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under the dome


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Meni bi to još i odgovaralo, ne gleda mi se previše a nisam pročitao/odslušao do kraja...
Vidi ga kako se prebacuje u nas tabor, a ja upravo o tebi pricam <_< Jesmo li bas morali znati za taj tumor i ubistva? Edited by Calavera
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nije te mnogo spojlirao, calavera, ne brini :Pcetvorka. uvodni deo do spice je odlican, ko se nije strecnuo na milku, laze. djuk je odlican i zanimljiva je ova mekejbova ideja. i scenaristicki mi je kul, pise based on, a ne da je ekranizacija knjige, pa je brajan kej von mogao da se poigra svojim opsesijama i asocijacijama na lost.barbi mi je previse sojerovski, ali ko sto rekoh i nije mi omiljeni, pa se za sad ne potresam. jedino sto me brine je big dzim.taman je napeto koliko treba da bude, a kingov duh se oseca u svakom faru po ulicama ili putu.

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oki doki, dakle pristupam gledanju negde u drugoj polovini septembra. nema sanse da ovo gledam epizodu po epizodu.

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a evo i the king odmah odgovara citackoj eliti. daj boze da bar pet od onih koji procitaju pismo na sajtu uzme da cita neku kejnovu knjigu, to bi vec bio dovoljan efekat.

For those of you out there in Constant Reader Land who are feeling miffed because the TV version of Under the Dome varies considerably from the book version, here’s a little story.Near the end of his life, and long after his greatest novels were written, James M. Cain agreed to be interviewed by a student reporter who covered culture and the arts for his college newspaper. This young man began his time with Cain by bemoaning how Hollywood had changed books such as The Postman Always Rings Twice and Double Indemnity. Before he could properly get into his rant, the old man interrupted him by pointing to a shelf of books behind his desk. “The movies didn’t change them a bit, son,” he said. “They’re all right up there. Every word is the same as when I wrote them.”I feel the same way about Under the Dome. If you loved the book when you first read it, it’s still there for your perusal. But that doesn’t mean the TV series is bad, because it’s not. In fact, it’s very good. And, if you look closely, you’ll see that most of my characters are still there, although some have been combined and others have changed jobs. That’s also true of the big stuff, like the supermarket riot, the reason for all that propane storage, and the book’s thematic concerns with diminishing resources.Many of the changes wrought by Brian K. Vaughan and his team of writers have been of necessity, and I approved of them wholeheartedly. Some have been occasioned by their plan to keep the Dome in place over Chester’s Mill for months instead of little more than a week, as is the case in the book. Other story modifications are slotting into place because the writers have completely re-imagined the source of the Dome.That such a re-imagining had to take place was my only serious concern when the series was still in the planning stages, and that concern was purely practical. If the solution to the mystery were the same on TV as in the book, everyone would know it in short order, which would spoil a lot of the fun (besides, plenty of readers didn’t like my solution, anyway). By the same token, it would spoil things if you guys knew the arcs of the characters in advance. Some who die in the book—Angie, for instance—live in the TV version of Chester’s Mill…at least for awhile. And some who live in the book may not be as lucky during the run of the show. Just sayin’.Listen, I’ve always been a situational writer. My idea of what to do with a plot is to shoot it before it can breed. It’s true that when I start a story, I usually have a general idea of where it’s going to finish up, but in many cases I end up in a different place entirely (for instance, I fully expected Ben Mears to die at the end of ’Salem’s Lot, and Susannah Dean was supposed to pop off at the end of Song of Susannah). “The book is the boss,” Alfred Bester used to say, and what that means to me is the situation is the boss. If you play fair with the characters—and let them play their parts according to their strengths and weaknesses—you can never go wrong. It’s impossible.There’s only one element of my novel that absolutely had to be the same in the novel and the show, and that’s the Dome itself. It’s best to think of that novel and what you’re seeing week-to-week on CBS as a case of fraternal twins. Both started in the same creative womb, but you will be able to tell them apart. Or, if you’re of a sci-fi bent, think of them as alternate versions of the same reality.As for me, I’m enjoying the chance to watch that alternate reality play out; I still think there’s no place like Dome.As for you, Constant Reader, feel free to take the original down from your bookshelf anytime you want. Nothing between the covers has changed a bit.

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barbi mi je previse sojerovski, ali ko sto rekoh i nije mi omiljeni, pa se za sad ne potresam. jedino sto me brine je big dzim.
Za nekog sa nadimkom Big Jim mogli su baš da nađu glumca višeg od metar i po. Ili da ga promene u Fat Jim.Ovo što kaže King, da su scenaristi izmenili najbitniju stvar (odakle uopšte ta kupola), je meni spektakularno. Na kojim je ono sezonama Losta radio Brian K Vaughn, onim najgorim i najlošije napisanim, jel' tako?
Vidi ga kako se prebacuje u nas tabor, a ja upravo o tebi pricam <_< Jesmo li bas morali znati za taj tumor i ubistva?
Ma daj, samo kažem da je u knjizi potpuno drugačiji od ovog u seriji, vidi se već u pilot epizodi. Ili se žališ što sam ti spojlirao knjigu?
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Pogledah i 2. epizodu, ostajem pri tome da je serija strasno sranje. Jedino me interesuje sta je ova kupola, mada nedovoljno da nastavim sa gledanjem. Potrazicu na google o cemu se radi. Uzivajte :)

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Posle prve epizode gajila sam blagi optimizam da ovo neće biti teško sranje, ali posle ove druge epizode.... teško. Iritantni osim Džuniora postali su i skoro svi ostali likovi.I mene intersuje šta je kupola, pa neko da me obavesti, da ne bih morala gledati svih 13 epizoda.edit: pročitala sadržaj na Wikipediji

Edited by Arkadija
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Koji festival gluposti u ovoj drugoj epizodi... neka mi neko objasni zasto ovog pajkana sto je poludeo na kraju epizode nisu smestili u pritvor ili mu bar oduzeli oruzje i znacku cim su videli da je povileneo, i to dva kao sposobna policajca?Ova novinarka otkrije da ih na radiju zovu dome i krene da saopsti to narodu, DJ i tehnicarka se stuste™ za njom sve vicuci "stani" i "ne mozes!", ali cim se ova dokopa mikrofona puste je da kaze sta ima, valjda kontaju da nije pristojno prekidati live emitovanja a i prevalila je vec toliki put...A dobar im je i metod gasenja vatre, bacaj svu vodu na trem koji ne gori dok se ostatak kuce rusi :lol:O klise replikama da i ne pricam "well he's definitely not from around here" "why?" "cause he's cool" :isuse:

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A dobar im je i metod gasenja vatre, bacaj svu vodu na trem koji ne gori dok se ostatak kuce rusi :lol:
Ovo je stvarno bilo spektakularno. A tek onda neko provali da su iza kuće boce sa gasom, sekund pre ekslozije :D
O klise replikama da i ne pricam "well he's definitely not from around here" "why?" "cause he's cool" :isuse:
- Thank you for saving my life.- You're welcome.Takođe, jedno dvadeset puta je neko rekao "OMG", prednjačila Ana Lucia Lite :Hail:Edit: Zaboravio sam moju omiljenu glupost - Usarmy šalje svoje top secret izveštaje radiom, i to lepo i jasno sročene, "After exhaustive testing we are unable to determine the origin of the dome", da može ko god hoće da ih uhvati. Ne samo Bucka koja svojim McGuffinima uspeva da probije neprobojnu kupolu, nego ljudi van iste. Edited by Weenie Pooh
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