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Posted (edited)
5 hours ago, ToniAdams said:

sad vidim da sam se sjebo, za thinga je murikone radio ziku.

a bas lici na nesto od karpentera.





Ne bas, makar ne sasvim:





Ennio Morricone created a sound that replicated John Carpenter's own style of synthesized music. This piece is used throughout The Thing.
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Ennio Morricone composed the film's score as Carpenter wanted The Thing to have a European musical approach.[62][63] Carpenter flew to Rome to speak with Morricone to convince him to take the job. By the time Morricone flew to Los Angeles to record the score, he had already developed a tape filled with an array of synthesizer music since he was unsure what type of score Carpenter wanted.[64] Morricone wrote a complete orchestral score, and a complete synthesizer score, which he knew was Carpenter's preference.[65] Carpenter picked a piece that closely resembled his own scores. It became the main theme used throughout the film.[64] He also played the score from Escape from New York for Morricone as an example. Morricone made several more attempts, bringing the score closer to Carpenter's own style of music.[62] In total, Morricone produced a score of approximately one hour which remained largely unused, but was later released as part of film's soundtrack.[66] Carpenter and his long-time collaborator Alan Howarth separately developed some synth-styled pieces used in the film.[67] In 2012, Morricone recalled,


I’ve asked [John Carpenter], as he was preparing some electronic music with an assistant to edit on the film, ‘Why did you call me, if you want to do it on your own?’ He surprised me, he said – “I got married to your music. This is why I’ve called you.’…Then when he showed me the film, later when I wrote the music, we didn’t exchange ideas. He ran away, nearly ashamed of showing it to me. I wrote the music on my own without his advice. Naturally, as I had become quite clever since 1982, I’ve written several scores relating to my life. And I had written one, which was electronic music. And [Carpenter] took the electronic score.[62]


Carpenter himself said:

[Morricone] did all the orchestrations and recorded for me 20 minutes of music I could use wherever I wished but without seeing any footage. I cut his music into the film and realized that there were places, mostly scenes of tension, in which his music would not work…I secretly ran off and recorded in a couple of days a few pieces to use. My pieces were very simple electronic pieces – it was almost tones. It was not really music at all but just background sounds, something today you might even consider as sound effects.[62]



Te neiskoriscene u kompozicije iz Thinga posle je iskoristio Tarantino u Hateful Eight.



Tarantino confirmed that the film would use three unused tracks from Morricone's original soundtrack for the 1982 John Carpenter film The Thing—"Eternity", "Bestiality" and "Despair"—as Morricone was pressed for time while creating the score.



Edited by Sludge Factory

uf, bas je pokido karpentera tarantino, ima gomila referenci na the thing u hateful 8. ovo sad za ziku prvi put vidim, al ne cudi.

Posted (edited)

Da da, i vise od referenci, Thing je bio direktna inspiracija za Hateful (i Reservoir Dogs), makar za neke aspekte. 



Edited by Sludge Factory

pa da, taj tip saspensa pumpa.



Tarantino ili ti direktna inspiracija 

13 hours ago, Fakundo Sava said:

Pretera ga, ima kandidata koji su tolike budalaštine da padnu u zaborav posle prvih trejlera. O ovim filmovima može da se diskutuje čak i ako ih ne gledamo kao

naslednike Tuđina *79. 

Ko se još seća Jupiter Asccending,Elysium,War of d worlds,razni dani nezavisnosti , Battlefield Earth...


Znao sam da su braća Vačovski postali,brat i sestra, ali da su sada sestre Vačovski e to mi je vala šok . Verovatno ih drma menopauza pa su snimali krševe u zadnje vreme 


Ma naravno, nego je ovde moderno da se pljune svaki Alien posle prvog jer se, valjda, ocekuju umetnicki dojam i genijalnost originala.


SF je zanr koji je po prirodi trpi svasta. Stargate, Sunshine, The Core, od novijih promasaja Life, Passengers, Oblivion, i tako dalje i tako dalje. Covenant nije dobar nezaboravan film, ali isporucuje ocekivanu zabavu za ljubitelje fransize. Meni je to dovoljno.



On 3/22/2018 at 12:51 PM, burekdzija said:

stvor, ali samo ako se gleda na vhs-u.




Pogledo annihilation, sasvim solidan sf film, zapravo. Naravno ima poneku manu ili nelogicnost, ali vrlo gledljivo.


Pogledao The Titan (2018), glup do bola, mada uz kokice i ko nema pametnijeg posla, mož' da se gleda.


Pogledo annihilation, sasvim solidan sf film, zapravo. Naravno ima poneku manu ili nelogicnost, ali vrlo gledljivo.
isto. ima sasvim lepu dinamiku. portman klasika, ok, dzenifer dzejson li odlichan izbor. i da budem maliciozna, valja se, nishta mi se nije svidelo kako skachu jelenchici sa cvetnim rogovima :hihi:

lep film deco.

sent from bubamoto


E da, takođe odgledao The Discovery sa Robertom Redfordom, sasvim ok, malo spor, ali solidna priča na kraju. :)

1 hour ago, Indy said:

Uf, meni negledljivo.


+1 ako misliš na Discovery.

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