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Nacisti i religiozne glavoseče su isto seme zla. Nemam iluzija da li bi ovi drugi pravili konc logore za nepodobne da imaju prilike kao i ovi prvi. Pravili bi sigurno.


tacno tako


mada, mi ovde mudrujemo o nemackoj a zanemarujemo komsiluk


- Da imam još deset sinova, i oni bi otišli u džihad i borili se za Alaha - rekla je majka Jasmina Keserovića, najtraženijeg džihadiste iz Bosne i Hercegovine.

Keserović je prošle sedmice, na bosanskom jeziku putem videa pozvao muslimane u svetu da ubijaju hrišćane. Međutim, njegova majka kaže da je ponosna na njega, prenosi avaz.ba

Jasminov otac, Dževad Keserović, ranije je istakao da je njegov sin nije na snimku, jer je, kako tvrdi, bolestan i hoda na štakama. On navodi da njegova porodica nije luda niti su psihopate i ima samo reči hvale za svog sina koji je otišao u džihad u Siriju.

- On je otišao da ratuje u Siriju 2013. Da ga sad mogu videti, poručio bih mu da se bori za Alaha- rekao je otac teroriste Dževad, naglašavajući da su se sa svojim sinom čuli pre mesec dana preko Skajpa.



sta covek da kaze osim jedna je majka :lolol:  a i ta moderna vremena, ode sinak da divljaci po siriji i prica lepo sa ocem preko skajpa

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možda su extremni na rečima ali koliko njih je zaista spremno da se opaše explozivom i raznese sebe i nevernike

- ako odbijemo decu to je 250k, među njima ima oko 2% psihopata tj 5k no većina njih više voli sebe od alaha i obećanja o sex orgijama u raju

- dakle spremnih za velika teroristička zlodela nema više od 1000 imho


samo 1000 spremno za teror? uhhhh, pa sad je mnogo lakse

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jesi sisa ako ne postujes sliku sa hidzabom, za inat gradjanista


ne mogu jer imam muža i moja lepota pripada samo njemu 


Muslim Cleric Council leader in Palu, central Sulawesi, calls for fines of up to US$ 1,500 for married women who post pictures of themselves online. “Provocative” pictures endanger marriages and are an insult to husbands. In Islam, a woman’s beauty “belongs” to her husband.




naravno to neće sprečiti volujske glave da nas ubeđuju kako oni znaju šta je islam a ovaj citirani ne zna :fantom:

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A gde je dokaz za te njihove "rajske vrtove" koji se pominju gore u tekstu? Jel ima neki ekskluzivni snimak ili tako nesto? Pa valjda bi se Alah koji toliko obozava ubijanja pojavio na nebu i dao neki teaser tog muslimanskog raja, stopa samoubilackih napada bi skocila bar za cetiri cifre.


pazi u islamu nema preispitivanja sumnje racionalizacija i tako tih fazončića


ili prihvataš Božije Slovo ili ideš na tehnički pregled grkljana 




inače neki baja tvrdi da je u pitanju izgleda greščica u prevodu i da šehide ne čekaju 72 device nego nešto malko drugojačije :fantom:

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ovako je bilo u ono odvratno politički nekorektno netolerantno i kulturom siromašno vreme




srećom stvari su se malko izmenile nakon uspešnog uvoza Trećesvetskog Bogatstva  :fantom:





Heavily armed new police patrols have been deployed on the streets of London today after a wave of terror attacks in Europe.

Met Commissioner Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe unveiled the plan to put more highly visible patrols, armed  to the teeth with pistols and semi-automatic SIG Carbine rifles, at major landmarks as a deterrent to potential attackers.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3721270/Extra-armed-police-patrol-London-TODAY-attacks-Europe-amid-warnings-two-YEARS-train-officers-outside-capital.html#ixzz4GYNI6I4V



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inače kad Najneophodnija Kultura prevlada na kontinentu budite sigurni da će se građanisti čke pre obrezati i zabraditi nego što će smeti da uzvrate :fantom:


A HORRIFYING video has emerged which appears to show a six-year-old girl being sold into marriage with a middle aged man in exchange for a goat and a few items of food.




ima i jedna pozitivna stvar u videu pogledajte

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ISIS to be hit with BIBLES as church plans on dropping holy book using DRONES A SWEDISH church is set to use drones to drop thousands of bibles on Islamic State (ISIS) strongholds in Iraq.


Large numbers of small, electronic holy books will be dropped on areas controlled by the twisted jihadis by the Livets Ord evangelical group.

Church leader Christian Akerhielm said: "The bibles are the size of pill boxes and have a display. They require no electricity, but work on their own.

"Our ambition is to pass on the hope and love of the Christian gospel to a population living in closed areas where they are being denied human rights.

"We start our project in a few weeks and hope to drop thousands of bibles." 

The religious ambush will use remote-controlled drones and is expected to start in the next few weeks.

The church said another organisation in the area, which it did not name, would help carry out the mission.

Livets Ord is one of Sweden's largest and most controversial free churches.

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  • 2 weeks later...

MARRIAGE among migrant children living in Germany is on the rise - with girls as young as NINE made to take part in sick wedding ceremonies.

A staggering 3,443 young girls - a third under the age of 18 - visited a counselling centre in Germany for help in respect of being threatened or already forced into marriage in just a year.


ITALY is facing calls to legalise polygamous marriages but more than 20,000 already exist among Islamic communities in the European nation.

Muslims also claimed there was “no reason” to object to polygamy after same-sex marriages, which are frowned upon under Islamic laws, were approved earlier this year.

According to the law of the Koran, polygamy must be authorised by the first wife.

But in reality, the wife’s permission is almost never asked and a man can have up to four marriages under Sharia law.


The Mumbai Police report says Naik’s Islamic International School ‘brainwashing’ students, urging parents to keep kids away from ‘un-Islamic environment’ and hinted a hate mongering so that Muslims students in tender age can easily separate themselves from  mainstream society with an outlook to create an Islamic environment on their own.


CONTROVERSIAL Pakistani clerics who praised an Islamist assassin in Pakistan were allowed to speak at a mosque in Oldham last week


After Oldham they went on to speak at mosques in Rochdale and Rotherham


One of the UK's most notorious radical clerics has been convicted of inviting others to support the so-called Islamic State, it can now be reported.

Police said Anjem Choudary, 49, had stayed "just within the law" for years, but was arrested in 2014 after pledging allegiance to the militant group.

Many people tried for serious terror offences were influenced by his lectures and speeches, police said.


A 50-year-old Muslim cleric, Mohammed Yusuf, and daughter, Salamat, 18, were on Tuesday arraigned at a Tinubu Magistrates’ Court, Lagos, for allegedly distributing poisoned “akara’’, a local snack, to beggars.

The Yusufs, who are facing a two-count charge of conspiracy and attempted murder, were alleged to have inserted needles in the snack before giving them to beggars.


ali nemojte da brinete to su vam znate te kulturne razlike bez kojih smo duhovni bogalji :fantom:

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