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Posted (edited)

ceo dan izbegavam tviter, ne citam vesti, ne otvaram sajtove samo da bi izbegao rezutlat uakmice koju sam downloadovao da pogeldam i onda naletim ovde od svih mesta :isuse:




pre jedno petnaestak godina u vreme kada nije bilo onlajn kladjenja cekam listic od osam i kusur hiljada evra, sve utakmice se sredile na kraju i ostao mi samo porto koji se zavrsio prvo poluvreme (0:0), tada sam imao neko ubedjenje da kada cekam zadnju utakmicu i gledam uzivo ili neki lajvskor uvek padnem i da mi je bolje da saznam rezultat tek kad se zavrsi utakmica pa zatvorim telefon (da ne bi me zvao neko od drugara koji su znali da cekam zadnju) i izlazim da se prosetam, bilo nego vreme nikakvo i na gradu nigde zive duse, prolazim nekom ulicicom kada dvoje klinaca koji se igraju, prolazim pored njih i obi na turskom kaze drugom klincu "hej jesi video da porto gubi 0:1"...sam sebi kazem jebo vas porto, gde ste nasli od milion utakmica koji su igrali u isto vreme da komentarisete bas porto i sto niste igrali u drugu ulicicu


nego ovo tvoje jos gore, vece su ti bili sanse da saznas rezultat u nekom topiku o zdravlju nego ovde  :lol:

Edited by marv
Posted (edited)

Još kada bi gospodin znao kako nastaju uragani, tj. da nemaju nikakve veze sa magnetizmom Sunca, gde bi nam kraj bio...


pa ne baš, veze ima, samo rasprava traje koliko ima veze






tema jeste pomalo kontroverzna





The idea is that increased solar activity - associated with sunspots - means more ultraviolet radiation reaching the Earth's upper atmosphere. That warms the airs aloft and decreases the temperature differential between high and low elevations that otherwise would fuel hurricanes.

"Our results indicate that there is an effect in the intensity of storms due to the higher temperatures aloft," says Elsner, who published the results on 19 September in Geophysical Research Letters

Edited by slow


OK, da se korigujem - moguće je da Sunčeva aktivnost ima nekakav uticaj na učestalost i intezitet uragana, ali Irma, Harvi, Hoze i Katja ni u kom slučaju NISU direktna posledica geomagnetske aktivnosti Sunca u avgustu ove godine, kao što kaže gospodin, već pre svega visoke temperature okeana u centralnom delu Atlantika. Ovo je uostalom slučaj svake godine pred kraj leta, i geomagnetska aktivnost Sunca u npr. februaru neće dovesti ni do kakvih posledica u vidu uragana.

Posted (edited)

OK, da se korigujem - moguće je da Sunčeva aktivnost ima nekakav uticaj na učestalost i intezitet uragana, ali Irma, Harvi, Hoze i Katja ni u kom slučaju NISU direktna posledica geomagnetske aktivnosti Sunca u avgustu ove godine, kao što kaže gospodin, već pre svega visoke temperature okeana u centralnom delu Atlantika. Ovo je uostalom slučaj svake godine pred kraj leta, i geomagnetska aktivnost Sunca u npr. februaru neće dovesti ni do kakvih posledica u vidu uragana.


pretpostavka je da pojačana geomagnetska aktivnost sunca utiče na površinsku temperaturu okeana i predstavlja na neki način okidač stvaranja uragana, i da pogoršava uobičajeni uraganski ciklus:



Earlier this month Elsner published a paper in Nature2providing more evidence that rising ocean temperatures will increase the intensity of major storms around the globe. He says the solar-cycle pattern emerged after his team had already taken into account major factors such as sea-surface temperatures.

The team also found a correlation when comparing sunspot records with daily intensity values for storms dating back to 1944, using "best-track" records from the National Hurricane Center. "It gives us some faith that we are probably on to something here," Elsner says.

The effect would be felt in areas where sea-surface temperatures are high enough to produce big storms, he says. In marginal areas, where waters are cooler, solar activity could promote storms by providing the initial heat to seed a hurricane.

Edited by slow





The environmental crisis is an inevitable result not just of neoliberalism – the most extreme variety of capitalism – but of capitalism itself. Even the social democratic (Keynesian) kind depends on perpetual growth on a finite planet: a formula for eventual collapse. But the peculiar contribution of neoliberalism is to deny that action is necessary: to insist that the system, like Greenspan’s financial markets, is inherently self-regulating. The myth of the self-regulating market accelerates the destruction of the self-regulating Earth.



September 23rd 2017 je blizu   :fantom:



I, kako si se proveo za 23? :P

Posted (edited)

I, kako si se proveo za 23? :P


bavio sam se magijskim ritualom, pomagao sam u spremanju iVara. To je odložilo apokalipsu  :s_d:

Edited by slow

Hvala bogu, pa makar Severna Koreja ne moze da kaci propagandu na Youtube.


Facing criticism that Twitter's most popular tweeter had gone too far again, Twitter responded. The company said the president's tweet hadn't come down, and the president hasn't been banned because his tweets are newsworthy. Twitter said it is now unveiling a long-held "internal policy" and that it would "soon update our public-facing rules to reflect it."

Still, Twitter somehow managed to muster up a statement that it wasn't giving the president any special treatment, either. "We hold all accounts to the same Rules, and consider a number of factors when assessing whether Tweets violate our Rules," Twitter tweeted from its Policy feed. "Among the considerations is 'newsworthiness' and whether a Tweet is of public interest."
In July, Twitter said that the president's @realDonaldTrump handle wasn't afforded an executive privilege. "The rules are the rules, we enforce them the same way for everybody." The company is just now being more forthcoming with its "newsworthiness" clause.



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