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Jolly Roger

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NASA's Kepler mission announced Wednesday the discovery of 715 new planets. These newly-verified worlds orbit 305 stars, revealing multiple-planet systems much like our own solar system.

Nearly 95 percent of these planets are smaller than Neptune, which is almost four times the size of Earth. This discovery marks a significant increase in the number of known small-sized planets more akin to Earth than previously identified exoplanets, which are planets outside our solar system.


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  • 4 weeks later...



NASA has been working on reducing a cost of a Europa orbiter mission, in large part by no longer making it an orbiter. The concept now favored within the space agency is something called “Europa Clipper.” Instead of going into orbit around Europa, the spacecraft would instead go into orbit around Jupiter and make repeated close flybys of the moon. The most recent mission designs involve 45 flybys of Europa over three and a half years, with the vast majority of them coming within 100 kilometers of the moon’s surface. That approach minimizes the spacecraft’s exposure to radiation as well as propellant needed for entering orbit around Europa.


The Europa Clipper mission would place a spacecraft in orbit around Jupiter in order to perform a detailed investigation of the giant planet's moon Europa -- a world that shows strong evidence for an ocean of liquid water beneath its icy crust and which could host conditions favorable for life. The Europa Clipper mission would send a highly capable, radiation-tolerant spacecraft into a long, looping orbit around Jupiter to perform repeated close flybys of Europa.


The possible payload of science instruments under consideration includes radar to penetrate the frozen crust and determine the thickness of the ice shell, an infrared spectrometer to investigate the composition of Europa's surface materials, a topographic camera for high-resolution imaging of surface features, and an ion and neutral mass spectrometer to analyze the moon's trace atmosphere during flybys.




Further reading: Europa on the cheap

Edited by Skyhighatrist
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Just off the interwebs, foun mi je poludio:



The most Earth-like planet yet has been discovered, scientists report in the journal Science.

The rocky planet, Kepler 186f, is close to the size of Earth and has the potential to hold liquid water, which is critical for life, the team says.

Nestled in the Milky Way, it is part of a five-planet system that orbits around a cool dwarf star.

It was spotted by the Kepler telescope, which has found nearly 1,000 new worlds since its launch in 2009.

"This is the smallest planet we've found so far in the habitable zone," said Prof Stephen Kane, an astrophysicist from San Francisco State University, US.

“The kind of star it does orbit - which is a very small star - are amongst the most common in the galaxy”
Prof Stephen Kane
San Francisco State University

Kepler 186f is about 500 light-years away from the Earth.

The researchers estimate that is a little bigger than our planet, with a radius that is about 10% larger than ours.

Because of its size, the team believes it is a rocky planet.

Prof Kane explained: "There seems to be a transition that occurs at about 1.5 times the Earth's radius, such that if the planet is larger, then it starts to develop a very substantial atmosphere very similar to what we see in the gas giant planets in our own Solar System.

"And so anything less than 1.5 is probably more like a rocky planet that we are familiar with."



Kepler 186f travels around a small and cool star. Of the five planets in the system, its orbit is furthest out and lasts about 130 days.

The team believes that it has the potential to hold water because with this orbital path it does not journey too close to its star for the liquid to boil away or so far out that it would freeze. Scientists call this region the "habitable zone".

“If all of these very common small stars have lots of terrestrial-sized planets in the habitable zone then that is very good news”
Prof Stephen Kane
San Francisco State University

Prof Kane said: "Even though it is orbiting a star which is very different from our Sun, the planet itself - both in terms of size and the amount of energy it is receiving from its star - is the most similar planet to our Earth that we've yet discovered.

"That is great news in terms of looking for planets which might actually be similar to the Earth, especially as the kind of star it does orbit - which is a very small star - are amongst the most common in the galaxy.

"And if all of these very common small stars have lots of terrestrial-sized planets in the habitable zone then that is very good news."

However, these small stars also tend to be more active than stars the size of the Sun.

So if Kepler 186f does have water - an essential ingredient for life - any potential organisms would be bombarded with solar flares and radiation.

The hunt for planets outside of our own Solar System has made remarkable advances in recent years.

The first was found just 20 years ago; now, nearly 2,000 have been spotted - many by the Kepler telescope.

However, a planet that is exactly the same size as Earth, orbiting a star just like the Sun, at the same distance has yet to be seen.

Such a find will almost certainly come with future technologies. The European Space Agency recently approved the development of an orbiting telescope call Plato, which will be tuned specifically to detect true Earth analogues.
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Колега са дпартмана ми је у том неком комитету за Кеплера. Свашта занимљиво може да се чује.

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Mnjah. Sve je to lepo, potraga za zemljolikim planetama duz Mlecnog Puta, ali to je mlacenje prazne slame. Bolje bi bilo da se pare pre svega preusmere na istrazivanje Suncevog sistema onako ljudski, na Evropu, Titan, pa i Mars, ako cemo zaista da trazimo rodjake, ali ne, isuvise je skupo. Ovako, stavimo neko lece i promatramo preturbacije u sjaju maticne zvede, ne bi li otkrili plantu/e okolo nje, pa potom filzofirlali nasiroko i nadugacko sbbkbb. Tuzno je nasta smo spali. 

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hebiga za više se nema para, pentagon pojede sveeeeee

- valjda je ideja potraga za malim zelenim tako što će se koristiti teleskopi koji će nositi spektrofotometre i onda na osnovu analize svetlosti koja dopire sa tih planeta (iz atmosfere istih, kada je obasja njihova zvezda) utvrditi da li se u vazduhu tih udaljenih svetova nalaze gasovi koji upućuju na industrijsko zagađenje

- eto lukavog načina da se pronađu budući članovi federacije planeta ^_^

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Minutes ago: huuuge gamma ray burst, (among the biggest explosions in the universe), in the Andromeda, galaxy next door!
Most likely a collision between 2 neutron stars!
Twitter hashtag: #GRBM31
Simulation image:

Gamma-ray bursts are the most energetic and luminous electromagnetic events since the Big Bang and can release more energy in 10 seconds than our Sun will emit in its entire 10-billion-year expected lifetime! Gamma-ray astronomy presents unique opportunities to explore these exotic objects. By exploring the universe at these high energies, scientists can search for new physics, testing theories and performing experiments that are not possible in Earth-bound laboratories.


Observing Space ‏@ObservingSpace 15m

This means that 2 #BlackHoles or 2 neutron stars possibly collided w/ each other in the #Andromeda Galaxy.





What the F?

Edited by Skyhighatrist
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Update: Possible ‘Nearby’ Gamma Ray Burst Alert Was False Alarm



The false alert — and the ensuing false excitement — was due to an unlikely combination of Swift’s Burst Alert Telescope (BAT) detecting what was a previously known object and a power outage at Goddard Space Flight Center and Swift Data Center, so that the data couldn’t be analyzed by the regular team of astronomers around the world.



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Jeste nesrećna kombinacija  (poklopilo se da BAT trigeruje [verovatno na random background] dok mu je u vidnom polju poznati X-ray source, onda X-ray teleskop tu snimi nešto već poznato i potvrdi BAT trigger, ali sa pogrešnom procenom intenziteta). mada Swift tim nije tvrdio da su otkrili GRB, twitter i fejs jesu malo potpomogli hajpu.


definitivno vredi pročitati blog Phill Evansa, on je jedan od glavnih developera analysis stream-a za Swift X-ray teleskop.

inače, Swift alarmi su javni, svako može da se prijavi da dobija njihov stream u realnom vremenu, tako da, bilo da se desi greška kao sada ili otkriće, svi to momentalno znaju...

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Dada, Evansa sam i ispratio na Twitteru juce posle opsteg ludila :lolol:



Phil Evans @swift_phil  ·  22h

To all interested in #GRBm31 - it was NOT a GRB; Swift triggers on lots of things, not just GRBs...


Ali eto, Twitter i Facebook su mnoge obavestili sta je GRB, sta je ULX, sta su Swift i IceCube... nije potpuno beskorisno :)

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