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Ma ima jos i gora poruka, kada bivsi stormtrupovac uzme light saber i krene da se siba. Kao ne moras ni dzedaj da budes, sta sada ima da se akas sa silama, treninzima ovo ono, nego dograbi svoj light saber, you deserve it!



Postoji presedan i za to: bas tom istom sabljom je Han overio (doduse vec mrtvog) tantana u imperiji, a nije morao u skolu.

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Odgledah (juce i danas su ubacili po jednu 2D projekciju, i to pre 15h, sutra vec vidim da ih nece biti). Nije bila guzva, dece malo, u pratnji roditelja pa su bila fina, bioskop kao da je samo moj, uzivancija. 


Film je strava, osecaj u stomaku 10/10. 



Harisonu se ispunila zelja. Cim je toliko hvalio film i ucestvovao u promociji bilo je jasno da Han Solo nece dobro zavrsiti. Jbt, skoro da sam zaplakao. Dobar je bio kroz ceo film, mislio sam da mi se Han mozda nece svideti, medjutim Kasdan ga je doktorirao. Keri Fiser i Mark Hamil sigurno zavide Fordu, izvukao se, a oni ima jos da ga gule :D



Kajlo Ren je ocigledno predstavnik SW fandoma, nije ni cudo sto je negativac :D Lozi se na silu, tamnu stranu i DVa, ljut je na roditelje, ali jos ima da uci. Svidja mi se sto je tek na pocetku i treba da se razvija kroz trilogiju, mada jesu neke primedbe na mestu



npr. prelako se Rej izborila s njim i to jedan na jedan, bez icije pomoci, a i Fin se solidno nosio sa njim iako nije u ljubavi sa silom. Ok, jeste bio ranjen i uzdrman, ali ovo dvoje nisu trebali da mu budu problem. Jeste mala prebrzo ovladala silom, mada ne znamo kakav im je plan sa njom i ko je ona. Mozda je ona potencijalno jaci dzedaj od Luka.



Ima jos nekih problematicnih stvari u filmu, neke stvari su se desile prebrzo, pre svega u odnosu izmedju Rej i Fina, ali simpaticni su likovi. Falilo je i malo dramskog naboja, aj sto je recikliran zaplet, ali bas se nismo mnogo sekirali za Leu i ekipu. Opet, to i nije bio najvazniji zaplet u filmu, vec



Lukov nestanak i pronalazenje, a tu je drama za mene vec bila na nivou. Mogao je JJ malo bolje da odradi zavrsnicu, delovalo je kao da film ima dva kraja, ali sam kraj, kad mala ide na ostrvo i pronalazi Luka je bio fantastican, to mi je nadrazi momenat. Dobro i Hanova pogibija, odlicna scena. Falio je momenat gde Cubaka i Lea zale Hana zajedno, ne mogu da verujem da su tako nesto preskocili.


Jos bi to mozda bilo bolje da se Luk nije ni pojavio u ovom filmu, vec tek u sledecem, a da je pronalazenje maca bio centralni zaplet, ali jbg, nema sanse da bi tako nesto mogli da izvedu, bilo bi masovnih samoubistava. Najproblematicniji deo za mene jeste onaj u kafani kod Maz i pronalazak maca. Sve se u filmu namestalo zgodno, ali je imalo smisla, jedino je taj mac s neba pao bas tu, a i Maz mi nije bila uverljiv lik. Mogli bi da odrade 1 prequel za ovaj film pa da neke stavri budu jasnije i dobiju vise smisla :D


Rajan Dzonson nema lak zadatak da napise i rezira nastavak kako treba. Lukove scene sa malom moraju da budu jake. Kajlo, Snouk i Hux moraju da se razviju i da postanu bas velika pretnja galaksiji.



Od novih likova najvise mi se svideo Poe Dameron. Ne lozi se na silu i nema veze sa tim magijama, a mamojebac. Da sam klinac odlepio bih. Doduse i u OT su mi bila dragi piloti x-winga, a Wedge Antilles jedan od najdrazih likova SWa. 

Edited by Sludge Factory
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To bi bilo extra, podrzavam :D


Objasnjenje za R2:



J.J. Abrams explains R2-D2's closing scene in Star Wars: The Force Awakens


Posted December 20 2015 — 11:28 AM EST
One of the enduring questions fans have after watching Star Wars: The Force Awakens involves the galaxy’s most seasoned astromech droid: R2-D2.
EXCLUSIVE: Obi-Wan and Yoda are in 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens'
J.J. Abrams has opened up about the tough little droid’s story arch, and what follows are spoilers from the film – so maybe save this until after you’ve seen it.
Midway through The Force Awakens, Han Solo, Chewbacca, Finn, and BB-8 make their way to the Resistance base, where they discover that R2 has been in a coma-like “low power mode” for years – the robot version of crushing depression over what transpired between his now absent master, Luke Skywalker, and the Jedi trainee who betrayed him, Kylo Ren.
At the end of the film, R2 suddenly wakes up, and the reason is somewhat mysterious – which has led some fans to wonder what finally roused the droid from his vegetative state.
At a post-screening Q&A for the movie on Saturday, Abrams and co-writers Lawrence Kasdan and Michael Arndt explained why they sidelined R2 – and why he finally had his own “awakening.”
“The whole movie is  a series of character introductions,” says Arndt, who help craft the story before Kasdan and Abrams penned the script. “You want all your character introductions to be A-plus. You want to give each person their moment. Even the Millennium Falcon. That was [producer] Bryan Burk’s idea. They’re running to get a ship, it blows up, and you turn and there’s the back-up – the Millennium Falcon.”
If an iconic starship gets a scene-stealing moment, then certainly R2-D2 deserved one, too. But the writers grappled with a way to make his re-emergence special.
“I had originally written R2 and C-3PO showing up together, and Larry very intelligently said, ‘You want to keep them separate from each other. And of course I’m like, ‘No, no, no, Larry. You don’t get it at all!’” Arndt joked, drawing laughs from the audience – as well as the screenwriter of The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi sitting beside him.
Then Arndt says he got it: R2-D2’s arrival had to be presented as a kind of delayed gratification, building up the audience’s expectation before the droid rolls out and starts beep-blooping.
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As the writers tried to find a logical place for that, they also grappled with the question of how to present Mark Hamill as Luke Skywalker – who, as those who’ve seen The Force Awakens already know, was also held back as a climactic reveal in the final minutes of the movie.
“Early on I tried to write versions of the story where [Rey] is at home, her home is destroyed, and then she goes on the road and meets Luke. And then she goes and kicks the bad guy’s ass,” Arndt said. “It just never worked and I struggled with this. This was back in 2012.”
The trouble was a simple case of upstaging. “It just felt like every time Luke came in and entered the movie, he just took it over,” Arndt said. “Suddenly you didn’t care about your main character anymore because, ‘Oh f–k, Luke Skywalker’s here. I want to see what he’s going to do.’”
The good news for Abrams was, he got to make a Star Wars movie. The bad news was, his toybox wouldn’t include a real-life Luke Skywalker action figure. Some of the early MacGuffins of the movie – the thing that drives a movie’s plot – were a search for Darth Vader’s remains, or a quest to the underwater wreckage of the second Death Star to recover a key piece of history about sacred Jedi sites in the galaxy.
Ultimately, the writers decided to make Luke himself the MacGuffin – the thing Rey, Han, Finn and Chewie are trying to find. And they figured that if a horrific past trauma forced Luke to retreat from the world, maybe the same could be said of R2. The droid’s physical form is still present, but his personality is not – lost in the miasma of grief over what transpired in the past.
When they find R2 beneath that dust cloth, the heroes already have a piece of a holographic map, but they lack the larger section of this uncharted region of space that will allow them to track down Luke. That’s where R2 became a useful storytelling device: he could be the missing framework.
The story group’s thinking went back to the 1977 original movie, when R2-D2 accessed the Empire’s mainframe as the heroes searched for the captured Princess Leia. “We had the idea about R2 plugging into the information base of the Death Star, and that’s how he was able to get the full map and find where the Jedi temples are,” Arndt said.
Abrams says he chose to spell this out indirectly in the movie because he didn’t want the story to get bogged down in “how s–t happened 30 years ago.”
“But the idea was that in that scene where R2 plugged in, he downloaded the archives of the Empire, which was referenced by Kylo Ren,” Abrams said. Thirty-eight years later, in both our own and galactic time, that data becomes useful in The Force Awakens when a new droid approaches the dormant R2.
“BB-8 comes up and says something to him, which is basically, ‘I’ve got this piece of a map, do you happen to have the rest?’” Abrams said. “The idea was, R2 who has been all over the galaxy, is still in his coma, but he hears this. And it triggers something that would ultimately wake him up.”
The director acknowledges that R2’s sudden “awakening” at the end was designed to be an emotional storytelling utility: “While it may seem, you know, completely lucky and an easy way out, at that point in the movie, when you’ve lost a person, desperately, and somebody you hopefully care about is unconscious, you want someone to return.”
So for those let wondering: BB-8’s earlier question rattles around inside R2’s dome for a while. Those old astromechs must just take a while to boot up again.
Then as the movie draws to a close, our old friend finally comes back – and leads us to another one.

Edited by Sludge Factory
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Meni nije bilo nelogicno sto Rey bez treninga nalupa Kyla Rena. Kylo je razmazeno prvence najuticajnije familije u galaksiji. Upisali ga mama i tata preko veze kod ujaka u skolu i on to sve zasrao i sad baca tantrume kad god cuje nesto sto mu se ne svidja (ja sam se brinula zbog Adama Drivera ali ovo mu super lezi). Jedino objasnjenje koje imamo za sad o njegovom prelasku na tamni stranu je slabost, tako da nije cudo sto je ... slab.


Rey zivi od malih nogu sama u nekoj zabiti, nema sta da jede, potuca se po pustinji, zivi u olupini, a generalno deluje prilicno sabrano i svakako ne slabasno. Niti znamo da li je ona ikad imala trening (a jedan deo fleshbacka mozda ukazuje da jeste), niti odakle dolazi niti da li je koristila Silu a da nije znala sta je to.


I Luke je prilicno zbrzao trening, onda su mu rekli da ce sve da propadne ako se suprostavi Vaderu, on je ipak otisao, vratio se (bez ikakvog daljeg treninga) a onda su mu rekli: you must face Vader!


A mozda devojcice imaju jaci osecaj za feeling za Silu ;)

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Slazem se, to je to. Plus smo videli da je mala vesta, snalazljiva, ume opasno da lupa onim stapom, sila je voli ocigledno, vise nego Luka u OT (a i Kajlo Rena ovde), tako da moze da prodje. Zadovoljan sam objasnjenjem :)

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Da, kao da je Vader iz OT neka referenca za light sabre skills. Vise masina neko covek, borbe u OT su sprdnja u odnosu na ono sto fully trained jedi moze da postigne.


Jedino logicno objasenjenje ovde je da je Rey Lukova cerka i da ni sama nije svesna koliko je Sila jaka kod nje.

Edited by katodik
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Imate li ideju odakle je mala? Cela prica deluje kao preslikana Epizoda IV, Luk, pardon, mala, u nekoj pustinjskoj zabiti ostavljena, verovatno da je ne bi nasle zle cike. Naravno, posto je ovo 2015. a ne 1977. mala je zavrsila u tough lifeu siroceta a ne u caring family rodjaka. 


Ja tipujem da je cerka Luka koji ju je dobio i sibnuo u zabit upravo da joj se ne bi desilo isto kao sa hanovim sinom. Bilo bi tako J.J. da tata trenira cerku ^_^

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Da, kao da je Vader iz OT neka referenca za light sabre skills. Vise masina neko covek, borbe u OT su sprdnja u odnosu na ono sto fully trained jedi moze da postigne.


+ milijun. U OT imamo invalida, penzionera i seljaka koji u slobodno vreme ubija zivotinje iz laserske puske.


Steta sto ubise Darth Maula, imao je potencijal. Borba u fantomskoj zloci je bila fenomenalna.

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Steta sto ubise Darth Maula, imao je potencijal. Borba u fantomskoj zloci je bila fenomenalna.


Imaš takvu verziju ovde:



Ditto E2, E3. Malo lupa čovek, ali generalno ima smisla.

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Kylo je razmazeno prvence najuticajnije familije u galaksiji. Upisali ga mama i tata preko veze kod ujaka u skolu i on to sve zasrao i sad baca tantrume kad god cuje nesto sto mu se ne svidja



I zato kao svako razmazeno deriste koje znamo, logicno, ubije caleta. How yes no.


Edited by Mos
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Imate li ideju odakle je mala? Cela prica deluje kao preslikana Epizoda IV, Luk, pardon, mala, u nekoj pustinjskoj zabiti ostavljena, verovatno da je ne bi nasle zle cike. Naravno, posto je ovo 2015. a ne 1977. mala je zavrsila u tough lifeu siroceta a ne u caring family rodjaka. 


Ja tipujem da je cerka Luka koji ju je dobio i sibnuo u zabit upravo da joj se ne bi desilo isto kao sa hanovim sinom. Bilo bi tako J.J. da tata trenira cerku ^_^


Luka su ostavili kod sina iz prvog braka muza njegove babe i to su mu bili jedini rodjaci. Najbolje da se sad pojave neki novi. 


Moze biti Lukova cerka, moze biti Hanova i Lejina cerka (za koju mozda Han ne zna), moze biti nesto trece... 

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Da ima puno nelogicnosti oko njega za sada (od kojih je u spojleru najveca) koje imaju šansu da isprave u sledećem filmu ali sam skoro siguran da neće to uraditi.



Takodje, nadam se da je dosta death starova/planeta sa neobjasnjivom slabom tackom koju moze da pogodi samo najbolji xwing pilot...


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