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Šta je istorija? 2013 i 2016? Nije to istorija nego deo programa. Vraćamo politiku u politiku. Vrednosti. Iskrenost. 

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To je već ancient history, kao i nešto što je potpuno irelevantno za 18-24. A ostali su toliko popizdeli što zbog Brexita (jer May je sada Brexit enthusiast, dok je stav Corbyna više - jbg, tako je, šta da se radi) da što zbog odustajanja od nekih Cameronovih iskoraka ka progresivizmu da im prosto takve stvari nisu bitne. 


Ovaj, kojih iskoraka?


U socijalnom smislu da, ali je Mejova manje osteriti od Ozborna, bez obzira na dementia tax failure.

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Ovaj, kojih iskoraka?


U socijalnom smislu da, ali je Mejova manje osteriti od Ozborna, bez obzira na dementia tax failure.


kako bez obzira, pa to ju je otvorilo za žestoke kritike u smeru da se "vraćaju" na nasty party put. Pa onda njeni planovi sa grammar schools, pa da penziono ne pokriva tj pokriva znatno manje za one koji imaju 100k u imovini (uklj. i nekretnine, što je za Jug ništa) i još takvih mera. Nisu u pitanju samo predložene konkretne mere i nego i slika o tome na koju stranu će politika ići (bilo je i nešto u vezi corporate taxes). Nije u pitanju samo fiskalna politika. Na kraju krajeva politika je i sentiment, zbog same prirode svog stava i o Brexitu i o naciji odavala je utisak povratka na nešto "zatvoreno", "ksenofobično", ne-inkluzivno što je sve vrlo loše rezoniralo sa mlađim glasačima. Labour, s druge strane, je ponudio konkretne korake i definitivno je dobio bitku na onim platformama koje najviše utiču na mlađe - na socijalnim mrežama i obe te činjenice danas otvoreno priznaju i Times i Telegraph koji su skroz na strani May bili. 

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Kad ce vise taj Kensington?



Labour wins Kensington
Posted at21:04


Labour has gained the last constituency to declare. 

Conservative candidate Victoria Borwick received 16,313 votes; while Emma Dent Coad, the Labour candidate received 16,333.

It means the new MP for the Kensington constituency is Labour - by a margin of 20 votes.

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Bravo za laburiste.


The Most Expensive Neighborhoods in London

1. Kensington W8

People might remember Kensington from the popular Monopoly board game, and it is no accident the neighborhood was one of the most expensive properties to purchase in the game. At an average price of 1,193 pounds per square foot, the neighborhood is home to only the richest of the rich. Celebrities, entrepreneurs and politicians such as Lakshmi Mittal, Leonard Blavatnik and Madonna all have residences in Kensington 8. The neighborhood boasts a home with a private museum for vintage Ferraris, underground swimming pools and many private cinemas. The median property price of a home in this neighborhood is 1.7 million pounds, and the highest house price on the market is 30 million pounds.

Edited by vememah
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Inače, kuriozitet je da su konzervativci sa Terezom Mej na ovim izborima ostvarili najveći procenat glasova još od 1979. i prve Tačerkine pobede, dakle više nego što su imali i kasnije pod Tačerkom i pod Mejdžorom i pod Kameronom.


Uzeli su 42,4%, dok su pod Kameronom imali 36,1%, odnosno 36,9%.

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Inače, kuriozitet je da su konzervativci sa Terezom Mej na ovim izborima ostvarili najveći procenat glasova još od 1979. i prve Tačerkine pobede, dakle više nego što su imali i kasnije pod Tačerkom i pod Mejdžorom i pod Kameronom.


Uzeli su 42,4%, dok su pod Kameronom imali 36,1%, odnosno 36,9%.


Sve je u ocekivanjima.

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Inače, kuriozitet je da su konzervativci sa Terezom Mej na ovim izborima ostvarili najveći procenat glasova još od 1979. i prve Tačerkine pobede, dakle više nego što su imali i kasnije pod Tačerkom i pod Mejdžorom i pod Kameronom.


Uzeli su 42,4%, dok su pod Kameronom imali 36,1%, odnosno 36,9%.


Mozda ce konacno i konzervativci da shvate da treba menjati FPTP sistem :fantom:


Inace, ovi izbori su bili losi za konzervativce, katastrofa za Mej, ali dobri za Britaniju

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Mozda ce konacno i konzervativci da shvate da treba menjati FPTP sistem :fantom:


Inace, ovi izbori su bili losi za konzervativce, katastrofa za Mej, ali dobri za Britaniju


ima i u Spectatoru onih koji misle slično



Legitimacy in Britain flowed from the Brexit referendum. Parliament could not question it. Judges were ‘enemies of the people’ when they even discussed it. You could say that the Leave campaign had won by telling outrageous lies. You could say that leaving the single market would cause needless damage to jobs and living standards. No matter. The referendum result stood, and could not be gainsaid.
The Tory right in particular dismissed all objections. Seventeen million voted against immigration, so we had to abandon the single market and freedom of movement. Try as we might, those of us who thought the country was about to engage in an act of needless self-harm had no way out. Brexit meant Brexit and Theresa May controlled the definitions.
All that has changed.   ^_^  ^_^  ^_^
The new Parliament won’t reverse Brexit but I cannot see Labour, SNP Liberal Democrats, Greens and indeed moderate Tory MPs accepting a hard Brexit that would risk tariff barriers, queues at Dover and needless damage being done to manufacturing, agriculture, financial services and the IT industries. To put it as its most basic, unlike the Tory right, they do not see our European neighbours as enemies but as allies. Frankly I cannot see them accepting May, or whoever takes over from her, even threatening a hard Brexit as a negotiating trick. The momentum will be towards compromise.



Mada je pitanje koliko će se recimo ovi ili slični pomiriti sa tim što je došlo kao rezultat njenog potpunog preigravanja




The biggest hole in the Tory battle plan should have been obvious: Whether or not one thinks Brexit is a good idea, it is plainly not about stability, or continuity. It’s potentially the most radical change in U.K. domestic and foreign policy in half a century, a step that will change the daily lives of everyone in this country and that of their children.

May was consistently caught between these two realities, backing Brexit, but refusing to commit to its potential for upheaval, good or bad. And when pushed, the woman who sought to project strength and stability proved to be a rather spineless politician, who meekly told people what they wanted to hear. Business heard that there would be no sharp break with the vital EU single market; her base heard that she would be a “difficult woman” who would not simply accept the EU’s terms to stay in that market (which would involve a relationship like Norway’s, in which the U.K. accepts many EU rules). In the end, her genuine attitude to Brexit remained opaque, and she sounded evasive and nervous when questioned on this most fundamental point.

The other major Tory mistake in this election was to overlook the generational divide that now defines British politics. Today, the 18-25 and 65+ age groups, respectively, form the key Labour or Conservative constituencies. (Socioeconomic class, however, appears from the same data set to show roughly the same spread across both parties). The Tory dependence on older voters explains why May had to U-turn on her policy to have them pay more for social care, which was received with outrage, even if it made fiscal sense. This shift on a major manifesto commitment blew up her strong and stable image, upon which her campaign was founded.




Sve je moguce


The Times

Some Tory MPs were looking towards Boris Johnson, the foreign secretary and Amber Rudd, the home secretary, as well as casting round for new blood in the expectation that Mrs May could go within months.




Senior Conservatives are tonight taking soundings over whether to replace Theresa May as Prime Minister following her dismal general election performance.

With the Conservatives fighting to run a minority government, senior MPs are concerned that Mrs May now lacks the authority to negotiate a successful Brexit.

Party sources suggested Boris JohnsonAmber Rudd and David Daviswere being sounded out as possible replacements. Mrs May insisted she wanted to "get on with the job" while failing to acknowledge the scale of the humiliation she faced in Thursday's election.




Izgleda da od "Committee 1922" ima podrsku. To nije nebitno



Certainly there were expressions of support, notably from the Tory right which now fears that Mrs May could be pushed by pro-Europeans into adopting a less robust Brexit stance.

John Redwood, a veteran Conservative MP and stalwart of the party’s Thatcherite and Eurosceptic right, said the party was “fully behind the prime minister”, adding: “The best option is for her to carry on. She got a very good public vote”.
Graham Brady, chairman of the backbench 1922 Committee, which has often performed the necessary surgery when the Conservative party has changed leaders, told Sky News that the prime minister had “immense qualities” and added he was “hearing mostly from colleagues” that there was “no appetite” either for a leadership contest or a new election.
“We all recognise that, whilst the election result wasn’t what we would have wanted, it’s the result that people have given us and it’s our responsibility to work with that,” he said. “It’s very clear that nobody else can be prime minister. Theresa May has all the same properties that she had when we chose her a year ago.” The party had won its biggest vote share since 1983, added Mr Brady. ​

Ali ne mora da znaci da je spasena, posebno ne dugorocno


The hung parliament has thrown the already-fraught Brexit process into question, with one minister saying that Mrs May will now find it impossible to push through a mountain of legislation needed to smooth Britain’s exit. “In practical terms, Brexit is dead,” the minister said.

Pro-EU Conservatives seized on Mrs May’s weakness to argue that she must now pursue a business-friendly “soft Brexit” which would keep Britain in the EU’s common market and customs union.

Greg Clark, the pro-Remain business secretary, summoned leading business groupsto co-ordinate a push for a softer Brexit, according to those at the meeting.

Meanwhile, Ruth Davidson, the Scottish Tory leader celebrating a 12-seat gain for the Conservatives north of the border, called on Mrs May to pursue “an open Brexit” that “puts our country’s economic growth first”.

Ms Davidson said that Mrs May should listen to “other parties in parliament” about the best way forward, suggesting that Scottish Tories might make common cause with Labour, the Scottish National party and Liberal Democrats who want to minimise the rupture with the EU.

Mrs May must also deal with her new Northern Irish allies, the rightwing Democratic Unionist party, which backed Brexit but has urged remaining in the EU’s customs union to maintain cross-border trade with the Republic of Ireland.


Edited by MancMellow
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ima i u Spectatoru onih koji misle slično




Da rezimiramo:


Partija koja je htela najzesci Brexit, po svaku cenu, a to je UKIP - dozivela je katastrofu.


Partija koje je htela najmeksi moguci Brexit, tj. ostanak u EEA i u susitni brexit bez brexita, a to su LibDems - su takodje prsli, opet. Jesu uzeli 4 poslanika vise, ali uz manje glasova, i generalno nisu uspeli da kapitalizuju nikakav remainer vote.


Druga partija koja je po svaku cenu htela softest Brexit, pa i cepanje zemlje da bi jedan deo ostao u EU, a to je SNP - takodje je jako lose prosla, bar u odnosu na prosli put kada su izdominirali na svom terenu.


To znaci s jedne strane da referendumska odluka potvrdjena, da nece biti nikakvog brexitless brexita. Takodje znaci da ljudi nisu spremni da cepaju UK zbog Brexita, i ovaj rezultat SNPa izbija argumente za drugi referendum.


Konzervativci jesu dobili vise glasova (i najvise glasova) i imaju nekakav legitimitet da predvode celu pricu. Ali izgubili su vecinu, znaci da ne mogu da odlucuju sami i samo idu kroz parlament kao parni valjak. Moraju da koaliraju sa DUP, koji nece tvrdi Brexit zbog pitanja irske granice i sl.


Najveci dobitnik je Labour, ciji su glasaci pokazali da zele da se fokusiraju na efekat brexita na obicnom coveka a ne na ,,ratovanje" sa ostatkom EU (za sta su UKIP i tvrdo krilo Kon.). Takodje ovakav uspeh Korbinovog socijalistickog programa pokazuje da Konzervativci ne mogu preko Brexita da prave neki offshore raj, Singapur na steroidima i slicno.


LD ce imati priliku da uskoci i pripomogne vecini ukoliko za to dobiju nekakvo "umeksavanje" brexita, a posto trenutno nemaju sta da izgube verujem da ce taj uticaj i iskoristiti ako im se da prilika. Slicnu ulogu bi mogao da igra SNP, koji mora sada da brani svoju poziciju najboljeg zastitnika skotskih interesa u Vestminsteru. Uz DUP, verujem da ce ovo da ojaca razumnije i umerenije glasove medju Konzervativcima.


Mej je mislila da rezultat referenduma mora da znaci da ulazis u brexi UKIP-style, ali se grdno zajebala izgleda. Mozda je cela ta ludnica prosla sa aktiviranjem cl. 50, kada su svi konacno prihvatili da ce brexita biti.

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Izgleda da od "Committee 1922" ima podrsku. To nije nebitno



Taj isti komitet 1922 ju je danas naterao da se vrati na TV i izvini svim Con poslanicima i ministrima koji su izgubili juce.

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