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Grozno je izgledala Rambla posle napada. Ima galerija fotki na El Paisu, a verovatno i na jos mnogo mesta.





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Posted (edited)

Spanish police investigating the Barcelona terrorist attack are hunting an 18-year-old man who is suspected of driving the van that ploughed along Las Ramblas on Thursday, killing at least 14 people and injuring more than 100.


Police sources told Spanish media they were looking for Moussa Oukabir, the younger brother of Driss Oukabir, who was arrested on Thursday on suspicion of hiring the van used in the attack. Driss Oukabir has denied involvement and is reported to have told police that his identity documents were stolen before they were used to obtain the vehicle.


Catalan police reportedly believe Moussa Oukabir fled the scene of the attack by road and is still on the run. A spokeswoman for the force, the Mossos d’Esquadra, said officers were not officially naming any suspects as they continued their inquiries. She said official updates would continue to appear on the force’s Twitter account.


Little is known about Moussa Oukabir, who is thought to have turned 18 very recently. However, attention has already focused on comments he made on the social media site Kiwi.


Asked what he would do on his first day if he became absolute ruler of the world, he replied: “Kill the unbelievers and leave only Muslims who follow their religion.” Asked in which country he would never contemplate living, he answered: “The Vatican.”



Edited by vememah

Slika osumnjičenog:



Povređeni i poginuli su iz 34 zemlje:




Sta je Grega? Grcka?



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Cetvoro uhapsenih i preko 130 povredjenih.


Ne znam je li bilo ovo u vasim vestima :O





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Posted (edited)

Sta je Grega? Grcka?


Da, grega je ženski rod prisvojnog prideva, ovde se slaže sa imenicom nacionalnost. Naziv države na katalonskom je Grècia.



Povređena je i jedna turistkinja iz Srbije, srećom u pitanju su samo posekotine.


Prema trenutnim saznanjima Ministarstva spoljnih poslova i Ambasade Republike Srbije u Madridu, u terorističkom napadu koji se juče dogodio u Barseloni, jedna državljanka Republike Srbije je zadobila povrede u vidu posekotina i nakon pružene medicinske pomoći puštena je iz bolnice, navodi se u saopštenju Ministarstva



Edited by vememah

Napad i u Finskoj





Police in Finland say they have shot a man who reportedly stabbed several people in the south-western city of Turku.

The man has been taken into custody after being shot in the leg, police say.

The incident reportedly took place in the Puutori-Market Square area. One image showed a body on the ground.

People have been warned to stay away from the city centre, saying there may be other attackers at large.

Finnish broadcaster YLE said at least two other people had been injured in the incident.

Other reports spoke of five or six victims.

But there has been no official confirmation of casualties.

A tweet from South-West Finland police at 16:40 local time (13:40 GMT) read: "Several people stabbed in central Turku. People are requested to avoid the city centre."


Ladno je isti policajac ubio cak cetvoricu terorista sinoc.


Ladno je isti policajac ubio cak cetvoricu terorista sinoc.




/ili namrtvo ustrijeljen.


Mapa najratobornijih evropskih naroda, Srbi među prvih deset


Srbi foliranti 46%, a u mojoj jedinici 1999-te je odziv bio 20%. Ništa ih ne košta kurčenje u anketama, ili su u međuvremenu postali hrabriji.


Poslednja na spisku od 28 zemalja našla se Holandija, čijih samo 15 odsto građana se izjasnilo kao spremno da ratuje za Holandiju. Sa tri procenta više, pretposlednju poziciju zauzela je Nemačka...


Ako se može suditi po rezultatima ankete, najmiroljubivija država bi mogla da bude Japan, čijih je samo 11 odsto ispitanika reklo da je spremno da ratuje za zemlju.


Ali oni su ozbiljno bili najebali, više im nije do nikakvog rata.

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