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DOOM! DOOM IS UPON US! (Raspad naseg drustva, pbp)

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I 5% je mnogo.Kao sto mora da ima jmbg mora i da se vakcinise, kraj.A olos koji pokusava da napravi profit fake ili neispitanim vakcinama, ozbiljna dugogodisnja robija.Dakle ne kaznjavati kompaniju, jer je ona u cenu vec uracunala % za tuzbe i nagodbe, vec ime i prezime na robiju.

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Posted (edited)
Raspravljamo o novom i veoma opasnom trendu koji je, kao što možeš da pročitaš, u nekim evropskim zemljama već doveo do toga da su se povampirile stanovite bolesti koje su bile smatrane iskorenjenim.
Vidim i mozda si u pravu. Ili da kazem da je potrebno o tome raspravljati. Samo sam sklon misljenju da kada roditelj dodje u dilemu vakcinisati dete ili ne, a on sam je vakcinisan, da ce ostati ovaj procenat. Edited by bergasa19
  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)
Vrščanin prodao tonu krema od čokolade sa đubrišta15/01/2013Kako eVršac saznaje, policija je uhapsila Vrščanina J.K. (50) zbog sumnje da je proizvodio i prodavao krem napravljen od čokolade sakuljene sa vršačke deponije. U akciji je zaplenjeno 1.055 kilograma ovako napravljenog krema.- Operativnim radom došli smo do saznanja da J.K. proizvodi i prodaje čokoladni krem sumnjivog porekla. Nakon toga smo pokrenuli akciju u kojoj je Vrščanin J.K. uhapšen, a prilikom pretresa nekoliko objekata zaplenili smo više od tone čokolada koje su prethodne bačene kao otpad iz jedne od vršačkih konditorskih fabrika. Nesumnjivo je utvrđeno da je osumnjičeni sakupljao džakove sa čokoladnim otpadom koji se baca na vršačku deponiju, a kasnije u kućnoj radinosti i nehigijenskim uslovima smrzavanjem i otapanjem odvajao plastiku, džakove i drugi otpad od bačene čokolade. Potom je od čokoladnog dela pravio krem, pakovao ga u kantice i prodavao po znatno nižoj ceni od one u radnjama, kaže izvor eVršca blizak istrazi.Protiv J.K. (50) podneta je krivična prijava, a tek daljim analizama utvrdiće se da li je krem koji je proizvodio i prodavao štetan po zdravlje ljudi.
Izvor : evrsac.rsKoliki bolid moraš biti da bi radio ovako nešto. Edited by Ayatollah

Jel se seca neko milke™ cokolada po bgu?

I 5% je mnogo.Kao sto mora da ima jmbg mora i da se vakcinise, kraj.A olos koji pokusava da napravi profit fake ili neispitanim vakcinama, ozbiljna dugogodisnja robija.Dakle ne kaznjavati kompaniju, jer je ona u cenu vec uracunala % za tuzbe i nagodbe, vec ime i prezime na robiju.
O cemu ti pricas? Olos je pokriven od strana vlade SAD osiguranjem, stotine miliona dolara su do sad isplacene na ime odstete zbog efekta vakcina.

sekircetom na hitnuhttp://www.juznevesti.com/Hronika/Sekirom-na-hitnu-pomoc.sr.html

Psihički bolesnik. Realno, u tim manjim mestima ne bi trebalo da je teško napraviti bazu podataka za bolesnike sa istorijom nasilnog ponašanja, pa onda u intervenciju odmah ići u društvu patrole milicije. Ovi su imali sreće da im se ništa ne desi.

Radosti vakcinacijeEmelie Olsson is plagued by hallucinations and nightmares. When she wakes up, she's often paralyzed, unable to breathe properly or call for help. During the day she can barely stay awake, and often misses school or having fun with friends. She is only 14, but at times she has wondered if her life is worth living.Emelie is one of around 800 children in Sweden and elsewhere in Europe who developed narcolepsy, an incurable sleep disorder, after being immunized with the Pandemrix H1N1 swine flu vaccine made by British drugmaker GlaxoSmithKline in 2009.Finland, Norway, Ireland and France have seen spikes in narcolepsy cases, too, and people familiar with the results of a soon-to-be-published study in Britain have told Reuters it will show a similar pattern in children there.Their fate, coping with an illness that all but destroys normal life, is developing into what the health official who coordinated Sweden's vaccination campaign calls a "medical tragedy" that will demand rising scientific and medical attention.Europe's drugs regulator has ruled Pandemrix should no longer be used in people aged under 20. The chief medical officer at GSK's vaccines division, Norman Begg, says his firm views the issue extremely seriously and is "absolutely committed to getting to the bottom of this", but adds there is not yet enough data or evidence to suggest a causal link.Others - including Emmanuel Mignot, one of the world's leading experts on narcolepsy, who is being funded by GSK to investigate further - agree more research is needed but say the evidence is already clearly pointing in one direction."There's no doubt in my mind whatsoever that Pandemrix increased the occurrence of narcolepsy onset in children in some countries - and probably in most countries," says Mignot, a specialist in the sleep disorder at Stanford University in the United States.30 MILLION RECEIVED PANDEMRIXIn total, the GSK shot was given to more than 30 million people in 47 countries during the 2009-2010 H1N1 swine flu pandemic. Because it contains an adjuvant, or booster, it was not used in the United States because drug regulators there are wary of adjuvanted vaccines.GSK says 795 people across Europe have reported developing narcolepsy since the vaccine's use began in 2009.Questions about how the narcolepsy cases are linked to Pandemrix, what the triggers and biological mechanisms might have been, and whether there might be a genetic susceptibility are currently the subject of deep scientific investigation.But experts on all sides are wary. Rare adverse reactions can swiftly develop into "vaccine scares" that spiral out of proportion and cast what one of Europe's top flu experts calls a "long shadow" over public confidence in vaccines that control potential killers like measles and polio."No-one wants to be the next Wakefield," said Mignot, referring to the now discredited British doctor Andrew Wakefield who sparked a decades-long backlash against the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) shot with false claims of links to autism.With the narcolepsy studies, there is no suggestion that the findings are the work of one rogue doctor.Independent teams of scientists have published peer-reviewed studies from Sweden, Finland and Ireland showing the risk of developing narcolepsy after the 2009-2010 immunization campaign was between seven and 13 times higher for children who had Pandemrix than for their unvaccinated peers."We really do want to get to the bottom of this. It's not in anyone's interests if there is a safety issue that needs to be addressed," said GSK's Begg.

opet ''Novosti'' i opet ''majkl-murovski'' ^_^

Uh, patrijota iz Kanade otkriva tajne funkcionisanja srBske drzave... jbt, "jet set" in natural colours.

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