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Real fight for his political survival starts now - ja bih pre rek'o.

Edit; shadow cabinet mu je velicine kuhinje u malom jednosobnom stanu u Londonu. 

Edited by dragance
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Jebm li ga, Brexit mu dodje kao Kosovo, do sada.


Korbin je na stavu da prihvati realnost i da se onda bije a svom terenu, ostali smatraju da je Kosovo Srbija (Britanija EU).


Manc je pre nekog vremena obrazlozio da je Brexit here to stay kao tema. Ima logiike. Videcemo.

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Pa mislim, minimum 3 godine ostaje hteli-ne hteli. Fora je u tome sto to nije jedan problem, nego ima jos 2-3 koji se na njega nadovezuju tj nadovezivace se i ici paralelno. I prosto, logicno je, niko ne spori da je to major politicki dogadjaj koji odredjuje pravac zemlje. Oni koji su u njemu ucestvovali, a na "gubitnickoj" strani su mladji, logicno je da ce im ostati jedna od referentnih tacaka. Mislim, naravno, zavisi kako ce se stvari odvijati sa samom EU. Ako opstane postoji sansa da i Brexit opstane kao neka vododelnica u politickom zivotu Britanije. Mislim, ko god i bilo kad dodje na vlast u buducnosti, nece mu pasti napamet narednih minimum 50 godina da se ponovo prijavljuje za clanstvo (niti bi ih primili, verovatno), ali odnos sa EU je hiljadu nijansi. Prosto zavisi kako ce se stvari odvijati i ekonomski i politicki, nemoguce je predvideti tako daleko u buducnost. Ali, da, mislim da ce u svakom slucaju ostati kao tema bar narednih 10 godina, posto ce toliko trebati da se postavi neki new normal. 

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Well, kažem, ako se ispostavi da EU zapadne u sve veću i veću krizu...pogled će biti drugačiji. Međutim, tada će se postaviti drugi problemi. Pošto zemlje kao što su Nemačka ili Francuska neće nikuda, u EU ili van EU, nebitno. 

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Ted Malloch, proposed US ambassador to the EU, casts doubt on survival of eurozone and says Athens should return to drachma

FT raskrinkao tog potencijalnog Trampovog ambasadora kao lažljivca - ispitali su nekoliko navoda iz njegove autobiografije i ustanovili da nemaju blage veze s mozgom:


Academic touted as Trump’s EU envoy embellished autobiography



Malloch book’s dubious details include Emmy nomination and being ‘knighted’ by Queen


In the book, he claims that his PBS documentary Doing Virtuous Business “was nominated for an Emmy Award”. A spokesman for the Television Academy, which awards the Emmys, said he could not find any record of the nomination.


Mr Malloch claims that Margaret Thatcher described him as a “genius” and “global sherpa” at the start of a 1992 speech. “I have used the praise and moniker ever since,” he wrote in the autobiography, which is subtitled “My Life Behind the Elite Curtain as a Global Sherpa”.

But in a video of the event, the former prime minister does not call Mr Malloch a “genius” or a “global sherpa”.


Mr Malloch also writes that he was “knighted in the Sovereign Order of St John by the Queen, Elizabeth II herself” and “to my family and closest friends, I am therefore known as Sir Ted”.

But while he received the medal of St John in 2005, it was as a “serving brother” — a grade roughly equivalent to an MBE, a British honour several ranks lower than a knighthood. It does not carry a right to a title and members do not attend an investiture with the Queen.

Questioned by the FT, Mr Malloch said: “Of course it’s not [a knighthood]. I never suggested it was.”


Mr Malloch also wrote that he was “made a laird by Lord Lyon of Scotland and given a personal coat of arms with a fancy Latin inscription”.

However, the Clerk and Keeper of the Records at the court of the Lord Lyon said: “The Lord Lyon does not, nor could he, create a person a laird . . . It would certainly be incorrect [for Mr Malloch] to say that ‘he was made a laird by the Lord Lyon King of Arms’.” Mr Malloch told the FT that he had a scroll showing his position as laird.




Pitanje je hoće li taj lažov uopšte biti imenovan, tri najveće grupacije u Evropskom parlamentu se protive odobravanju njegovog imenovanja:


The credibility of Ted Malloch, the man tipped to be Donald Trump’s ambassador to the EU, is under question, the leader of one of the biggest political groups in the European parliament has said.


Gianni Pittella MEP, who leads the Socialists and Democrats, the second largest group in the chamber, responded to claims in the Financial Times about Malloch, who is said to have been interviewed by Trump for the Brussels role.


The FT suggests that a number of statements Malloch made in his autobiography, Davos, Aspen & Yale, are misleading or contradicted by available evidence. The claims questioned include Malloch’s suggestion that a documentary he presented, Doing Virtuous Business, was nominated for an Emmy. The paper also casts doubt on Malloch’s claims to have been “knighted” by the Queen and lauded as a “genius” or “global sherpa” by Margaret Thatcher.


Pittella told the Guardian: “After the recent press leaks, the character of Mr Malloch seems to be more and more controversial – to use soft language. His personal credibility has been heavily put into question, something I would suggest President Trump takes into consideration before making his choice.


Pittella also drew attention to Malloch’s “personal and political hostility, not only toward the European Union as such but also to our common values and principles”.


“For the sake of the current and future relationship with the US administration, we strongly recommend President Trump not appoint Mr Malloch as next US ambassador to the EU. Should President Trump be otherwise willing to challenge Europe so blatantly, I think the EU should then declare him (Mr Malloch) ‘persona non grata’,” Pittella added.


Last week, the Guardian revealed Pittella was one of the leaders of three main parties in the European parliament who had written to the European commission and the European council calling on Malloch’s potential nomination to be the US ambassador to the EU to be blocked.




The European parliament’s main political parties are making an unprecedented attempt to block Donald Trump’s likely choice as ambassador to the European Union from EU buildings, describing him as hostile and malevolent.


Manfred Weber, leader of the centre-right EPP and an ally of the German chancellor, Angela Merkel, and Guy Verhofstadt, who leads the liberal ALDE group, accused Malloch of “outrageous malevolence” towards “the values that define this European Union”.


In a letter seen by the Guardian, Weber and Verhofstadt address Juncker and the president of the European council, Donald Tusk: “In the past weeks, Ted R. Malloch, the likely nominee by US President Trump to become the new US ambassador to the European Union, made a series of public statements denigrating the EU.


“In these statements, the prospective nominee expressed his ambition to ‘tame the bloc like he brought down the Soviet Union’, eloquently supported dissolution of the European Union and explicitly bet on the demise of the common currency within months.


“These statements reveal outrageous malevolence regarding the values that define this European Union and, if pronounced by an official representative of the United States, they would have the potential to undermine seriously the transatlantic relationship that has, for the past 70 years, essentially contributed to peace, stability and prosperity on our continent.”


A letter from the leader of the Socialists and Democrats group, Gianni Pittella, describes Malloch’s statements as “shocking” and urges the EU institutions to treat him as a “persona non grata”. He writes: “Mr Malloch openly expressed himself to be in favour of the dissolution of the EU – to be ‘brought down as the Soviet Union’ – and wants to see the demise of the common currency within months, clearly show[ing] Mr Malloch’s hostility not only toward the European Union as such but also to our common values and principles.


“We firmly believe that ignoring this unacceptable stance would undermine our future relationship with the US administration and could potentially contribute to the spread of populism and Euroscepticism across Europe.


“Therefore, the S&D Group is clear that Mr Malloch should not be accepted as an official representative to the EU and should be declared a ‘persona non grata’.”


For a nominated ambassador to the EU to receive accreditation as head of a mission in Brussels, that person requires the approval of the commission and the European council along with the member states and the European External Action Service, which is akin to a foreign office.


The leaders of the conservative and liberal groups add in their letter: “We are strongly convinced that persons seeing as their mission to disrupt or dissolve the European Union, should not be accredited as official representatives to the EU.


“On behalf of our political groups in the European parliament, we urge you not to accept the accreditation credentials of Mr Malloch, should he be proposed as US Ambassador to the EU.”


Commenting on the letter, Verhofstadt, who is also the European parliament’s chief Brexit negotiator, said: “Mr Malloch has made a series of public statements denigrating the EU, which threaten to undermine our traditionally strong relationship with the United States. The last thing we need in Europe is more nationalism, exported by the Trump administration. We demand that his accreditation is rejected.”




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Jebm li ga, Brexit mu dodje kao Kosovo, do sada.


Korbin je na stavu da prihvati realnost i da se onda bije a svom terenu, ostali smatraju da je Kosovo Srbija (Britanija EU).


Manc je pre nekog vremena obrazlozio da je Brexit here to stay kao tema. Ima logiike. Videcemo.


Core Brexit constituency je (bar nekadasnji) core Labour constituency. Nije Farage dzaba rekao posle referenduma "maybe we're the new Labour" za UKIP. U tom smislu mislim da Corbyn zna sta radi, tj. zna zasto radi to sto radi, vrlo proracunato i smisljeno. Isto tako, i Lib Dems znaju zasto rade to sto rade. Svako se obraca svom (zeljenom) glasackom telu.

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Za izbore u opštini Stoke-on-Trent prijavila se kao nezavisna kandidatkinja i gospođa Barbara Fielding.


Njen politički manifest prenosimo u potpunosti (a i ostatak sajta je kvalitet):



Book-Keeping and Accounts are my speciality with cleanups.

This party is for the advancement of Indigenous English, Welsh, Scottish and Irish Nationals only.

The Abolish Magna Carta Reinstate Monarchy Party Members will lose the shackles of democracy and all the trappings that go with it.

We will have the power of free speech which has been denied to us for so long.

The following are just a few of the items we intend to redress:


1. The Unsigned Illegal document, The Magna Carta, will be Abolished.
2. As good business people, our Queen or King will be head of Government and will attend Parliament as required, or as they wish.
3. Abolish Magna Carta, Reinstate Monarchy Party, fully intends to Nationalize and make profitable the Coal Industry, Electricity, Gas, Water, BT, National Lottery, Royal Mail, Post Office, BBC & Railways.
4. Abolish Magna Carta, Reinstate Monarchy will stop All Foreign Aid, and use this money to pay toward the National Debt.
5. Age discrimination will be punished with imprisonment.
6. V.A.T. Returns are time consuming and costly to business. It will be drastically altered along with Import and Export Taxation.
7. Council Tax will be abolished.
8. Unions will be outlawed.
9. Income Tax will be rearranged to make it fair to all and sundry.
10. Employment Law will be reduced to give Employers their right to choose whom they employ and how much each employee is paid.
11. Maternity Pay, Paternity Pay, and Sick Pay will be abolished.
12. Employment linked Pensions will be abolished, and Employees will be encouraged to make their own Retirement Savings Plans.
13. Maternity Leave will not guarantee future employment.
14. Government Pensions will be paid only to those who work and pay National Insurance Contributions.
15. The Workhouse will be reinstated for vulnerable people.
16. Grammar Schools will return. Sex education will be abolished.
17. All Schooling and Education will be paid for by parents.
18. All Police Officers will pass tougher exams before recruitment.
19. Many Royal Mail workers will be recruited from Ex Servicemen.
20. Nuclear Power will be banned.
21. Fracking will incur imprisonment.
22. Laws, Courts, and the Prison Service will be reformed.
23. All Benefits to Asylum Seekers and Immigrants will be stopped, and All will be repatriated back to their country of origin, All other Nations will be encouraged to repatriate their English, Welsh, Irish.
24. Asylum Seekers, Immigrants, Their Ancestors & Descendants will be removed from All Banks, NHS, Government & All Security positions.
25. Human Rights Laws will be abolished.
26. Churchill will be charged with Treason and causing the deaths of thousands of little German School Children when he bombed Dresden.
27. The ethnic origins of All members of Government will be checked.
28. The Israeli terrorist Karl Marx will be charged with Treason and causing the Paris Revolution and the end of the French Monarchy.
29. Blair family Assets will be confiscated & paid to Hussein’s family.
30. Compensation will be paid to Dwarves created by Thalidomide.
31. Dentists, Optitions & Hearing Specialists will be taken out of the NHS. Doctors & Surgeons will have pay reductions, & many restrictions as regards dangerous medications to patients.
32. All child Benefits will be abolished to restrict society burdens.
33. Every Nation on this planet needs Ethnic Cleansing as the terrible Israeli Karl Marx, Winston Churchill, Sigmund Freud, Abu Hamza etc., proves.
34. Radio, TV, Films, Writers & Reporters will be regulated.
35. The Death Penalty for anyone using a Radio Signal to kill or control another human being or animal, except in warfare.
36. All Pornography, Homosexuals, Transvestites etc. will be removed from Films, Plays, Radio, Television etc.
37. Asylum Seekers, Immigrants & their descendents will not be allowed to own or work in any British Radio, TV, Newspaper or Magazine.
38. Asylum Seekers, Immigrants & their descendents will not be allowed to work in any food preparation, Medicine or Pills or Vaccines manufacture or preperation, to prevent sabotage.
39. Chemical Castration for Paedophiles and Murderers.
40. Asylum Seekers & Immigrants, their ancestors & descendents, must not be allowed to assess or check any school, college or university exams in the UK as this may be detrimental to Welsh or English students.
41. All Company Law will be drastically altered in favour of the Employer.
42. Unemployment Benefit claiment time will be cut to a minimum.
43. All disabled parking spaces will be banished.
44. Blue Badges will be obsolete and cancelled.
45. Housing Benefit will be discontinued.
46. All Irish Traveller sites will be closed, and All Irish Travellers, their ancestors and descendents will be repatriated back to Ireland.
47. We will Not sell Arms to other nations.
48. The British Armed Forces will be for our defence of the UK only
49. British Armed Forces will Not interfere in other nations disputes.
50. The British Armed Forces will Not train other nations in warfare.
51. British Armed Forces can be hired, Payment first, at their discretion, to help in natural disasters, rescues, etc, as they see fit.
52. British Armed Forces will be manned by indigenous English, Welsh, Scottish and Irish Nationals only.
53. Judges will no longer be able to promote their friends, colleagues, or favourites to be judges. The vacancies will be applied for as ordinary jobs and an IQ test will be used to assess the suitability of the applicants.
54. Psychiatrists and Mental Health workers will have a higher IQ than the patients they pretend to be superior to.
55. Drug addicts will no longer receive free treatment via the NHS for their addiction.
56. The NHS will be abolished, along with all the scams that go with it.



The above is my updated party Constitution and Manifesto, which will be added to as I see fit, and to give other politicians a chance to copy it, and make a mess of it, as usual.




Barbara Fielding-Morriss

Party Leader.





Pre nego neko pomisli da je ovo zajebancija, prokleti britanski establišment koji se očito boji ovakvih lučonoša slobode je uhapsio gospođu Fielding po osnovanoj sumnji za raspirivanje rasne mržnje.

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Za izbore u opštini Stoke-on-Trent prijavila se kao nezavisna kandidatkinja i gospođa Barbara Fielding.


Njen politički manifest prenosimo u potpunosti (a i ostatak sajta je kvalitet):




Pre nego neko pomisli da je ovo zajebancija, prokleti britanski establišment koji se očito boji ovakvih lučonoša slobode je uhapsio gospođu Fielding po osnovanoj sumnji za raspirivanje rasne mržnje.

Па ово је као они из Монтија Пајтона што имају везане марамисе око главе и гумене чизме. Луда жена која је своје личне фрустрације ставила у манифест. Оно типа, казнили је јер је паркирала на место за инвалиде

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