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Da, baš je pravilno.

I uporno, sat vremena...


Ima nekih izvestaja da je bio go around i prilikom drugog sletanja.



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Ako je snimak istinit oni nisu imali pojma gde je pista.

Brzina i ugao prilaza su suludi.


Tako se prilazi samo na piste u ratnim zonama, oko kojih sve pršti. Nijedan pilot ne bi pokušao takvo sletanje zbog lošeg vremena ili zato što je morao na go around.


ako ja dobro tumacim onaj grafik sa flajtradara + yt snimak, lici mi da je pokusao da sleti, odustao, krenuo da se penje brze nego sto je mogao, izgubio kontrolu (stall?) i pao kao kamen :(


Ne. Ništa tako brzo.

Gledaj vreme po X osi.


Bobami, taj poslednji minut or so izgleda baš kako zver kaže...


Aha. Ja sam mislio da govori o prvom pokušaju.




Ima i drugi snimak, nazire se dim iz aviona/motora pre udara u zemlju.

Posted (edited)

A broj i izgled krša više podseća na prošlogodišnji Germanwings nego na neki spori udar pri kraju sletanja, sa par hiljada fita visine.




Edited by Prospero


Ima i drugi snimak, nazire se dim iz aviona/motora pre udara u zemlju.

To je verovatno od udarca krilom sto se pominje.



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Uz ovaj grafik dobro dođe flight playback koji u mnogome objašnjava njegov EKG karakter. Posle prvog neuspelog prilaza avion odlazi u zonu čekanja gde leti kao da vozi NASCAR šampionat, brzina se smanjuje kada se ulazi u polukrug što je Prospero objasnio u gornjem postu. Za to vreme Aeroflot iz Moskve ima tri neuspela pokušaja sletanja te odlazi za Krasnodar. Nakon gotovo 2 sata od prvog pokušaja FZ981 kreće ponovo u čemu neuspeva, radi go-around obaveštavajući AKL. Na visini od 4000 ft najverovatnije dolazi do svaljivanja aviona kada gubi uzgon i pada kao kamenica na pistu. Sad da li je kapetan uradio sve kako treba (izvukao krilca i zakrilca kada je dao pun gas) ili je došlo do kvara motora (spominje se požar dok je još u vazduhu) utvrdiće istraga.


Ovakve situacije su retke, ali veoma karakteristične za go-around procedure.


Pad aviona je izgledao poput onog kada se srušio vojni transporter u Avganistanu.




Udar krilom pri pokušaju sletanja + slom uzgona dok je izvlačio letelicu?


visinomer sa flightradara pokazuje da u oba pokusaja avion nije isao toliko nisko da bi dodirnuo pistu, vec da je odustajao ranije

rekao bih par stotina metara iznad najnize tacke na grafiku koja je na kraju


naravno, pitanje je koliko je flightradar precizan


Komunikacija između pilota i AKL u poslednjih sat vremena leta



Pilot je krenuo u drugi go-around dosta pre praga piste tako da nije ni moglo da dođe do udara krila ili motora o istu. Da se tako nešto desilo letelica bi nastavila da rola po njoj, nikako da se popne na 1000m i posle strovali na zemlju. Ono što se na noćnom snimku vidi kako avion u plamenu pada je posledica osetljivosti CCTV kamere na iznenadni izvor svetlosti. Krošnje drveća stvaraju taj efekat plamena.


Po svemu sudeći čista krivica pilota, a čemu su kumovali jak vetar i gotovo 2 sata letenja u prazno.


Odvratno teški meteo uslovi i neiskusna posada je dovela do slične nesreće pre tri godine u Rusiji kada se srušio 735 Tatarstan Airways-a na aerodromu Kazan.



The Investigation Board of IAC reported the following preliminary details after recovering some information from the flight data recorder:


On 22 November the British Air Accidents Investigation Branch announced they had joined the investigation and had dispatched investigators to Kazan.

Tatarstan Airlines Boeing 737-500 Accident Technical Investigation Board of IAC informs about preliminary results of flight data recorder information recovery.

During the final approach the flight crew were unable to follow a standard landing pattern defined by the regulating documentation. Having considered the aircraft is not lined-up properly relative to the runway, the crew reported to the ATC and started to go around using the TOGA (Take Off / Go Around) mode. One of the two autopilots, which was active during the final approach, has been switched off and the flight was being controlled manually.

The engines reached thrust level close to full. The crew retracted the flaps from 30 degrees to 15 degrees position.

Affected by the upturn moment generated by the engine thrust, the aircraft started to climb, reaching the pitch angle of about 25 degrees. Indicated airspeed has started to decrease. The crew retracted the landing gear. Since initiating the go-around maneuver up to this moment the crew did not perform control actions through the yoke.

After the airspeed decreased from 150 to 125 knots, the crew started control actions through the yoke, pitching nose down, which has led to stopping climb then starting descent and increase of the airspeed. Maximum angles of attack have not exceeded operational limits during the flight.

After reaching the altitude of 700 meters, the aircraft started a steep nosedive, with the pitch angle reaching −75° by the end of the flight (end of the recording).

The aircraft collided with terrain at high speed (exceeding 450 km/h) and with highly negative pitch angle.

About 45 seconds have passed between the moment of starting go-around maneuver and the moment the recording stopped, the descent took about 20 seconds.

The propulsion systems were operating up to the collision with terrain. No single commands have been detected by the preliminary analysis, which would indicate failures of systems or units of the aircraft or engines.


On December 24th 2015 the Interstate Aviation Committee released their final report stating that the crash was caused by an underqualified crew who lacked the skills to recover from an excessive nose up attitude during a go-around procedure. The go-around was necessitated by a positional error in the aircraft system, a map drift. The pilots’ deficiencies were caused by lack of airline safety management and lack of regulators’ oversight.




Snimak tog pada, bukvalno zakucavanje nosom u pistu


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