations raised in this report and reiterated Amnesty International’s request for access to all persons deprived of their liberty in Syria. At the time of the publication of this report, Amnesty International has received no response to this letter or to its other requests for information. If the organization receives such a response in the future, it will reflect the government’s observations in subsequent publications.


People who worked within the prison authorities at Saydnaya told Amnesty International that extrajudicial executions related to the crisis in Syria first began in September 2011. Since that time, the frequency with which they have been carried out has varied and increased. For the first four months, it was usual for between seven and 20 people to be executed every 10-15 days. For the following 11 months, between 20 and 50 people were executed once a week, usually on Monday nights. For the subsequent six months, groups of between 20 and 50 people were executed once or twice a week, usually on Monday and/or Wednesday nights. Witness testimony from detainees suggests that the executions were conducted at a similar – or even higher – rate at least until December 2015. Assuming that the death rate remained the same as the preceding period, Amnesty International estimates that between 5,000 and 13,000 people were extrajudicially executed at Saydnaya between September 2011 and December 2015.40 Amnesty International does not have evidence of executions after December 2015. However, detainees are still being transferred to Saydnaya, “trials” at the Military Field Court have continued, and there is no reason to believe that such extrajudicial executions have stopped.41 Since December 2015, therefore, thousands more detainees are likely to have been hanged.

According to a former prison official and detainees who witnessed the executions, the number of people killed by hanging at Saydnaya increased during the weeks prior to and after the presidential amnesties for detainees issued after September 2011, which were on 10 January 2012, 23 October 2012, 16 April 2013, 30 October 2013 and 9 June 2014.42

Ne zna Amnesty. Sputnik je tu daleko kredibilniji izvor.

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