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Ne bi da se mesam u te vase strucne price, ali proteini sa ukusom blueberry muffin - razvaljuju! :Hail: A jedva me je nagovorila cica u prodavnci.
meni je bilo muka posle dve doze, trecu nisam mogla ni da pomirisem :Dmeni su elite od cokolade zakon Edited by mary mary
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meni je bilo muka posle dve doze, trecu nisam mogla ni da pomirisem :Dmeni su elite od cokolade zakon
Pre sam uzimao Elite kafa moka i dobar je ukus bio, a sad sam uzeo od vanile i jos vise mi se svidja. A cini mi se da je sastav cokolade malkice drugacije, odnosno da ima vise holesterola i uh, doduse razlika je u miligramima...
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Pre sam uzimao Elite kafa moka i dobar je ukus bio, a sad sam uzeo od vanile i jos vise mi se svidja. A cini mi se da je sastav cokolade malkice drugacije, odnosno da ima vise holesterola i uh, doduse razlika je u miligramima...
nisam obratila paznju na sastav, znam da su dobili neku nagradu - ukus godine.svidja mi se i vanila. kafu volim, tako da ce mi se verovatno dopasti ta moka. tnx
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Gym ArchetypesGym Sluts - samoobjasnjavajuce, svodi se na attention whoreBreathers - tesko dise dok dizeDumbbell Slammers - baca tegoveCardio Bunnies - samoobjasnjavajuceScreamers - dere se dok dizeGym Rats - omiljena vrsta, vecito vise u teretaniThe Farter - samoobjasnjavajucethe advice guy: this guy is about 150 pounds and 6'0, he goes around giving advice, but he needs to take his own advice bc he does everything wrong and tells other people the right way, Once he came up to me saying that 50 pound dumbells were to havy for my size , and my muscles are bigger then his then he goes and takes 65pounds dumbells and starst strugling with them, heardy did 2 reps and says to me im maxing out today, well when dont you max out?Garlic Boy: Garlic breath so bad you would swear he ate a half pound of raw garlic just before walking inthe door. To make things worse he's a screamer too.You can smell him from 15 feet away.Androgynous Kid: You can't tell if it's a male or female but when it starts struggling with 20 lb dumbellson the flat bench you feel compelled to spot it so itdoesn't hurt itself.Gum Popping Girl: She's too shy to break the ice withguys she's hot for so she walks by them again and againpopping her gum so loud it sounds like a firecracker.The Shadow: She follows you around the gym and gets into the machine/rack/bike either right next to you orbetter yet right across from/facing you. If you start toward the water cooler she runs to get there before you do. When you go to the locker room to change and get ready to leave she's waiting for you right outside the locker room and walks right in front of you hoping you'll speak to her.Muscle Midget: Short guy with extreme muscularity. Ifyou took a picture of him along side children's furniturehe would still look short. Can be easily bench pressed by the lightest 6 footer in the gym.Gang o' Teens:Group of predominantly, if not exclusively, teen-aged males, usually in groups of six or more who insist on working out together at same station. Many times, exercises are performed with little or no regard to form. Often, time between individuals is extensive due to commiseration or dull chatter.JEALOUS BOYFRIEND: Jealous boyfriend is a dweeb but is somehow dating a hot chick with big tits. Said hot chick is serious about her workouts though and can often be seen in the gym every evening. Jealous boyfriend though, doesn't seem to like working out but tags along and follows her around like a puppy. Jealous Boyfriend also knows so little about working out that he doesn't pay attention to the fact that his girlfriend uses more weight than him on most every exercise they do together. No matter though, because 1-2 sets is all Jealous Boyfriend ever does. The rest of his evenings in the gym are spent giving hard looks to all the guys who are checking out his girlfriend.Flip the Barbell Boy: Starts loading up one side of a barbell in the squat rack until it flips out of the rack and all the plates hit the floor with a resounding crash. Leaves quickly and doesn't come back for a month.Belt Man: The guy who wears a weight belt the entire time he is in the gym. It is only a 1 in a million chance he will do an exercise that may need a weight belt (squats, dead lifts). He will proudly carry the weight belt to the gym on his shoulder, like he is a big man, ready for a big work out. He then tightens his belt, and does his usual work out, consisting of: Flys, followed by Preacher Curls, then Tricept push downs. Afterwards, the belt is removed, and placed back on his shoulder, as he struts to the stair stepper for 10 min. of "hard" cardio, and then home.Mr. Shot Put - the guy that always throws the weights to the ground after his set. It shows how strong he is because the weight is so heavy he is physically unable to place it down like a normal human being. Everyone always turns and looks at them after the loud crashing sound. In their mind everyone is going "oh man, did you see all that weight he was lifting? It was so much he couldn't even put it down normally. Damn he's strong." When in reality everyone is going "Why can't that moron put the weight down normally? What a jerk off"The Rack Magnet - anyone who ever stands too close to the dumbbell rack during their set, preventing you from accessing the rack to either take dumbbells or put them back. These guys are usually practically rubbing their dongs on the rack in the middle of their set. I just don't get it.1) New Years Resolution Group: A group of people, including all ages, both sexes, and all life styles. They set a resolution that "this year I will get into shape. Then for the next 11 weeks after Jan. 1st, you, I and all the other serious lifters have to deal with them. The clog up the gym, take up machines they don't know how to use, and become frustrating, while they stand in front of the dumbbell rack curling DB's, and you have to wait for them to move, just to get a set of db's. But alas, by St. Patty's day spring break rolls around, NCAA basketball tourny time, and they are gone.2) Yuppie females. In the age range of just outta college to pre-marriage (around 22-30 years old). They come to the gym more to socialize and look hot, than to really work out. As a straight guy, I enjoy the view, but it is funny to watch their work outs. They come in, and walk on the tread mill for 15 min, while talking on their cell phone. Next is the elipical machine for 10 min at a snails pace, and more cell phone. After this is a rotation doing each stacked plate machine one time, except the "vagina machine" or the reverse hip abducter machine that works basically the groin area only. This machine gets 5 sets. After this a sweet is ALMOST broken, and it is time to head home to watch "Friends". But I am thankful for the view 3) Yuppie Males. The same age range of the yuppie females. The main difference is they are in the gym to look good, but not really work hard. They will wear Tommy Hilfigur, A&F, or a complete Nike warm-up to work out. A good example is when the brothers work out during "Night at the Roxbury's". For these guys the first work out is to strut around the gym and check out the ladies. Then some cable flys, then more strutting. Next preacher curls, and strutting. If he has found a lady by this time, he is working his game on her. If not it is between cable flys, preacher curls, tricept push downs, and maybe, just maybe some crunches. If he hasn't found a lady to his liking within 45 min., he is gone for the day.4) Talker. The guy who comes to the gym to do some cardio, some machine weights and to socialize. We all may chat between our sets, but this guy/girl doesn't get it. When it is obviously time to stop talking and start lifting, they keep on jabbering away. Blah, blah, blah. If you walk away and start lifting, while they are talking, they will become annoyed. "Oh, he thinks he needs to work out in this gym, I got something important to say. Fine, I will talk to someone else". Please, feel free.5) The insecure guy. Usually the insecure guy comes to life when you do some lift that looks too "hard". Such as dead lifts, power cleans or snatch's. He is doing his set of bench press, followed by dumbbell curls thinking he is pretty big and strong. You walk in, and start dead lifting 300 lbs. What does he do? He stares, and gawks. If you make eye contact back he will probably tell you that is too hard on the body, or that it doesn't help him much anyway. "I used to do that lift, but all it did was mess up my back". Great, thanks for the advice.The Noobie Stare-At-You Kid: Every time you look at him, he is looking at you. He does not seem so much homosexual as he seems desperate and envious. Questions like "Why are my arms smaller... but I can (cheat) curl more than him ," and "I wish I looked like that," continuously plague his ectomorphic uninformed mind.igotlaid@thegym: these are the guys who go there to try and hit on the women so they can attempt to get some. they don't watch what they are doing when they or somebody else is lifting. alot of the time they will spot for the little people to make the girls think that they are nice guys. they are suck ups that just want some of what they ain't getting.'really bad body odour guy' : we all smell of sweat from time to time in the gym, but this guy has a problem. I would probably feel sorry for him if I wasn't wanting to cave his skull in for being such a skanky, gopping motherf@cker.Anyone ever have the "watch me while I lift" guys? This guy is always bringing his girlfriend, who does not lift, to the gym and she just sits and watched him work out. Occasionally he flexes for her. She just sits there and pumps him up after every set.The Guy Who Owns 3 Machines/Benches At Once: this guy is in his own little world, where you go use a bench, and he says hes on it, so you go to another bench, hes like IM USIN THAT TOO...ALMOST DONE, then you go to a machine, hes like I GOT 2 MORE SETS ON THAT, and doesnt understand the concept of other people and cant just finish an exercise on 1 piece of equipment, he has to do 3 exercises together, controlling 3 machinesThe "light bulb" man- this type of guy doesn't believe in working his legs or back, and every time you see him at the gym he's working his chests or arms. They have a huge upper body and bird legs. They kind or resemble a light bulb....

Edited by Hustler
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Zato ja od 1999. treniram iskljucivo gajbi. Nakon dolaska prinove™ pre godinu dana, doduse, nemam mesta za bench klupu, al' me zabole, posto je to ionako jedna od beskorisnijih vezaba™.

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Zato ja od 1999. treniram iskljucivo gajbi. Nakon dolaska prinove™ pre godinu dana, doduse, nemam mesta za bench klupu, al' me zabole, posto je to ionako jedna od beskorisnijih vezaba™.
svaka cast, svi moji pokusaji vezbanja u stanu su bili neuspesni. Edited by mary mary
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Jer ima neko od vas neki smrdljivi podrum koji bi mogao da se preuredi u 1 pristojno mesto za vežbanje? :)Imam svu opremu za 1 kvalitetan underground strength training - olimpijsku šipku sa 100+ kg tegova, bučice, bugarsku vreću, gumene ekspandere, džak za boks, medicinku...Ako je neko u fazonu da ustupi prostor, ja ulećem sa opremom i možemo zajedno da vežbamo cool.gif

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Jer ima neko od vas neki smrdljivi podrum koji bi mogao da se preuredi u 1 pristojno mesto za vežbanje? :)Imam svu opremu za 1 kvalitetan underground strength training - olimpijsku šipku sa 100+ kg tegova, bučice, bugarsku vreću, gumene ekspandere, džak za boks, medicinku...Ako je neko u fazonu da ustupi prostor, ja ulećem sa opremom i možemo zajedno da vežbamo cool.gif
:wub: Avaj, kamo srece...Jos kad pomislim da sam maltene sve to doskora imao na gajbi... :( (tj. imam i sad, al' mi hvali™ prostora :frust:)EDIT: Ma samo da mi je 2 sa 2 prostora na gajbi, koliko treba za spiku. Radio bih clean&press i front squat kao manijak, eventualno deadlift i military press, i pretvorio se u zver u roku od 6 meseci. Edited by Milogled Bluff
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Ja ne mogu da vezbam ako nemam s kim da pricam izmedju serija. Zapravo, pre se moze reci da radim serije kad odmaram od price.
ajde to jos i nekako, ali stvarno ne kapiram ove sto blabla u toku istezanja, vjezbanja...pa nismo u sexualnom odnosu, rekoh jednome i on se naljuti
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