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Midterms 2018 and beyond


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Bajden na msnbc-u prvo o Tari Rid a onda o ostalim temama, on ništa koherentniji nije od Trampa kad krene da lupeta.. Krene da priča nešto spominje nekog doktora i valjda zaboravi kako se zove taj lik što ga inače savetuje i kaže enivej i nastavi nešto deseto 

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On 30.4.2020. at 0:39, Budja said:

Ovaj, ko je doticni Justin. Nikad cuo.


On 30.4.2020. at 1:25, Gandalf said:

kongresmen iz Mičigena. ex-republikanac, trenutno nezavisan. verovatno ne bi imao nekog uticaja drugde, ali bi mogao biti jezičak na vagi u Mičigenu.

Koherentni stavovi po pitanju prvog, cetvrtog i petog amandmana u prilog gradjanskim slobodama, zadrt u vezi drugog amandmana i abortusa, ekonomski libertarijanac, vrlo protiv trampa u pogledu nacina vladavine i odnosa prema podeli vlasti. 


To na osnovu nekih nastupa u poslednjih par godina, od kako sam ga konstatovao.

Edited by pacey defender
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Amaš je tea partier, tako je izabran, endorsovao je Rona Pola 2012, kasnije i Randa 2016. Freedom caucus tip, sklon libertarijanizmu. Glasao za impičment kad je izašao iz partije. 

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Accelerationist Piece of Shit

After lambasting Gore as part of a do-nothing Clinton administration, Nader said: “If it were a choice between a provocateur and an ‘anesthetizer,’ I’d rather have a provocateur. It would mobilize us.”

"After Hitler, our turn."


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According to the Post/ABC survey, 55 percent of registered voters who back Mr. Trump say they are very enthusiastic about supporting him, and 32 percent say they are somewhat enthusiastic. Among Mr. Biden’s supporters, just 28 percent say they are very enthusiastic, while 46 percent are somewhat enthusiastic.

Overall, there’s a 12-point enthusiasm gap between Mr. Trump and Mr. Biden. Among the most excited voters, it’s an even bigger 27-point gap.

Pollsters, strategists and political types pay a lot of attention to the intensity of enthusiasm because it offers hints about who is likely to show up at the polls and who is likely to stay home. (We’re assuming “showing up at the polls” will still be a thing in November.) Campaigning in this polarized era is often less about persuading undecided voters and more about driving out your forces.

Here’s The Post on the history:

In May 2012, Mitt Romney, now a U.S. senator, had a strong enthusiasm deficit of 25 points against President Barack Obama in Post-ABC polling. In June 2008, Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) was down 33 points on enthusiasm against Obama. In June 2004, Sen. John F. Kerry (D-Mass.) faced a 16-point gap on enthusiasm in his campaign to unseat President George W. Bush. Romney, McCain and Kerry all managed to narrow that gap by November but ultimately lost their elections.

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Ne vidim kako neko može biti uzbuđen da glasa za lika koji ni sam nije uzbuđen za sebe. Having said that, ako ćemo da izvlačimo pollove u ovoj korona situaciji, pre nacionalnih konvencija i ravno 4 meseca pre labour daya kad u suštini pollovi postaju da budu bitni ajde da budemo pošteni pa da umesto crosstabova izvlačimo topline brojke koje su trenutno užasne po Trampa. U poslednje vreme su bolji pollovi kod svih adulta nego kada se skrinuju RV i LV, što nije bio slučaj ranije za njega. Takođe, on sad već konstantno polluje ispod svog approval rejtinga što je ogroman problem, ali ajde da kažeš da ti ljudi ipak na kraju mogu glasati za Trampa. Najbolja vest koju je Tramp u poslednje 2, 3 nedelje dobio je juče poll iz Džordžije u kojem vodi za 1 procenat i u kome glasači kažu da mnogo više veruju republikancima nego demokratama da će da izvuku zemlju iz ekonomskog haosa, mislim da je čak 15ak procenata. Ali kada je najbolja vest plus 1 u Džordžiji, onda je jasno koliko je sati. 

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Pred super Tuesday su Sandersovi bili super entuzijasti pa... ajde da vam ne stajem na muku, i ja sam stajao taj dan u redu zadjabe.

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Ma, tolika je volatilnost svega da je bolje uopste ne baviti se u ovom trenutku politickim prognozama.

Evo, Wall Street nakon najgoreg meseca imao najbolji mesec i to be continued...

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placem na elon maska danas...:laugh:

jebem ti ludaka i stock market kako reaguje. 

ovaj prdne, padnu akcije. ludak! :D


sad je idealno za bogacenje na markeeetu sto bismo sestra i ja rekle.



Edited by mustang
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BBC na naslovnoj ima Taru. Stvari malo eskalirale?




A court document from 1996 shows Ms Reade's ex-husband describing "a problem she was having at work regarding sexual harassment, in US Senator Joe Biden's office", according to the San Luis Obispo Tribune.

"It was obvious that this event had a very traumatic effect on [Reade], and that she is still sensitive and effected [sic] by it today," wrote Theodore Dronen, her then-husband, in a legal memo during their divorce battle.

The file obtained by the California newspaper appears to be the only document from the time that might describe Ms Reade's allegation.

Edited by Budja
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Podrska Bajdenari se sada svodi na:

On nece da bude predsednik. Da demokrate dobiju Senat.


Sta znam, ne deluje mnogo ubedljivo.


Iz istog citiranog clanka:



Today, the Trump-Pence ticket looks even worse. Mr. Trump, credibly accused of rape and a confessed grabber of women’s genitalia, and Mr. Pence, who will not dine alone with a woman other than his wife (whom he calls “Mother”), combine both Mr. Starr’s and Mr. Clinton’s belief systems, offering voters in one ticket the full spectrum of misogyny. Mr. Biden, that relic of the good-old-boy Senate years, seems positively benign by comparison.


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