*edited by mod Posted November 23, 2015 Share Posted November 23, 2015 A top-secret strategy document prepared for Abu Dhabi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed al-Nahyan reveals that the United Arab Emirates is losing faith in the ability of Egypt's President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi to serve the Gulf state’s interests. The document, prepared by one of Bin Zayed’s team and dated 12 October, contains two key quotes which describe the frustration bin Zayed feels about Sisi, whose military coup the Crown Prince bankrolled, pouring in billions of dollars along with Saudi Arabia. It says: “This guy needs to know that I am not an ATM machine.” Further on, it also reveals the political price the Emiratis will exact if they continue to fund Egypt. Future strategy should be based on not just attempting to influence the government in Egypt but to control it. It is summarised thus: “Now I will give but under my conditions. If I give, I rule.” ... - See more at: http://www.middleeasteye.net/news/exclusive-emirati-plan-ruling-egypt-2084590756#.dpuf TT via LG G3 E veselo, a ja se nameracio da idem tamo oko nove godine :( Link to comment
Lezilebovich Posted November 24, 2015 Share Posted November 24, 2015 (edited) Iskreno ne kontam što bi neko želeo da ide turistički u Egipat u ovo vreme U bombaškom napadu u blizini hotela u Egiptu, stradalo je najmanje tri osobe, dok je 12 povređeno. Dve bombe eksplodirale su u blizini hotela u Egiptu gde je boravio sudija, ubivši najmanje tri osobe, javlja državna televizija.Eksplozije u gradu Ariš dogodile su se dan nakon drugog kruga parlamentarnih izbora. Vojska i policija blokirale su okolnu oblast. Za sada nijedna ekstremistička grupa nije preuzela odgovornost za napad.Za sada niko nije preuzeo odgovornost za ovaj incident, preneo je Rojters.Državna televizija i bezbednosni izvori su naveli da je najpre eksplodirao automobil-bomba, a potom je i druga eksplozija ođeknula u toj oblasti, desetak minuta kasnije.Na lice mesta, oko kojeg je vojska i policija napravila obruč, stigla su vozila hitne pomoći, saopštili su bezbednosni izvori. Edited November 24, 2015 by Lezilebovich Link to comment
*edited by mod Posted November 24, 2015 Share Posted November 24, 2015 (edited) Iskreno ne kontam što bi neko želeo da ide turistički u Egipat u ovo vreme Nije bas turisticki, deo porodice je u Kairu na Zamaleku pa je bila ideja da odem da ih posetim bez puno svrckanja (osim piramida) Edited November 24, 2015 by *edited by mod Link to comment
bigvlada Posted December 3, 2015 Share Posted December 3, 2015 Pošto smo načeli Nasera i arapski socijalizam, evo nečeg u sličnom stilu. Da sve bude još blesavije, komentar je sa jutjuba, ispod klipa o lansiranju Sputnjika 1. Just recently i read in an article written by an US-American (Washington): "Perhaps we should consider why the Soviets wanted, even needed, to play by our rules. Might they have been trying to tell us something?" Of course the Soviets wanted to tell the United States something: Socialism is a socio-economic theory of correcting the social ills of the socio-economic system of capitalism which is flawed and collapses because of its errors. Therefore, socialism simply is a theory to solve these errors. Karl Marx and Frederik Engels gave the scientific basis by a scientific analysis of the capitalist system for the development of a socialist society (= transformed capitalist society) which under optimal circumstances merges into a communist society (= heaven on Earth). Engels and Marx started the process and others should continue to develop the theory and finally put it into practice. An open source project in which everyone is invited to participate (not only economics experts, but also or especially the working people, because only the workers themselves know how to improve their situation firsthand - "Only who has ever suffered oppression himself, also knows and abhors the oppression." F.II.) "Capitalism is the first mode of economy with the weapon of propaganda, a mode which tends to engulf the entire globe and to stamp out all other economies, tolerating no rival at its side. Yet at the same time capitalism is also the first mode of economy which is unable to exist by itself, which needs other economic systems as a medium and soil. Although it strives to become universal, and, indeed, on account of this its tendency, it must break down because it is immanently incapable of becoming a universal form of production. In its living history it is a contradiction in itself, and its movement of accumulation provides a solution to the conflict and aggravates it at the same time. At a certain stage of development there will be no other way out than the application of socialist principles. The aim of socialism is not accumulation but the satisfaction of tolling humanity’s wants by developing the productive forces of the earth. And so we find that socialism is by its very nature an harmonious and universal system of economy." -- Rosa Luxemburg, The Accumulation of Capital: The Historical Conditions of Accumulation (section 3), Militarism as a Province of Accumulation (chapter 32), 1913 "We have always distinguished the social kernel from the political form of capitalist democracy; we have always revealed the hard kernel of social inequality and lack of freedom hidden under the sweet shell of formal equality and freedom – not in order to reject the latter (equality and freedom) but to spur the working class into not being satisfied with the shell, but rather, by conquering political power, to create a socialist democracy to replace capitalist democracy – not to eliminate democracy altogether. ... in the manner of applying democracy, not in its elimination, but in energetic, resolute attacks upon the well-entrenched rights and economic relationships of capitalist society, without which a socialist transformation cannot be accomplished. But this must be the work of the class and not of a little leading minority in the name of the class – that is, it must proceed step by step out of the active participation of the masses; it must be under their direct influence, subjected to the control of complete public activity; it must arise out of the growing political training of the mass of the people." -- Rosa Luxemburg, The Russian Revolution: Democracy and Dictatorship (Chapter 8), 1918 Note: Long time before the theory of socialism was developed in Europe, the concept to create a social system to encounter the errors of capitalism (the continuous striving for profit) already was developed in the Islamic world. The concepts of welfare and pension were introduced in early Islamic law as forms of Zakat (charity), one of the Five Pillars of Islam, under the Rashidun Caliphate in the 7th century. The taxes (including Zakat and Jizya) collected in the treasury of an Islamic government were used to provide income for the needy, including the poor, elderly, orphans, widows, and the disabled. The Caliphate can thus be considered the world's first major welfare state. During the Rashidun Caliphate, various welfare programs were introduced by Caliph Umar Ibn Khattab. In his time, equality was extended to all citizens, even to the caliph himself, as Umar believed that "no one, no matter how important, should live in a way that would distinguish him from the rest of the people." Umar himself lived "a simple life and detached himself from any of the worldly luxuries," like how he often wore "worn-out shoes and was usually clad in patched-up garments," or how he would sleep "on the bare floor of the mosque." Limitations on wealth were also set for governors and officials, who would often be "dismissed if they showed any outward signs of pride or wealth which might distinguish them from the people." This was an early attempt at erasing "class distinctions which might inevitably lead to conflict." Umar also made sure that the public treasury was not wasted on "unnecessary luxuries" as he believed that "the money would be better spent if it went towards the welfare of the people rather than towards lifeless bricks." Islam has a completely different perspective on the economy and tax as the Islamic basis is different to that of capitalism. Fundamentally taxation in Islam and under the khilafah puts the emphasis of taxation on wealth rather than income. The Islamic taxation system does not tax income, but taxes wealth. This means that the average person will be left with more disposable income and will be liable for tax on whatever wealth is left at the end of the year. This will have a significant effect on the economy. If we take figures from the British economy, and incorporate them in an Islamic model we can demonstrate the effect of this: In 2007 the average UK salary is £23,244, and the tax burden on this salary is 34% (income tax and National insurance together), which is just under £8000. This alongside indirect taxation (that is taxation on spending rather than income) as well as council tax, road tax, sales tax and so forth mean that the real tax burden falls at closer to the 40-50% mark. This means that the average person in this country is losing between £10,000-12,000 to taxation. In Islam although simplified, the wealth tax falls at 2.5%. This means that the within one year, the average person can save at is at least £10,000. This means that the average person will have an extra £700 to spend each month as he will not be taxed on his income. Taking into account that the total UK workforce is approx 31 million this means that the extra money flowing around the economy would be £240 billion, if the income was not taxed. Therefore two or three people could easily enter into a business contract to supply some of the demand in the economy for consumer or manufactured goods thereby creating more employment in the economy. The net effect of this is that it will increase demand for goods and services right across the economy which will generate an increase in trade and in turn an increase in wealth for businesses. Link to comment
MancMellow Posted December 11, 2016 Share Posted December 11, 2016 http://news.sky.com/story/explosion-at-cairos-coptic-cathedral-kills-22-wounds-dozens-10692051 Link to comment
Simon Posted May 26, 2017 Share Posted May 26, 2017 Најмање 28 особа је убијено у нападу на аутобус, 25 их је повријеђено а међу жртвама је било и дјеце. http://www.breitbart.com/jerusalem/2017/05/26/egypt-gunmen-massacre-christians-killing-least-23/ Link to comment
MancMellow Posted May 26, 2017 Share Posted May 26, 2017 Egypt hits 'jihadist camps' after attack on Coptic Christians Egyptian forces have struck "terrorist training camps" in retaliation for an attack on Coptic Christians, President Abdul Fattah al-Sisi says. State media say six strikes hit the town of Derna in neighbouring Libya. Gunmen earlier attacked a bus carrying worshippers in central Egypt, killing at least 28 people and wounding 25 others. President Sisi said he would "not hesitate to strike terrorist camps anywhere". Announcing the strike in a TV speech late on Friday, he promised to "protect our people from the evil". Countries supporting terrorism should be punished, he said, as he appealed to US President Donald Trump for help. Military sources told Reuters news agency that the militants targeted in Libya had been involved in the attack on Egyptian Christians earlier in the day. Although no group immediately said it was behind the attack, Islamic State (IS) militants have targeted Copts several times in recent months. Libya is effectively controlled by a large number of armed militias that have emerged in the chaos since Nato-backed forces overthrew long-serving ruler Col Muammar Gaddafi in October 2011. But IS has also built a presence in Libya during the chaos. The Copts killed on Friday had been travelling to the Monastery of St Samuel the Confessor, 135km (85 miles) south of Cairo, from Minya province when their bus came under fire. It was in a small convoy that was stopped on a desert road near a police station on the border with Beni Suef provinces. Gunmen wearing military uniforms attacked the convoy with automatic weapons before fleeing in 4X4 vehicles, eyewitnesses said. Minya Province Bishop Makarios said many of the victims were shot at point blank range, the New York Times reported. He said that children had been on the bus and were among the dead, adding that a pick-up truck in the convoy carrying workmen at the monastery was also targeted. Minutes after President Sisi's speech, the White House released a statement of support from Mr Trump. "This merciless slaughter of Christians in Egypt tears at our hearts and grieves our souls," he said. "America stands with President Sisi and all the Egyptian people today, and always, as we fight to defeat this common enemy," he added. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-40067473 Link to comment
Eraserhead Posted May 26, 2017 Share Posted May 26, 2017 Ne razumem zasto se ceka ako vec znaju za postojanje kampova. Link to comment
Dagmar Posted May 27, 2017 Share Posted May 27, 2017 Ne razumem zasto se ceka ako vec znaju za postojanje kampova. Pa što bi napadali po demokratskoj susednoj zemlji, mislim nije kao da je ono tamo neki diktator na vlasti? Link to comment
Simon Posted May 27, 2017 Share Posted May 27, 2017 (edited) То им је одавно прешло у ружну навику. Edited May 27, 2017 by Simon Link to comment
Dagmar Posted May 27, 2017 Share Posted May 27, 2017 То им је одавно прешло у ружну навику. Kome šta? U Libiju je Obama doneo demokratiju, znači sve je (konačno) Ok. Link to comment
Simon Posted May 27, 2017 Share Posted May 27, 2017 Kome šta? U Libiju je Obama doneo demokratiju, znači sve je (konačno) Ok. Наравно, то "увођење" демократије около гдје треба и гдје не треба се показало као "врло позитиван корак". Link to comment
Tsai Posted May 28, 2017 Share Posted May 28, 2017 "uvodjenje demokratije"... kao da citam komentare na pravdi ili informeru Link to comment
iDemo Posted May 28, 2017 Share Posted May 28, 2017 da, da - pravilno se kaze "razvoj demokratije". Link to comment
bradilko Posted May 28, 2017 Share Posted May 28, 2017 (edited) isti ovi koji se raduju i opravdavaju uvođenje demokratije na američki način po bliskoistočnim zemljama vole da napomenu kako je titovo vreme bilo zlatno vreme u jugoslaviji. zlatno doba jer se "lepo" živelo punih stomaka,frižidera na kredit,išlo se na letovanja,skoro besplatno školovanje i slično. političke slobode ko jebe.jednopartijsko društvo i verbalni delikt ko jebe.i sad je glavni plač što toga "lepog" i sigurnog života više nema.. dozvolimo da sad verovatno prosečan libijac isto plače što živi kao ker u odnosu na raniji period. ali neki ovde kažu da mu je sad bolje ili što bi rekao naš vučić,biće mu jednog dana bolje.sad samo treba da opet ćuti,vredno radi ako ima šta i da žrtvuje 30-ak ili više godina svog života i svoje dece.. hrišćanski i liberalno.. Edited May 28, 2017 by bradilko Link to comment
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