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Samo nemoj slučajno da dižeš minimalac, pozatvaraće pola tih radnih mesta mali privrednici :cry: 


A. Coumo dao ostavku na funkciju, a rekao bih i na politicku karijeru.

  • +1 1
Posted (edited)

Kazu na CNN-u,  to jest predvidjaju da ce da pauzira dve godine , da se slegne   prasina , pa ce opet da preuzme NY State:)

Edited by Micko8

Census shows US is diversifying, white population shrinking (apnews.com)


The figures show continued migration to the South and West at the expense of counties in the Midwest and Northeast. The share of the white population fell from 63.7% in 2010 to 57.8% in 2020, the lowest on record, though white people continue to be the most prevalent racial or ethnic group. However, that changed in California, where Hispanics became the largest racial or ethnic group, growing to 39.4% from 37.6% over the decade, while the share of white people dropped from 40.1% to 34.7%.


Zbog ovoga gore, mijenja se i politicka slika:


Texas was the biggest winner, gaining two House seats. Colorado, Montana, Oregon, Florida and North Carolina gained one seat apiece.

The losses were concentrated in the industrial Midwest, where Illinois, Michigan, Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Ohio each lost a seat. The Democratic strongholds California and New York also each lost a seat.


A to je i prilika za jos malo gerrymanderinga:

Beware the latest GOP tactic to seize control of the House (msn.com)


Inace, ruralne sredine se sve vise pustose, a metro/urban sprawl i dalje na steroidima:





Rows of homes, are shown in suburban Salt Lake City, on April 13, 2019. The U.S. Census Bureau's release Thursday, Aug. 12, 2021, of detailed population and demographic changes in each state will kick off the once-a-decade redistricting process that plays a large role in determining which party controls state legislatures and the U.S. House. (AP Photo/Rick Bowmer, File)



degenerik Deathsantis ne odustaje od namere da pobije sto vise dece i ljudi u FL,  preti upravnicima skola da ce im smanjivati plate ako narede obaveznu vakcinaciju dece

i siri "slobodu opredeljenja" dok se bolnice pune a lekari hvataju za glavu.

jebeni horror trumpistickog ludila ne prestaje da se siri ko kuga


  • +1 3
Posted (edited)

Umene kreće škola uskoro, i školski distrikti dižu bunu protiv dahije guvernera koji stoji na braniku ljucki prava kano klisurina i sam sprečava ofanzivu maski na škole.




Nuto čuda, roditelji antivakseri spremaju demostracije ispred škola sa temom “moje dete, ja odlučujem dal će da nosi masku”.

Edited by ObiW

da je Bajdenara malo ostriji da naredi national emergency i pozdravi ove kretenoidne trumpiste sa nacionalnom gardom koja obezbedjuje vakcinaciju bilo bi uzivanje




Komandant lokalne nacionalne garde je lokalni guverner.


Georgia je po cenzusu samo 50,1% white


Baška šo je 3orgeov underlying assumption “prvo predsednik dekretom uvede obaveznu vakcinaciju, pa onda vojsku da silom vakciniše ljude”.  Bolje da se napravi da je bez vakcinacije veoma teško biti deo zajednice, baš kao što su napravili da je ID izdat od strane države de fakto neophodan, iako nije obavezan.




ubio svoje dvoje male dece jer mu je prosvetljenje doslo od qanona reklo da je zena imala zmijski dna koji je prenela na decu



Kucamo na vrata zaboravljenih asova:


Odlican nadimak: Barack Antoinette

. Obama closed his house to many of the invited after getting flak for hosting “a celebrity mosh pit,” as Stephen Colbert called it, while officials were telling people to mask back up.

It’s hard to stop thinking about the over-the-top fete the former president held at his Martha’s Vineyard manse for his 60th birthday. It is such a perfect taxonomy of the Obama arc.


As president, he didn’t try hard enough on things we needed. He was a diffident debutante with a distaste for politics. Post-presidency, he is trying too hard on things we don’t need. The culture is already swimming in Netflix deals, celebrity worship, ostentatious displays of wealth, not to mention podcasts. Did the world really need “Renegades,” his duet with Bruce Springsteen?

We already knew Obama gravitated to stars but it was disillusioning to see it on such a grand scale last weekend.


“I think the nouveaux riches Obamas are seriously tone-deaf,” said the authority on opulence, André Leon Talley. “We all love Beyoncé. But people have so many things to worry about with Covid, voting rights, climate warming. People are afraid of being evicted from their homes. And the Obamas are in Marie Antoinette, tacky, let-them-eat-cake mode. They need to remember their humble roots.

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