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Šta znam, meni se baš čini da je pismo autentično. Their, they jer se ne zna kog je roda taj zamišljeni teoretičar zavere, da bude politički korektno. A što things like this i some idea? Ne kontam.

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Oduvek sam hteo da budem life couch.Anyways, moja prognoza za kvotu je 1.5. Verovatno, ali ne i potpuna sigurica. Mozda je stvarno poslao nekom mail, ali njegov gigantski intelekt nije primetio da verovatno komunicira sa domarom na Stanfordu.

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Šta znam, meni se baš čini da je pismo autentično. Their, they jer se ne zna kog je roda taj zamišljeni teoretičar zavere, da bude politički korektno. A što things like this i some idea? Ne kontam.
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Šta znam, meni se baš čini da je pismo autentično. Their, they jer se ne zna kog je roda taj zamišljeni teoretičar zavere, da bude politički korektno. A što things like this i some idea? Ne kontam.
Ok, mogu da progutam da ne bi rekao 'his', fine. Ali things like these valjda majku mu, i ako je some idea (jednina), who the fuck are "they will never be changed"? Conspiracy theorist u jednini? Ionako se odnosi na ideju, jer je 'they will never change' ako se misli na ljude.
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1. pronoun game noun: In conversation, the act of purposefully avoiding the pronouns "her," "him," "she," and "he," to hide the gender of the person being spoken about from the listener.Common substitutes include: they; they're; someone, this person; my friendThe particular phrase "pronoun game" comes from Kevin Smith's film "Chasing Amy" though the idea is pretty common.
Chasing Amy (1997)01:02:03 For your information, they don't have big hair or wear acid-wash.01:02:07 They're from my hometown.01:02:14 Why are you playing the pronoun game ?01:02:16 - What are you talking about ? I'm not. - You are.01:02:20 I met "someone." "We" have a great time. "They're" from my hometown.
Edited by Syme
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Anyways™, idea je "it" kako god okrenes. Ako se they odnosi na ljude/osobu, onda je be visak. Ili "when blabla, they will never change", ili "when blabla, it (the idea) will never be changed".

Edited by Venom
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Syme to sto si ti nasao nista nit pobija nit dokazuje, stvarno i ja sad tek obratih paznju na stenfordsko pismo jer poznajuci Istoka veci deo svog zivota znam da je preko pola stvari cist plagijat cime se jos i ponosi...ovo nije proslo pored stanforda osim ako se tako ne zove neki nick na nekom forumu...frojdovski je zaboravio je da upgradeuje Vukajlovickino novo prezimeeh te stare ljubavi

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Ok, mogu da progutam da ne bi rekao 'his', fine. Ali things like these valjda majku mu, i ako je some idea (jednina), who the fuck are "they will never be changed"? Conspiracy theorist u jednini? Ionako se odnosi na ideju, jer je 'they will never change' ako se misli na ljude.
Zašto da ne, može i things like this (stvari poput ove), potpuno ispravno. Istina da je ovaj drugi deo nezgrapno sročen, ali na način na koji bi to rekao native speaker, čini mi se. Casual varijanta. Ma pogledaj nas na forumu šta i kako sve pišemo!EDIT: Znam! Pa i to they je izbegavanje da se kaže kog je roda teoretičar zavere. :) Sve je jasno, zbunio si me. Edited by Bakemono
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Anyways™, idea je "it" kako god okrenes. Ako se they odnosi na ljude/osobu, onda je be visak. Ili "when blabla, they will never change", ili "when blabla, it (the idea) will never be changed".
People can change. They can be changed too.
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Zašto da ne, može i things like this (stvari poput ove), potpuno ispravno. Istina da je ovaj drugi deo nezgrapno sročen, ali na način na koji bi to rekao native speaker, čini mi se. Casual varijanta. Ma pogledaj nas na forumu šta i kako sve pišemo!
Ne znam, mozda sam previse pod uticajem profana iz engleskog. Dosta pricam sa native speakerima i bas bih rekao da je ovaj drugi deo najmanje tipican za njih.
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In Soviet Russia
How can i change my husband to avoid divorceMy husband and I have not talked for the past 10 days (that's the longest we have ever been) after he yelled and said "F you" many times in front of our 2 yr old.I am not giving up this time because I can't take his insulting, putting me down anymore. In the past, I would come hugging him after a few days and he probably thought he was right so he would make it worse, calling me names or cursing me more. He tends to say things that hurt me whenever he's mad and put the responsibility on me "becuase you made me mad". I really want my husband to change but I don't know where to begin becuase he is very stubborn and has a big ego. He refuses to go to marriage counselor saying they r stupid. probably because he works too much or it's the tax season but he even threaten to divorce me a few times.Everyone I know or heard my story would tell me jut leave him but I still want to give him a chance to change. I just don't know if anything would give him a wake up call so that he will change and start giving me the respect I deserve. (We r married for 4 years.) Especially, I don't want our daughter to witness it n allow other men to treat her like that in the future.Can someone please give me some advice of what I should do now. I still want to save this marriage but he's too stubborn. He would not listen to me or hear my pain/desire.Thank you.
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