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I’ve been doing some dance workouts to get in shape. For what..? :)

Classic funk tracks are a sure fire way to get the body moving. I recently did an interview for a work-in-progress documentary about funk, which of course got me thinking about WHY this music does what it does to the body. My amateur conclusion is that it has something to do with the real or implied existence of two meters going simultaneously. The mind and body gets bored by a beat that’s too simple, and confused by one that’s too complicated (until you get used to it). Funk hits the sweet spot in the middle, often implying a 6/4 feel and a 4/4 feel at the same time (if we’re going to get technical). But of course, you don’t have to know all that to feel it!

-David Byrne



David Byrne Dancing GIF

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Danas u filmovima nema zaista muzike. Cak i "muzicki " filmovi su po difoltu operisani od muzike, ono sranje o Queen npr. Ovo je zaista 1 nivo, standard bi moralo biti.

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30 godina Damija, ali nisu svi u raspoloženju




Niko nije isti kao prije 30 godina, ali baš zvuči nadrndano.


Bet obilježila pozitivnim postom i pošalicom (i ima novi album, neloš)

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  • 2 weeks later...
4 hours ago, Valkyrie said:

Ovo zvuči kao neki kafanski hit.


"Osim Maršalaaa, osim Mar-Ša-Laaa"


He'll be back ☠️

film terminator GIF

Tako se Jimi Hendrix zvao: James Mashall Hendrih. Iz Seattle, odatle su i on in Boeing (aircrafts) , Microsoft, Starbucks. Rasadnik talenata i preduzetnistva. Samo ne pomeni stalne kishe.

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1 minute ago, Midžeta said:

Pa i ima Hendrixa na avataru covek :lol:

Jimi Hendrix, moj omiljeni gitarista. Cerka je volela njegove pesme a za bass nije bilo nesto prostora. Woodo Chile, All Along the Watchtower. Legendarne pesme.

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